View Full Version : How To Get Over Dirt Anxiety?

06-08-2015, 06:10 PM
Hi Everyone,

I am new to this forum. I suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder and depression. Ever since I could remember I have been disgusted by dirt and stains. For instance, if there is a dirty table with crumbs or food stains, I can't eat on it. If I must eat at the table, I have to hide the stain with a napkin or sit my plate over it. I lose my appetite. This goes for dirty plates, utensils, and cups. I will wash sometime a billion times if it is dirty, or I will avoid using an item that has a stain that I can't get off. I will avoid work tables that have liquid stains left by cups or mugs. I also cannot stand wet floors, they gross me out and I start feeling anxious and disgusted. Spots on mirrors bother me too as well as stains in sinks. I have a fear, for example, of my toothbrush falling into the sink or touching the sink handles. If that did happen, I would have to throw the toothbrush away and get a new one. Dirty seats also bother me. I cannot concentrate on relaxing--my focus is on what dirt I am sitting on. I will literally keep walking until I find a clean public seat.

I am currently interning somewhere for the summer and sharing a shower with 3 other people. They are actually very clean, but I can't help being anxious by the dirty shower curtain. It has several brown spots that I am sure if mold but it just disgusts me. I find myself thinking about it throughout the day. I dread taking showers. I do take these showers, but if I do, I have to avoid looking at the spots just to get through the shower. I find myself thinking about the spots in the middle of meals. I do make it through my food but just get disgusted.

I am for the most part okay--I am enjoying my stay, the roommates are nice, and I feel good overall. When I am distracted, I hardly think about how the bathroom I am sharing grosses me out. I am just wondering if anyone can relate and if they have advice on how I can get over this issue once and for all. It is kind of tiring to have to be navigating my way around the apartment trying to avoid dirt. I think that for my life in general, if I could get over this issue and just live my life being okay with a little dirt, I would feel less stressed. But I wonder if my stress and anxiety is causing this preoccupation with dirt.

06-08-2015, 06:23 PM
Hi Lury, welcome to the forum.
I think that it is ok to want things clean...... to some extent. I am hoping that someone else on the forum will step up and help you out better then what i can. My wife thinks i am a slob :( There are some fantastic folks on here who will have a more intelligent answer for ya.