View Full Version : University Life...

06-09-2015, 01:01 AM
Hello, this is the first time I've post on this forum, lets me tell about my story

Well my university's life just began only 3 days ago, and I feels like I don't have anyone to talk like what I used to in high school. Yes, there's some of my friends from high school come study in my university, but they studied on others departments. and they start to left out me for no reason, I do nothing wrong. I understand that they could have busy on study, but I tried to hang out at my home and they said yes, no one actually come. Do they already ignored me now?

Also meanwhile, I have some anxiety about meeting new persons, and I'm somewhat shy. so still, I don't have any friend in university.. yet. I tried to talk to them but sometime I'm a bit awkward and laugh at me, I don't know. I just don't want to go anywhere anymore and wants to stay at home 24/7. I feels like university life is such a toxic to me, more toxic than high school ones.

What should I do, I'm pretty frustrated with it. Its ridiculous that I have 2 problems at the same time..

06-09-2015, 07:15 PM
Hello Pote2639,

I'm sorry that's happening to you right now, going to university is tricky and you will find that when you move away from high school, your friendships will change. Try not to be too upset with your friends at the moment, it might be something as simple as they are trying to fit in and make new friends also, that doesn't mean they're going to completely cut you out. Also like you said, its only been 3 days so I'm sure its just been that they are trying to get themselves settled in. I went to college for a few years before I went to university and my first year at college all my friends were doing the same thing and I was away in a different campus doing something completely different and I also felt like I was alone. However, this ended up just being something that lasted a little while and I still hung out with my old friends but I was also able to make new friends which you will do too :). How about asking your friends if they wanted to meet for lunch one day? Or go out somewhere at the weekend? I'm sure your friends care about you very much but they may just need a little time to get all their affairs in order before they are ready to be social. I understand that its so tough to make new friends in University, I think since the classes are larger there's less opportunities to interact with people who are doing the same subject as you. Have you thought of joining a society? A lot of the societies have mixers and that would be a great way for you to meet some other people in your class? There are also usually a tonne of different societies that might suit your hobbies. I'm sure those people are not laughing at you, but if they make you feel uncomfortable there will be other people you can make friends with. Try to stay positive, University can be a wonderful experience and you're going to have so much fun at University, so try to keep your chin up and I promise it will all get easier and better xx

06-09-2015, 09:18 PM
Hi sachie1,

Thanks you very much for your positive comment!

I'm a bit of introvert and doesn't like to go hang out though (even with my old friends when I was at high school, I rarely to go out with them. duh.) and sometime I feels uncomfortable with a large crowds. But I guess I have to change since university have A LOT of group works, even more than high school.

Although I've tried not to think about my old friends until they're contacted to me or so. but like you said, maybe they're just busy. (but strange that some are not answer my text even I need some help to..) Also I'm able to find a new friend for now, not much familiar with him yet but I'm sure it will be better. by the ways I'm trying to avoid those guys who backlash at me and good things is they're actually on other campus so I couldn't cares less about them. And maybe I'll try to hang out to university's gym between old and new friends. (If I'm not that lazy, haha.)

I kindly thanks you again and I hope university life would be a whole new (nice) experience for me. I hope.