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06-02-2015, 11:27 AM
After meeting with my psychologist, she went over my mood charts for the past couple of months and showed me that I've improved on Lexapro, in terms of depression. I think my anxiety has been better as well, but I still regularly get some intense anxiety. We decided, in consultation with my doctor, to increase my Lexapro dose from 10 mg to 15 mg, even though I've been having insomnia, no appetite, and burning skin sensations. The insomnia and lack of appetite might be due to my anxiety.

Just thinking about this change in my medication is already getting me overwhelmed with anxiety! I feel like I have "heightened" anxiety and I haven't changed my dose yet!

When I increased from 5 mg to 10 mg it went fairly smoothly (with a real dip in depression on Day 3) although I felt a LOT of extra anxiety, which might have been due to the med or due to me freaking out about it. When I make this increase, I want to do what I can to keep myself from making the situation worse because of my anxiety. Any tips?

06-02-2015, 11:39 AM
Oh, related to this, has anyone had success in reducing their anxiety with a higher dose of Lexapro if they didn't get a lot of relief at 10 mg?

06-02-2015, 05:57 PM
After meeting with my psychologist, she went over my mood charts for the past couple of months and showed me that I've improved on Lexapro, in terms of depression. I think my anxiety has been better as well, but I still regularly get some intense anxiety. We decided, in consultation with my doctor, to increase my Lexapro dose from 10 mg to 15 mg, even though I've been having insomnia, no appetite, and burning skin sensations. The insomnia and lack of appetite might be due to my anxiety.

Just thinking about this change in my medication is already getting me overwhelmed with anxiety! I feel like I have "heightened" anxiety and I haven't changed my dose yet!

When I increased from 5 mg to 10 mg it went fairly smoothly (with a real dip in depression on Day 3) although I felt a LOT of extra anxiety, which might have been due to the med or due to me freaking out about it. When I make this increase, I want to do what I can to keep myself from making the situation worse because of my anxiety. Any tips?

It sounds like you are correct about the loss of appetite and insomnia is anxiety related and not Lexapro related

I know I was the same way

That is still a pretty low dose and you have anxiety about upping the dose like most of us do/did

If it helps, cut some of the tabs so it is just a bit more than you currently take. You will feel no different and that should give you some piece of mind to go to the full 15

You will be just fine!

06-02-2015, 07:46 PM
After meeting with my psychologist, she went over my mood charts for the past couple of months and showed me that I've improved on Lexapro, in terms of depression. I think my anxiety has been better as well, but I still regularly get some intense anxiety. We decided, in consultation with my doctor, to increase my Lexapro dose from 10 mg to 15 mg, even though I've been having insomnia, no appetite, and burning skin sensations. The insomnia and lack of appetite might be due to my anxiety.

Just thinking about this change in my medication is already getting me overwhelmed with anxiety! I feel like I have "heightened" anxiety and I haven't changed my dose yet!

When I increased from 5 mg to 10 mg it went fairly smoothly (with a real dip in depression on Day 3) although I felt a LOT of extra anxiety, which might have been due to the med or due to me freaking out about it. When I make this increase, I want to do what I can to keep myself from making the situation worse because of my anxiety. Any tips?

It's quite common for anxiety to slightly elevate when medication increases. They upped my citalopram with another 20 grams and the first two days it was a bit more than usual. I prepared for it though. Made sure I did some relaxation, did not consume any caffeine and got sufficient sleep. I've also spoiled myself during that time, just like I would when I had a flue ;)

06-03-2015, 07:28 AM
I'm on 20mg Lexapro and I've doubled that before and felt no different. I've been on SSRIs for decades so I guess I'm pretty immune to them, but I really don't think a 5mg increase does much at all.

06-03-2015, 12:48 PM
Thanks for sharing your experiences. I increased my dose this morning and almost kicked myself because this morning was one of my best mornings yet. But now I'm getting a lot of those burning/tingling skins sensations all over my body and increased anxiety. It's manageable now but it does get me worried about what's to come in the next week. I experienced heightened anxiety a lot when I started Lexapro, for several weeks, and I hope that won't happen again.

06-03-2015, 12:54 PM
I am hoping that the fact that the Lexapro has given me significant improvements in my depression will allow me to handle any increased anxiety better. Early on starting the med I had episodes where I ended up searching crisis lines and intensely worried I would need hospitalization. But I was in much worse condition starting the med than I am in now.