View Full Version : Borderline Personality Disorder

06-04-2015, 09:49 PM
I don't know where else to post this thread so I just figured i'd do it here.

Does anyone have this or know anything about it? I was watching a youtube video by this therapist/counsellor who uploads regular videos on different mental health topics from her viewers and BPD (borderline personality disorder) came up. I seriously think I might have it and this isn't me being a paranoid person who likes to self-diagnose.

I'm just curious to hear from you guys and what you know about it, if anything. Is it the kind of condition that really requires professional help or it will get worse/out of control? I know every person is different and i'm sorry if I sound stupid.. once again, just curious and would appreciate any feedback! Thanks guys!

06-04-2015, 10:06 PM
I'll give you guys a few symptoms/signs that I have just to give you guys a better overview:

- Problems regulating their emotions and thoughts (i get pretty angry/frustrated/stressed at little things)
- Impulsive and sometimes reckless behavior (i've been drinking quite a bit.. can't really help it. i've got an alcoholic father)
- Unstable relationships (i get clingy with people and then feel annoying/hated.. really scared to lose people as well)
- Suicidal behavior or self-injury (the thought of suicide pops up although never ever made a plan.. the thought of an easy way out can just be comforting)
- Fear of abandonment
- Unstable self-image; struggles with identity or sense of self
- Varied or random mood swings
- Constant feelings of worthlessness or sadness
- Stress-related paranoia or loss of contact with reality (i've been getting a bit more paranoid lately about random things... nothing too alarming)

Ugh!!!!! Everything i've been reading about BPD is so scary..... i've always known i'm different but actually reading something that truly relates to me and explains a lot of things is quite alarming. I'm scared and I don't think I can face a doctor to be given a real diagnosis. The reality of a diagnosis like this is so scary. I don't know what to do.... I don't think it's very serious and i'm sure I could continue living through my daily life with no problem but what if I get progressively worse? I just feel different and i'm sure a lot of people can see that. Once again, thank you for reading and i'd appreciate any feedback.

PS: I'm a 19 year old female if anyone was wondering.

06-04-2015, 11:50 PM
None of what you listed is a solid indicator of Borderline Personality Disorder.

It more accurately represents anxiety and depression.

I would strongly advise against attempting to self-diagnose mental disorders. Without any insight, the information available online is next to useless.

Talking to a professional could be useful if you need help getting things together.

06-05-2015, 12:09 AM
None of what you listed is a solid indicator of Borderline Personality Disorder.

It more accurately represents anxiety and depression.

I would strongly advise against attempting to self-diagnose mental disorders. Without any insight, the information available online is next to useless.

Talking to a professional could be useful if you need help getting things together.

Like I said, i'm not trying to "self-diagnose".... just looking for more information on people who have gone through a BPD diagnosis. Along with that, all those symptoms were pulled off of a website for borderline personality disorder so i'm certain they are infact indicators of BPD. I only made this thread for more knowledge like stated in my OP.

If you have some of your own personal experience relating to BPD i'd love to hear it, if not i'd appreciate your respect in me simply trying to educate myself. Thanks!

06-05-2015, 12:12 AM
I was skeptical about even making this thread because of replies like the one above. I just want peoples own experiences. I am not one to self-diagnose and claim I have something unless i'm certain... I know that is a doctors job.

It's hard to even seek help/advice on this forum nowadays. Yikes lol!

06-05-2015, 01:49 AM
Sorry if my post didn't suffice.

My words were based entirely from my experiences.

06-05-2015, 02:18 AM
I agree with Goomba I think. Personality disorders are complicated and BPD could apply to many of us really, so it isn't like say Schizophrenia with a clear-cut diagnosis. I was never diagnosed with any personality disorders and I saw a psychiatrist and various psychologists over twenty years. So I'm not even sure who gets diagnosed with things like BPD.

From what I've read about it though, I think the main features are lack of sense of self and tendency to self-harm.

06-05-2015, 02:43 AM
I apologize if you got a disrespectful impression from me.

I have worked with multiple people who were diagnosed with borderline, as well have been taught extensively on it, and wrote papers on it.

A lot of psychs do not even think it really exists, and it gets popped on people as a label when there is no other clear answer.

The symptoms you listed are not specific to borderline, and are applicable to most mental health conditions. And, for any of them to be accurate, it would have to be an extreme case. Borderline is probably the hardest personality disorder to diagnose, as it is inconsistent and gimmicky.

One of most valued instructors used to say that a good indicator of borderline is present (along with other criteria in the DSM) is a tendency to both push and pull both people and situations. In other words, flip flopping from extreme attachment to someone, to being repulsed by them, and back to the attachment.

If you were to have a personality disorder, it is completely within your ability to do away with it.

Best of luck.

06-06-2015, 12:23 AM
I apologize if you got a disrespectful impression from me.

I have worked with multiple people who were diagnosed with borderline, as well have been taught extensively on it, and wrote papers on it.

A lot of psychs do not even think it really exists, and it gets popped on people as a label when there is no other clear answer.

The symptoms you listed are not specific to borderline, and are applicable to most mental health conditions. And, for any of them to be accurate, it would have to be an extreme case. Borderline is probably the hardest personality disorder to diagnose, as it is inconsistent and gimmicky.

One of most valued instructors used to say that a good indicator of borderline is present (along with other criteria in the DSM) is a tendency to both push and pull both people and situations. In other words, flip flopping from extreme attachment to someone, to being repulsed by them, and back to the attachment.

If you were to have a personality disorder, it is completely within your ability to do away with it.

Best of luck.

I appreciate your clarification. I've witnessed many people being snarky on these forums (not you of course) when people were simply looking for knowledge/advice which is unfortunate as this is a place for questions. With that said, it can be somewhat annoying when you see the people who like to self-diagnose themselves.

Anyway, I appreciate your clarification. I did do some more research so my understanding on BPD is a bit better now. It is a bit relieving to see that you mentioned one being able to do away with it... that was my biggest concern as disorders that get worse over time that are out of your control is scary.

gypsy: I've been reading a bit about how BPD is a more difficult diagnosis to make and that make professionals would prefer to claim people have BPD tendencies as opposed to BPD. I appreciate your reply... thanks!

06-06-2015, 05:47 AM
When I was in full blown anxiety stage, there wasn't something I googled that I didn't believe I had.

A lot of symptoms you list were my half a dozen anxiety disorders symptoms

I think Raggamuffin always suggests if people feel the need to google, place the word "anxiety" in front of all things you look up so you will first see those results. Example, "anxiety and chest pains".

Simple yet brilliant advice

06-06-2015, 08:48 AM
I do not want to be rude but I got the impression that you want to have it.............sorry

06-06-2015, 05:38 PM
When I was in full blown anxiety stage, there wasn't something I googled that I didn't believe I had.

A lot of symptoms you list were my half a dozen anxiety disorders symptoms

I think Raggamuffin always suggests if people feel the need to google, place the word "anxiety" in front of all things you look up so you will first see those results. Example, "anxiety and chest pains".

Simple yet brilliant advice

I appreciate your reply... Once again, I grabbed those symptoms straight off of a BPD site and anxiety is directly linked to BPD, so totally expected! I'm sure there are more signs/symptoms that are associated with BPD that I did not see on some of the websites I looked at.

Like I posted earlier, I just wanted some more information on BPD and peoples personal stories for a better understanding and my own knowledge. I wasn't really sitting here and diagnosing myself with the disorder. :P

06-06-2015, 05:42 PM
I do not want to be rude but I got the impression that you want to have it.............sorry

That's pretty messed up to be quite honest, lol! Who WANTS to have a disorder? I was scared and rather worried which is why I posted the thread in the first place. I am sure that was evident and obvious from my original posts.

I came here seeking advice/knowledge...... I barely got that here, which is extremely unfortunate for an anxiety forum.

I get that there are some older people on this forum with more knowledge and experience in the anxiety world and it would be awesome to see more of them spread their wisdom with the younger forumers, such as myself.

Shame that I started my thread and now I really wish I hadn't...... I should have known better.

I do not expect anymore replies on this thread so i'd like to apologize that I even brought it up.

Take care all!

06-06-2015, 05:47 PM
I'd like to add that I am aware many young people like to identify themselves with mental health disorders because for some reason they think it is "cool" and they want attention from their peers.

As this is the case for some teenagers/young adults... this is not the case with every person. Some of us are really struggling and seek help and tips online to carry with us in our daily lives offline.

Please remember this everyone!!!!

Now, I am done! Thank you & i'd like to apologize again.

06-06-2015, 05:58 PM
It's important to understand that personality disorders are not some sort of disease.

They aren't comparable to say - a newborn with cancer -where it is something that just happens to you.

They are the make up of a lifetime of negative thought processes that has shifted the individuals way of interacting with the world to a unhealthy way. A key thing here is that the individual often doesn't realize their interactions are unhealthy, and has little to awareness of how they got to the point that they are.

That being said, the mental "damage" can be reversed and the individual can re-learn to find themselves again, often reversing the disorder.

They are, in my opinion. the way one has learned to protect and cope with the world in a unhealthy way.