View Full Version : stomach/eating issues

08-23-2008, 02:15 PM
These past few days i've been very depressed about my best friend, who's also the girl i'm in love with, moving out of state for a school semester, living with her aunt and uncle. I've been having some problems eating. I've been getting hungry, but no food sounds good enough to reach my mouth and i've also have had some digestive problems and nausea. I have more anxiety issues, then depression. This last weekend, my body seemed to be fighting an infection of some sort, i've had a swollen groin lymph node, boil and possibly a pilonidal cyst. I went to the doctor about that after googling it up myself, first off thinking i had lyme disease or cancer. The doctor suspected that the possible cyst was what caused the swollen lymph node.
Well, the day before i visited the doctor, the girl whom i'm in love with, not the doctor, visited me at my home and talked to me about when, where and why she was leaving. It left me depressed and worried, about her maybe finding a guy that kept her there. That night, i had very little to eat at dinner, but was able to eat it without a problem. When i got into bed, my stomach started turning and growling, so i got up and ate two bowls of cereal, which didn't seem to do anything. My stomach just kept bothering me through the night. The next day i awoke and was filled with a little anxiety about last night, hoping i would be feeling fine the next day, which i wasn't. Went out to get a bite to eat(two slices of pizza, which i can normally handle) and only ate the one, slowly. When i got home that day, i googled in my symptoms, like i'm sure just about everyone on this site does, and it came up with a few different things, including stomach cancer. Now, on an average day, with some eating problems, i wouldn't be so worried about stomach cancer. But, when i'm still getting over some type of infection with a swollen groin lymph node, about the size of a grape, i don't doubt too many things.
I'm still trying to get over this, if anyone has had any similar experience, please leave feedback. I would appreciate it.

09-02-2008, 04:56 PM
First things first. Stop self-diagnosing yourself. Google doesn't have a PhD and neither do you. For example, type dry-mouth into Google and see how many corresponding illnesses or diseases you can find that are accompanied by dry-mouth.

Most likely all of your physical symptoms are manifestations of your depression, stress & anxiety. I've been having especially horrible anxiety in the past month, and though I may be "hungry", I don't have an appetite. Strange way of wording it, but to clarify -- my stomach will GROWL and growl, but I will have no desire to eat whatsoever.

Believe me, and many other people on here will tell you. Anxiety & Depression (including stress, etc) can cause a SHITLOAD of physical symptoms. Don't get worked up over it. Let your doctor do his job, and in the meantime maybe you should consider seeing a therapist? I can relate with you, though, my girlfriend of about 3 years just left for college. 3 hours away. It's rough, but if I can handle it, you can.

good luck & next time you want to google your symptoms, resist the urge. its no good. have faith in your doctor, and if anything seek out a second opinion.

09-15-2008, 03:25 PM
Relax, you don't have stomach cancer. If you did, you would've never even gotten one slice of pizza down without puking it back up...too much sauce and acidic stuff (unless it was white pizza). It doesn't matter how slowly you eat it. And like Matt said, google does NOT have a Ph.D. The only time I "google" my symptoms is when I don't necessarily agree with a diagnosis a doctor has given me. Sometimes it opens my eyes, sometimes it makes me realize the doctor didn't really listen to me haha.

09-30-2008, 03:09 PM
you are prefectly fine! i promise, when i get upset, anxious and depressed i don't like to eat, i completely lose my appetite and i feel terrible. its a matter of fighting it off and i know its horribly difficult, but its something you got to work at for awile before anything substantial happens, try to have hope and smile :) tomorrows a whole new day.