View Full Version : why does nobody ever answer

06-06-2015, 09:21 AM
i made a thread many hours ago
okay it may have been long winded but basically i go through panic/ anxiety bouts every few months

when they happen they last 2 weeks or so where i am constantly worried about things like being burgled or having enough money or am i being followed etc
i spend my time repeating phrases in my head to re-assure myself, and doing silly things like googling crime in the area to assure myself i am safe

there is nothing to trigger it, it just randomly happens

and when it happens it just takes over my life

i take ciloptram i had stopped it recently thats maybe what caused the anxiety to come back?

already after taking it today, i feel 50% better

06-06-2015, 05:50 PM
Sometimes it is better that way...... not all, but some replies that people get are rather sad. You tend to see a lot of posts that come off as bashing and the "you're stupid" kind of thing.

I find it is better to click around and just observe unless you can't find what you are looking for or really need personalized help.

I'm sorry that no one has acknowledged you....

Do you think your medication should be switched around? Have you talked to your doctor... I would consider it as you might not be taking the right thing.

06-06-2015, 06:30 PM
elibabes sorry no one answered, but it is summer people are busy and probably enjoying the sun, I am
I am old woman and I wasted my life worrying about something I could not change. The only relieve is meditation or it was, and now I am on meds too. Ciltopram gives me major side effects on the beginning and you can not stop suddenly AD , I had done it and paid a high price with a few weeks of suffering. YOu need to ween slowly from any meds benzos or AD. Never ever stopped AD without doctor advice :))

06-07-2015, 07:31 PM
Do you mean the "repeating phrases" post? A few of us answered.. (Then derailed it sorry) :)

06-07-2015, 08:21 PM
i made a thread many hours ago
okay it may have been long winded but basically i go through panic/ anxiety bouts every few months

when they happen they last 2 weeks or so where i am constantly worried about things like being burgled or having enough money or am i being followed etc
i spend my time repeating phrases in my head to re-assure myself, and doing silly things like googling crime in the area to assure myself i am safe

there is nothing to trigger it, it just randomly happens

and when it happens it just takes over my life

i take ciloptram i had stopped it recently thats maybe what caused the anxiety to come back?

already after taking it today, i feel 50% better

Hi Eli,

I am currently on citalopram, switched from Sertraline, and my anxiety has gone down a considerable amount. However, it does not take your anxiety away completely. Even with medication I am still struggling.
My point being that a person always needs therapy as well. Have you seen someone for you anxiety? It may seem like a task in the beginning, but what's the harm right?

Also, what struck me about your post is that you repeat phrases in your head. To me, that sounds like a compulsion. Have you had any other compulsive types of behavior?

Kind regards,