View Full Version : Holy anxiety

06-08-2015, 09:00 PM
This is pretty much just me venting..Anxiety has been up and down these past couple of days. i'll have a couple of okay days and something little will trigger my anxiety and leave me on edge and panicky all day. finally hit 3rd tri today, relieved to know it is almost over but now feeling anxious about having to take care of two kids, we still need so much to get since dh is unemployed, trying to figure out where to move.. just soo much going on in my life. still trying to cope without taking medication but it has been really difficult. Wondering if I can make it the next 12 weeks like this. I'm honestly just tired of feeling tired.. tired of the pregnancy hormones and severe anxiety. the constant on edge feeling.. I just wish I had a break. feeling pretty hopeless right now :(

06-08-2015, 09:14 PM
Hi Wish,

Vent away! 3rd Trimester does get really tiring. I remember sitting around playing computer games a lot. So you already have a little one to look after? That'd be tough - I only ever had the one! Sounds like a stressful time for you.

All the best,
Gypsy x

06-08-2015, 09:28 PM
Hi Wish,

Hang in there, hormone hell of pregnancy is well known to spike anxiety levels. Yes, you do have a lot in your plate and all the extra stress of being physically uncomfortable in the 3rd trimester doesn't help any.

Do what you can to carve out a little time for you in your day. A relaxing bath, a walk around the block by yourself, anything that you enjoy just for you.

I wish you well, and come back and vent if you need to, we have a member here who had 8 wks to go and we support her all the way, we can with you too.

All the best