View Full Version : Social Security Income is Charging me 2x when I already Re-Paid them $737.00!!!

06-06-2015, 10:28 PM
They sent me another bill for Repayment on over payment of my SDI Income for disability which I received last Summer. So I wrote a personal check to them and re-paid my bill Immediately. Then 1 month later I received a bill saying that they never received my payment. So I double checked with my bank, and the check for $737 written only to them, had been cashed. Apparently my bill was NEVER CLEARED though and I am feeling so ANGRY and TORTURED and have no where to go except to the overcrowded building in person, and probably must wait for hours on end to complain of this stupid issue which I had 1x already written and included the check # which had cleared and the amount and my social security #. I never got any feedback but was so busy recently and 1 month after that fiasco that I was very unprepared to receive a 2nd annoying letter now threatening to take $76 out of every SS check I receive for the next 10 months. But this threat has no basis as my check cleared the bank. I am annoyed that they even ignored my follow up letter from when I had this happen 1 month ago. The very same thing happened so this is 2x now that they are annoying w/o fair documentation and just blindly re-billing me and threatening to take from all my future disability checks. I even wrote to The Whitehouse.gov and informed our President of the fact that someone inside working for our Social Security Dept must be accepting our Repayment checks, cashing and pocketing our money. This needs an IMMEDIATE INVESTIGATION. I cant calm down I am very furious over this arrogant mistake. Now I must take extra meds to help me calm down and go to sleep. But I shouldn't have to feel this way or do that . They are incompetent snakes who are cheating the people who are the most naive , senior citizens, and the disabled too. I hope you all write to Whitehouse.gov and complain too. We'll all help each other out w/o even having to run around outside protesting. This REALLY hurts ALL of US.....

06-07-2015, 04:24 AM
I'm writing to Obama on your behalf. This hurts all of us Blue. I'm not American, but I'm a human and watching a human being charged 2x is akin to murder in my eyes.

I would write to the Whitehouse.gov, but I know all the mail will just go in the bin. I'm writing straight to Barack himself. I'm going to get his address off of Nixon. He's always sending him hate mail.

I'm gonna contact Jesse Jackson too. Are you black by the way? If you're not, he might not come.

06-07-2015, 04:48 AM
Hi Bluerose,

Wow, that's not good, I thought the Canadian government was the only dumb ass institution that does stuff like that.

You have the facts, just get the cancelled check from the bank, make copies, front and back, don't let go of the original. If you are calling someone to deal with this, get 1 name as contact and deal with that person only. If you don't get a satisfactory resolution then start climbing the food chain. Their supervisor or manager is your next step.

This may take a bit of time to resolve but I have no doubt that all will turn out in your favor. Take it one step at a time.

Good luck, it will all work out I'm sure.

10-31-2015, 03:59 PM
Hi Bluerose,

Wow, that's not good, I thought the Canadian government was the only dumb ass institution that does stuff like that.

You have the facts, just get the cancelled check from the bank, make copies, front and back, don't let go of the original. If you are calling someone to deal with this, get 1 name as contact and deal with that person only. If you don't get a satisfactory resolution then start climbing the food chain. Their supervisor or manager is your next step.

This may take a bit of time to resolve but I have no doubt that all will turn out in your favor. Take it one step at a time.

Good luck, it will all work out I'm sure.

I'm Not too happy about many weird changes in the government here in my country. But have no choice, I was born n raised here, n have agoraphobia so I'm stuck forever here......

10-31-2015, 04:00 PM
They sent me another bill for Repayment on over payment of my SDI Income for disability which I received last Summer. So I wrote a personal check to them and re-paid my bill Immediately. Then 1 month later I received a bill saying that they never received my payment. So I double checked with my bank, and the check for $737 written only to them, had been cashed. Apparently my bill was NEVER CLEARED though and I am feeling so ANGRY and TORTURED and have no where to go except to the overcrowded building in person, and probably must wait for hours on end to complain of this stupid issue which I had 1x already written and included the check # which had cleared and the amount and my social security #. I never got any feedback but was so busy recently and 1 month after that fiasco that I was very unprepared to receive a 2nd annoying letter now threatening to take $76 out of every SS check I receive for the next 10 months. But this threat has no basis as my check cleared the bank. I am annoyed that they even ignored my follow up letter from when I had this happen 1 month ago. The very same thing happened so this is 2x now that they are annoying w/o fair documentation and just blindly re-billing me and threatening to take from all my future disability checks. I even wrote to The Whitehouse.gov and informed our President of the fact that someone inside working for our Social Security Dept must be accepting our Repayment checks, cashing and pocketing our money. This needs an IMMEDIATE INVESTIGATION. I cant calm down I am very furious over this arrogant mistake. Now I must take extra meds to help me calm down and go to sleep. But I shouldn't have to feel this way or do that . They are incompetent snakes who are cheating the people who are the most naive , senior citizens, and the disabled too. I hope you all write to Whitehouse.gov and complain too. We'll all help each other out w/o even having to run around outside protesting. This REALLY hurts ALL of US.....

Thank you for your supportive feedback.