View Full Version : is depression the reason 4 me being so home bound? plz read

08-24-2008, 02:41 PM
hi all im a 22 year old guy and have had anxiety disorder for 7 years now.

over the time me not doing anything has resulted in agoriaphobia and a personality disorder.
i am getting help at the moment but nothing has been said about depression.

i had depression when i was 18 and went on meds only for about 4 months.

but i think depression is the main course for my problems rite now.
i never want to do anything i never feel happy and i dont work.

but i think to my self that if i could just do all the things i used to do(surfing fishing friends) my progress would pick up.

with agoriaphobia i dont really get scared to go out anywhere now but the lack of enthuseatium and self motiveation stops me.(depression)

so with all my disorders i have i think that i could handle them and recover from them if i could be bothered doing anything.

i know where and what i wanna do in live but i cant get my self around to doing it.

what do you think if i saw my doc and went on depression meds?

and they helped me because i think if i strat to do things that i used to then my progress with my other disorders will be greatley improved thanks.

08-24-2008, 10:03 PM
im not a fan of med's but if thats what you feel you need to get you out and going again then its worth a try. but once you are on depression meds its pretty much a life long thing- at least that's what i learned in my abnormal psychology class in college.

i read a book called Feeling Good that really helped me. it helps to take things little by little and not overwhelm with all the things that have to be done.

im like you- no motivation to do anything at all. i could seriously stay in bed all day everyday for the rest of my life. but what i noticed is that things got really bad if i didnt do anything. so, my motivation became not getting suicidal and psychotic again...not much of a motivator but whatever works.