View Full Version : Holy Shit

06-05-2015, 01:11 AM
Its been a long time since I've posted. My anxiety has been almost non existent and I have been conquering one road block at a time that I let hold me back before. But I just woke up from the most horrific dream ever and it will not leave me. I used to get night terrors when I was little and when I would wake up I could not get out of the dream of shake the fear for a little while. That is what this feels like. I turned on my light got online splashed water on my face. Its fading but the fear was so intense and not shaking off like a normal nightmare. I don't even know what the dream was about. Something about me dying and having some kind of heart attack, I don't know. I am almost afraid to even go back to sleep tonight. Anyway just needed to vent and see if anyone was up at this hour and if anyone had experienced something similar. I pray to God no one ever had to experience that.

06-05-2015, 01:37 AM
No joke, but I experienced the exact same thing last night. Woke up around 2am, had to hit the light switch, browse the forum for a bit. One of the most intense feelings I've had in years.

How crazy is that?

I've not been sleeping well lately cos of summer allergies. Last night I went into the deepest sleep and had a real monster of a dream. I've totally forgotten it now, but I was disorientated for like 3 hours.

Think I'm gonna just meditate a lot today and relax my body.

Ride out the wave, man!

06-05-2015, 02:26 AM
This is a job for Im-Suffering! LOL.

06-05-2015, 02:49 AM
Ugh, terror filled sleep sucks. I had a weird, scary dream last night, but not all out terrorizing. Dreamed I was in a small church, telling people all sorts of weird lies like I was loaded, owned a small island in the south pacific, I had 3 kids that were all in college, I ran a soup kitchen, crazy stuff. At the end of the dream the pastor shakes my hand, way way too hard and tells me "No one tells the truth in hell."

At least it wasn't the prevalent carry a baby, that turns into a cookie, I get hungry and take a bite just as it turns back into a baby.

I have found that ambient/post rock helps keep bad dreams at baym

06-05-2015, 02:59 AM
This is a job for Im-Suffering! LOL.

This is what happens to normal people who can't use their mum's money to rent penthouse suites at a sea-side spa!!

06-05-2015, 03:28 AM
This is what happens to normal people who can't use their mum's money to rent penthouse suites at a sea-side spa!!

They have nightmares? I know.

06-05-2015, 09:40 AM
No joke, but I experienced the exact same thing last night. Woke up around 2am, had to hit the light switch, browse the forum for a bit. One of the most intense feelings I've had in years.

How crazy is that?

I've not been sleeping well lately cos of summer allergies. Last night I went into the deepest sleep and had a real monster of a dream. I've totally forgotten it now, but I was disorientated for like 3 hours.

Think I'm gonna just meditate a lot today and relax my body.

Ride out the wave, man!

That is crazy! Glad im not the only one! I've had some real bad ones before but last night was something I've not experienced before. I was awake with lights on and still experiencing pure terror. I could not get out of the dream and I don't really even know what it was about. I'm with you, I'm taking the day to do some serious relaxing after that.

06-06-2015, 12:47 AM
It's always nice to hear back from people that are mostly cured from their anxiety...it provides hope for many of us.

As for your nightmare, that is rough. I've also had a bad dream twice now that was terrible to wake up to.

I hope it was a one time thing for you and that you don't have to experience it again!