View Full Version : A Key to peace: Gratitude, 5 day challenge

06-06-2015, 11:42 AM
This thread is a tribute to GeneAllen, a wonderful man and long time member of the anxiety forum. Gene started this thread some time ago, unfortunately it got buried and we don't see it all that often any more. This exercise allows us to look for and appreciate the positives in our lives, something that those of us living with anxiety sometimes have difficulty doing.

Thank you to Nixon for suggesting we put it in the general area so more people can see it and hopefully benefit from it.

So, here goes, today I am grateful for:

Sunshine.... A beautiful day lifts my spirits and let's me see the good in life.

Friends....old and new ones here in this forum, you lift me up when I need a hand, I only hope I can do the same for you when necessary.

My dogs....crazy animals they are, they are so full of unconditional love.

My husband.... The man I love more than any other on earth, he is going through a tough time. Right now, but no matter how much pain he is in is always there for me.

Tylenol 3..... My key to pain free existence, enough said.

What are you grateful for today?

06-06-2015, 11:53 AM
GeneAllen, where you at my brother? Ok, I participated in the last thread, so I'll get this one going too. :) Nice bump, Pam.

1. I'm thankful for being a native English speaker. I make virtually all of my money now from words, so that's essential to me. The food I'm about to eat, paid for by the English language!

2. I'm thankful for the sunshine. It really does pick up my mood and energize me.

3. I'm thankful for Kenny Chesney. I don't like him, but he makes Nixon happy.

4. And finally, I'm thankful for all of ya'll. I spend a lot of time coming to this forum inbetween writing or reading sessions. Ya'll are like family to me.

06-06-2015, 12:40 PM
1. Sunshine and no humidity
2. Got yesterday Annabel hydrognea, I wanted for years, it is planted
3. My beautiful garden
4. Day so far free of anxiety and pain
5. two days of freedom from work ;))

06-06-2015, 12:45 PM
1. Sunshine and no humidity 2. Got yesterday Annabel hydrognea, I wanted for years, it is planted 3. My beautiful garden 4. Day so far free of anxiety and pain 5. two days of freedom from work ;))

Yay on getting the Annabelle! I love them, have one I planted last year, and, it actually survived the winter.

06-06-2015, 02:36 PM
3. I'm thankful for Kenny Chesney. I don't like him, but he makes Nixon happy.

Hahahaha. Way to holla at ya boy's happiness!

06-06-2015, 03:00 PM
Okay, I will give this a go =

1. My wife and kids. Without them I would just be a single guy being able to just relax on the weekends whilst going out in the evening and meeting, then proceeding to sleep with different women..............uh, wait, what? I need a re-do

1. Summertime - Nothing better for my soul than to be out on the water

2. Family - They never seem to be able to find a reason to disown me

3. Drop Bears

4. All you anxious fu*ks on Anxiety Forum. Anxiety sucks but it sure can be fun with ya'll

5. My wife and kids - I was kidding above! They are my world

06-06-2015, 03:04 PM
Okay, I will give this a go = 1. My wife and kids. Without them I would just be a single guy being able to just relax on the weekends whilst going out in the evening and meeting, then proceeding to sleep with different women. Uh, ......nevermind 1. Summertime - Nothing better for my soul than to be out on the water 2. Family - They never seem to be able to find a reason to disown me 3. Drop Bears 4. All you anxious fu*ks on Anxiety Forum. Anxiety sucks but it sure can be fun with ya'll 5. My wife and kids - I was kidding above! They are my world 2.

Please elaborate #3 drop bears? Yup, you have a special gift to be able to confuse se the hell out of me.

06-06-2015, 03:05 PM
Please elaborate #3 drop bears? Yup, you have a special gift to be able to confuse se the hell out of me.

I would refer you to one, GypsyLee for clarity on said drop bear :rolleyes:

06-06-2015, 03:20 PM
Ooh, I wanna try!

I am thankful for:

My kid. She is neat, even though she is still a moody teenager

My recent vacation from life. I may be exhausted today but I am dreadfully afraid my face is stuck with a permanent grin.

My moron dogs. Thank God they're cute because they are dumb as hell. Luckily they seem to like me so we have some pretty good one sided conversations.

My best friend, mentor, life coach dancing partner in crime. Since meeting him my life has been turned upside down, expanded, become brighter. Gag, so sappy.

Caffeine free Coke Zero. My gasoline.

The drop bear that escaped the college was found dead last thursday. Unfortunately it was found with what looks like chupacabra bite marks on it. So, no more drop bear, but now we have a chupacabra.

06-06-2015, 04:13 PM
Awe love this!

Today, I am thankful for:

•my family who supports my crazy butt!

•the blessing that is currently sticking his feet inside my ribs & punching my bladder

•the forum! You guys here are my second home

•sugar free ice cream, mmmmm

•lastly, I'm thankful for life! Though it may not be ideal at times, I'm happy to be here ❤️

06-06-2015, 06:32 PM
1. came back from long biking with my hubby without getting a heart attack :)
2. My garden is watered already
3. I feel good and my headache is almost gone
4. It was a beautiful and quiet day
5. I talked to my best friend today

06-07-2015, 05:12 AM
Sunday morning thoughts...
I'm thankful for:

An decent night sleep.....6.5 straight hours! Wow, I needed that.

Lilacs in full bloom..... The scent is heavenly as I sit on my doorstep with a cup of tea enjoying the birds and the morning quiet.

The little chipmunk who just ran past my feet. Such curious creatures, they seem to be in such a hurry. He is providing me with another source of amusement.

My physiotherapist.... She is teaching me new ways to manage pain. If the pain is managed then my anxiety levels are also manageable.

A beautiful morning which I hope will turn into a lovely day.

06-07-2015, 10:28 AM
1. The racket the kids make. Both boys spent the night at their cousins last night. You would think would be a night of calm and quite. Nope. I am bored when they're gone and hate not hearing them fighting.
2. The rain. Got a little dry here over the last few weeks and it seems we are back in business
3. Women's Tennis. That is the closest you will come to seeing naked women on TV in the afternoon on a non-cable channel.
4. Lane. My dog has a limp and it just eats and sleeps. Best dog ever.
5. Sundays. I love being lazy on a summer Sunday.

06-07-2015, 01:02 PM
Today I am thankful for shirtless chimichanga lunches shared with my partner in crime. I won't be so thankful when heartburn sets in but man are they tasty! Lunch and a show :3

Pandora radio. It fills up the quiet while my kid is away.

For A/C. Ugh it's hot as balls outside.

On a related note, I am thankful for being able to afford my meds. They have helped me get to a point to where I can mow my lawn in the sticky heat again.

Oh, and for my cream. My lawnmower covers me in grass that gives me hives. Nothing beats a good shower and some prescription strength lathering.

06-07-2015, 07:05 PM
I had to google Chimichanga and OMG that thing looks nice!

Grateful for:

-My now very comfortable life
-My best friend in Switzerland
-My brain (for not collapsing)
-My daughter's health
-Laughter and funny friends (you know who you are!)

06-08-2015, 12:00 AM
Today I am grateful for:

•my body pillow

•ice cold water


•my cat that I love so much!

06-08-2015, 05:39 AM
Today I am grateful for:

The rain that has been falling all night. It is way too dry for early June.

My little cat who likes to shove me out of the way so she can lay on my heating pad.

My husband, the man of my dreams who makes every day worth while.

The little birds who captivate me for seemly endless amounts of time.

My ability to look past my own issues so that I can offer a helping hand to those here who need it.

06-08-2015, 12:15 PM
Today I am grateful for:
- having a job even though it causes me stress and anxiety at times
- my boyfriend, who can make me smile even on my worst days :)
- for the little things because some days they mean so much
- for Anxiety Forum and all of the personalities that visit here this place wouldn't be the same without you
- clean water, because not everyone has that luxury

06-08-2015, 03:42 PM
I'm usually pretty bad about doing this whole grateful thing, so I feel like this a good idea for me. :)

1. My husband.. is our relationship perfect? ha, no. But through everything he is still my rock and loves me and my craziness. I love him very much.

2. My doggies!! They are my babies.. also a good source of entertainment.. they do the weirdest things.

3. Tequila... for the days I'm just not feeling super happy, this helps me get there. Just a little bit of it though. ;)

4. Gum... So when I am really anxious I can just chew on gum all day long and it helps calm my nerves..

5. Music... just the best thing ever for me. Has kept me sane, really.

06-08-2015, 06:01 PM
1. The new members. Every time I start thinking about how it was here, people join in and it makes me forget about the past. Awesome

2. Foreplay - If I wasn't so damn good at it, my wife would have easily left me for a guy from the UK whose name rhymes with Nessie

3. Summer storms - just watched one go through. Totally summer

4. Alcohol - I know anxious people should be leary of it. I say nope. Drink up bitches. Life gets friggin really fun!

5. Dahila - because she told me if I didn't mention her here, it was back in the closet hand washing her laundry again

06-08-2015, 06:34 PM
5. For a bit of sun today
4. For my new extra vision glasses
3. For an awesome baked chicken I made today
2. For my awesome friends here
1. For Nixon who never cease to amaze me and make me laugh. Thank you for Nixon:))

06-08-2015, 06:57 PM
1. My wife and kids
2. my parents for not giving up on me
3.My new Job
4.nicoteen free for two months ( still sucks though )
5. My friends that i have met on here. who make me laugh, give me sound advice (music titles) and who are here when i am down.

06-09-2015, 12:58 AM
Today I am grateful for:

1. Chocolate Almond Milk. I have really, REALLY missed my chocolate milk, and soy is gross... but almond milk is amazing!!

2. The opportunity to go out of town this week. Apparently all the jackhammering and noisy work on the sidewalk is being redone (my driveway was jacked up badly last week by having a sudden storm show up right after they poured the concrete.) ..and I won't be there.

3. Having the chance to freak out my neighbor while he hid behind the fence smoking pot. The bf and I were working on our backyard project and decided to rather loudly detail some of our recent intimate escapades. My neighbor was stoned and revolted for sure, but could help chuckling behind the fence. I yelled "aHA! I KNEW it wasn't a skunk out here!" He dropped his lighter and literally ran inside, slamming the door. Classic comedy.

4. Catching my super batty former MIL in an outright lie and listening to her stammer. After years of hateful battering it felt good to grow a spine and stop her in her tracks. She hasn't called me in 2 days AND she is has agreed to give instead of sell me the antique curio cabinet that was stolen from my house when my husband died.

5. Having awesome parents. Need I say more?

06-09-2015, 03:59 PM
Today I am grateful for:

1. Chocolate Almond Milk. I have really, REALLY missed my chocolate milk, and soy is gross... but almond milk is amazing!!

mmm chocolate almond milk is bomb! Now I want some lol.

Okay! Day 2 for me..

1. White coffee- keeping me awake today.

2. A nice car that runs without issues- I had to drive a lot today for work and I just love not having to stress about it breaking down.. Like my old beater cars from high school lol.

3. Air Conditioning- it's been like 90 degrees here the past 3 days and I would be dying in my house without it.

4. The sunshine!!- as much as I need my air conditioner for my house, I DO love the sun and how beautiful Washington looks when its pretty outside here.

5. A bomb sandwich I had for lunch today that a drug rep brought in- seriously, I think one of the best sandwiches I have ever had.

That is all :)

06-09-2015, 04:44 PM
Today I am grateful for:

Every minute of every day I get to spend with my husband.

Medical technology and the ability to see issues

Doctors who are truly on the ball

My parents without whom I would be lost

An ex-husband who can stop being an asshole when I really need help with our son.

06-09-2015, 04:50 PM
Today has been a very trying day!! Let's see what I'm grateful for today..

•kind people. Someone gave me brand new baby formula for free ❤️

•my pool to cool me off this summer

•buffalo sauce. I'm addicted to buffalo chicken salads!!

•my eye sight. Watching my mom go through her eye surgeries makes me very happy I can see

06-10-2015, 07:10 PM
Today I am grateful for so much......

Tornado watches for my area turned out there were no tornados around me, a couple of nerve jangling thunder storms but all is good now.

My husband feels good after his first chemo treatment. Hopefully the next 2 days turns out as good.

My dad's credit card....went out and bought husband an iPod touch, 4 hours sitting having chemotherapy and nothing to do isn't gonna cut it. He loves his music so the iPod was all he wanted. Dang he could have gone for an iPad but that's not his style.

Accupuncture, a half hour of nothing to do except lie face down with needles in your back.....priceless.

Today turned out better than I had prepared myself for.

Lastly, and I say this every day, I am grateful for the love of my life, my amazing husband.

07-01-2015, 05:25 AM
What a nice idea !

1) I am grateful to have a roof over my head, a safe place to live.
2) I am grateful to have great friends around me, here to support me.
3) I am grateful of having caring parents.
4) I am grateful of having a good physical health.
5) I am grateful living in a part of the world where I can get in touch with people from all around the world and learn things freely, with just my computer.

07-02-2015, 12:35 PM
Day two !

1) I am grateful to live near such beautiful nature that I can enjoy.
2) I am grateful for the sunny weather we have these days.
3) I am grateful for my beautiful cat. ^.^
4) The delicious apricots I have just eaten.
5) I am grateful that I can take the time to take care of myself.

08-23-2015, 02:21 AM
Day One

1. I am thankful for being alive.

2. I am thankful for my mom, my dad, and my brother.

3. I am thankful for my improving health.

4. I am thankful for the few friends I have.

5. I am thankful for pro-wrestling and the Walking Dead.

08-23-2015, 10:17 PM
Day 2

1. I am grateful for food
2. I am grateful for kind people
3. I am grateful for friends
4. I am grateful for dogs
5. I am grateful for this forum

08-24-2015, 12:37 AM

1. I am grateful for this grateful thread.
2. I am grateful that everyone can be grateful.
3. I am grateful for everything & everyone that makes me, me.
4. I am grateful because I Know I am great.
5. Most of all, I am grateful that everyone ... is as great as me.


I am as great as those ... who think they are greater than me!

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5783/20213445454_179d3df3e9_n.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/wNcc7f)