View Full Version : panic attack sufferer and Started taking "pre work out" and supplements...

06-09-2015, 07:16 PM
most of you will think i am stupid... i work out a lot and my anxiety has been good... i started taking a thermogenicc.. its called performix sst if u look it up... all natural etc.. i felt great on it !! been about 3 weeks.. THAN i added in pre work out supplement.. which i was a bit nervous for... although all ingredients r natural ...its called c4 by cellulour... ever since taking the pre work out i started feeling not well... today i had my first panic attack in months and i was terrified... now i am worried if its from that etc.... is anyone else a gym rat who also suffers from anxiety and panic attacks and have taken any fat burners / pre work outs? i felt fine till i added in the c4 pre work out .. hmm .. i just want to lose weight !!!

06-09-2015, 07:24 PM
Hiya, Lexiiiiiiiiiii

I still frequent the gym quite often but it wasn't long ago since I was obsessed

The stuff you took, not giving you a panic attack

You thinking it can is giving you a panic attack

I only took heavy fat burners 12 weeks out if the year only when cycling Creatine

Fat burners tend to get your blood pressure up and if you notice yourself feeling jittery with a high heart rate and it scares you, here comes the panic

It just gets your body going is all. Understand that is what they do should make you feel better

06-09-2015, 07:31 PM
I think you could probably solve your weight loss problem and your anxiety problem by ditching the supps and going on a low-ish carb diet. If you cut out all major sugars for a month, you'll not only lose weight but balance your blood sugar too.

That's just a thought. I'm not really a fan of fat burners, personally. Green tea, exercise and a solid diet will get you to a healthy weight.

06-09-2015, 08:08 PM
thanks for the reply!! .. yes the fat burners.. "sst" were great.. working well and felt great on them .. wasn't until i added in the pre work out powder that i felt nervous and than today a panic attack... the pre work out gives u pins and needles and weird feeling while working out but i was fine.. its more of what i read about it and thinking what if what if and worrying that way i guess... i never felt my heart racing t all while taking these supplements just today ( i had only taken my fat burner sst ) and while i was at work i was thinking .. annd boom .. attack..
i did reading online and it does say people with anxiety shouldn't take them .. but chose to ignore that? i don't want it to counteract with my anxiety meds? hmm ..

06-09-2015, 08:19 PM
I'm totally with Jesse on this one. Ditch the supplements except maybe a good multi vitamin, cut out the useless carbs in your diet, ie: grain products and sugar, if it didn't grow or you can't kill it, don't eat it. Any extra weight you have will fall off with not much effort.

Your body will thank you in ways you never dreamed of.
