View Full Version : Feeling Let Down By Health Professionals at MIND (UK)

06-09-2015, 08:18 PM
Well, I have been trying to get into Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for over a year and a half. I kept on leaving messages on their answering machine, because nobody ever picked up the phone.
I called them every week (not joking) from July 2014 to February 2015. The only way I got to talk to them was by being sneaky and choosing the psychologist option instead of the reception desk.
I finally got on the list, but a right telling off for picking the wrong option! What list you may ask me? Well, the waiting list... A waiting list of at least four months!
We are on the fourth month now, so I decided to call them up last week and ask for an update on my waiting list position, since I am really ready to get some additional help.
Guess what? Nobody picked up, nobody returned my message on the answering machine.

Now, I feel really let down and I must admit that I do not have much confidence in these people to help me. I could go private, but we won't be able to afford it until after the holiday (which was the entire reason why I wanted to get some therapy for. That way I could make it through with some decent CBT tools). Even though some healthcare is free in the UK, I have never been so disappointed and let down...

Just needed that out there. I've had a lot of pent up anger today, I thought venting might help.

06-09-2015, 09:02 PM
Hopeless. I despair for people new to anxiety who have to rely on the public system (anywhere). When I was diagnosed in 1993 things weren't so bad. I saw a psychiatrist for nothing every week for a long time. No way anyone gets that now. I'm seeing a psychologist at the moment and even with a referral and a concession card I still have to pay $155 up front (and get most of it back through Medicare). But I only get six sessions like that.

I don't blame you at all for feeling frustrated. You pretty much have to take matters into your own hands nowadays.

06-09-2015, 09:21 PM
Well, I have been trying to get into Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for over a year and a half. I kept on leaving messages on their answering machine, because nobody ever picked up the phone. I called them every week (not joking) from July 2014 to February 2015. The only way I got to talk to them was by being sneaky and choosing the psychologist option instead of the reception desk. I finally got on the list, but a right telling off for picking the wrong option! What list you may ask me? Well, the waiting list... A waiting list of at least four months! We are on the fourth month now, so I decided to call them up last week and ask for an update on my waiting list position, since I am really ready to get some additional help. Guess what? Nobody picked up, nobody returned my message on the answering machine. Now, I feel really let down and I must admit that I do not have much confidence in these people to help me. I could go private, but we won't be able to afford it until after the holiday (which was the entire reason why I wanted to get some therapy for. That way I could make it through with some decent CBT tools). Even though some healthcare is free in the UK, I have never been so disappointed and let down... Just needed that out there. I've had a lot of pent up anger today, I thought venting might help.

Kixxi, until you get into the CBT program, get yourself the book "mind over mood" it is a workbook that will teach you about CBT. Most therapists in Canada and likely in the UK use it.

At least while you wait you can get familiar with how it works.

06-09-2015, 09:51 PM
Kixxi, until you get into the CBT program, get yourself the book "mind over mood" it is a workbook that will teach you about CBT. Most therapists in Canada and likely in the UK use it.

At least while you wait you can get familiar with how it works.

Great tip, I'll check that out. I've got a few books on CBT, but do not have that one yet :)

06-10-2015, 06:01 AM
Wow, that sucks. I went to Mind about 5 years ago. They were pretty good then. Are they struggling with funding or something now? The few outlets they had near me have all closed down. They were there for ages too.

I think you can learn enough to get you through your holiday from a good book. Then afterwards you can probably build on what you've already learnt with a therapist. Sadly these stories of being let down in the UK are becoming far too common now.

Hope yours hols are still enjoyable, Kixx

06-10-2015, 08:34 AM
Kixxi, until you get into the CBT program, get yourself the book "mind over mood" it is a workbook that will teach you about CBT. Most therapists in Canada and likely in the UK use it.

At least while you wait you can get familiar with how it works.

I'm going to take a look at this too :)

06-11-2015, 10:08 AM
Well I finally got to speak to someone today and I found out the waiting list has been increased by another two months, which means I won't get any therapy until August.... Great... They did offer me group therapy, but they were not sure if I'd be eligible since I'll be on holiday during the second week of the group therapy. I know they are overcrowded and they cannot help it, but seriously I been waiting for therapy for more than a year and a half...