View Full Version : Do you ever feel like nothing is really fun anymore?

06-06-2015, 09:21 AM
Sometimes I hang out with friends and do things like go shopping and stuff, but I feel like I get home and I think about the time that I spent and I don't really think that I had a good time or a bad time. I just felt like I spent time with them and that was that. I don't know if this makes any sense. I guess sometimes I'm just so focused on my anxiety and lately my anxiety hasn't even been that bad, but I've been experiencing derealization for a while now and that's about the only symptom I've been experiencing which is a bit annoying. I think the derealization makes me focus on not feeling real and so I can't focus on my friends or other peoples' feelings. Sometimes I feel really selfish like I'm only focusing on my feelings because that's what anxiety is all about, right?

A couple days ago I attended a wedding with my boyfriend. It was a really beautiful wedding, but when I got back home I kinda felt like I didn't have a really good time, but I didn't have a bad time either. I just had...time. Sometimes I think I feel like this because all of my experiences in the past feel like dreams a bit. Nothing feels like they 100% happened even though I know they did. Is this common with anxiety? Or derealization or something? I'm kinda lost on this. :/

06-06-2015, 10:47 AM
Derealization just blows and tnat would make sense if that was why you are feeling the way you do.

From my perspective, shopping isn't fun. Weddings can be beautiful yet they are painfully boring. The reception can be fun if you end up making out with the maid of honor, I suppose .

I would be curious, and maybe you already know the answer, if you did things like go cart racing or water skiing or a kick ass concert, do you belive you would feel the same way after getting home? Those are truly fun things.

06-06-2015, 11:51 AM
Derealization just blows and tnat would make sense if that was why you are feeling the way you do.

From my perspective, shopping isn't fun. Weddings can be beautiful yet they are painfully boring. The reception can be fun if you end up making out with the maid of honor, I suppose .

I would be curious, and maybe you already know the answer, if you did things like go cart racing or water skiing or a kick ass concert, do you belive you would feel the same way after getting home? Those are truly fun things.

I like shopping, but usually only when I have money to spend. :P So I enjoy it sometimes, but even things that I normally enjoy I can't seem to have a good time or bad time. I don't like concerts too much, but the wedding was with my boyfriend who was best man and the couple getting married was pretty good friends of mine. The venue was gorgeous and we even stayed in a hotel and hung out the next day. Sometimes I think that I overthink it and try to somehow convince myself that I didn't have a good time because of my anxiety.

Something I really enjoy is travelling which is expensive, but actually I think I would really enjoy it if I could afford it.

06-06-2015, 03:49 PM

You might find the links Jessed03 just put up helpful. The thread title is Depersonalizaton/ de realization.

06-07-2015, 08:13 PM
Sometimes I hang out with friends and do things like go shopping and stuff, but I feel like I get home and I think about the time that I spent and I don't really think that I had a good time or a bad time. I just felt like I spent time with them and that was that. I don't know if this makes any sense. I guess sometimes I'm just so focused on my anxiety and lately my anxiety hasn't even been that bad, but I've been experiencing derealization for a while now and that's about the only symptom I've been experiencing which is a bit annoying. I think the derealization makes me focus on not feeling real and so I can't focus on my friends or other peoples' feelings. Sometimes I feel really selfish like I'm only focusing on my feelings because that's what anxiety is all about, right?

A couple days ago I attended a wedding with my boyfriend. It was a really beautiful wedding, but when I got back home I kinda felt like I didn't have a really good time, but I didn't have a bad time either. I just had...time. Sometimes I think I feel like this because all of my experiences in the past feel like dreams a bit. Nothing feels like they 100% happened even though I know they did. Is this common with anxiety? Or derealization or something? I'm kinda lost on this. :/

I feel the same way, however, I think I am so obsessed with the panic and the anxiety that things that should be fun turn into a task... Hoping to change that.

06-08-2015, 03:37 PM
Sometimes I hang out with friends and do things like go shopping and stuff, but I feel like I get home and I think about the time that I spent and I don't really think that I had a good time or a bad time. I just felt like I spent time with them and that was that. I don't know if this makes any sense. I guess sometimes I'm just so focused on my anxiety and lately my anxiety hasn't even been that bad, but I've been experiencing derealization for a while now and that's about the only symptom I've been experiencing which is a bit annoying. I think the derealization makes me focus on not feeling real and so I can't focus on my friends or other peoples' feelings. Sometimes I feel really selfish like I'm only focusing on my feelings because that's what anxiety is all about, right?

A couple days ago I attended a wedding with my boyfriend. It was a really beautiful wedding, but when I got back home I kinda felt like I didn't have a really good time, but I didn't have a bad time either. I just had...time. Sometimes I think I feel like this because all of my experiences in the past feel like dreams a bit. Nothing feels like they 100% happened even though I know they did. Is this common with anxiety? Or derealization or something? I'm kinda lost on this. :/

Mine isn't so much that I feel like I just spent "time" after an outing(unless it was really miserable and boring), but I get in these moods where nothing SOUNDS fun. I can't find a single damn thing I want to do, even though I would usually jump on the opportunity. On those days I just settle for my couch and some Netflix, even if I end up going between shows and movies all day long haha..

I think it's a pretty common thing to experience this feeling though. Most people would tell you it's more of an effects of depression, if it's happening quiet often. Just a thought.

Chris LaVigne
06-09-2015, 01:03 AM
I feel like this sooooooo often. For me it is really the worst part of my anxiety.

For things I know I would enjoy, I feel anxious about doing them instead. If it's a movie I really want to see, I worry it won't live up to my expectations. If it's hanging out with my amazing girlfriend, I worry we won't find anything to talk about.

And then afterward, I feel like you describe it. Things weren't bad, but they weren't great. Often, things just seem like something I lived through without emotion.

Right now, I'm wondering how much my diet and amount of exercise has to do with it. Because there definitely are times here and there where I feel genuinely awesome and happy and back to my normal self and I wonder if they correspond to times when I'm adequately nourished and full of energy.

06-09-2015, 11:11 AM
Yes, it's been a long time for me.

06-09-2015, 07:00 PM
I feel like this sooooooo often. For me it is really the worst part of my anxiety.

For things I know I would enjoy, I feel anxious about doing them instead. If it's a movie I really want to see, I worry it won't live up to my expectations. If it's hanging out with my amazing girlfriend, I worry we won't find anything to talk about.

And then afterward, I feel like you describe it. Things weren't bad, but they weren't great. Often, things just seem like something I lived through without emotion.

Right now, I'm wondering how much my diet and amount of exercise has to do with it. Because there definitely are times here and there where I feel genuinely awesome and happy and back to my normal self and I wonder if they correspond to times when I'm adequately nourished and full of energy.

That's exactly how I would describe it. I hope this feeling will stop for me once I get over this anxiety.