View Full Version : Therapy

06-02-2015, 11:19 AM
What kinds of therapy (talk therapy or other self-help) have people tried and how useful have you found it? If there is another thread that covers this, let me know.

06-02-2015, 12:19 PM
You've got to find meaning. You do that by going within. No amount of med will compensate or shield you from what you have to face, and let go of. Without guilt. So you can move on. That's why you are here, you need to hear that message. You are still living, my friend. Facing the pain does not mean to go catatonic or helpless, depressed and brood for days on end, it means to walk straight into the pain with the intent of finding peace, you see?

In therapy, have courage, and head straight into the storm. But this time with the intent of finding peace, healing. This is the big difference. It's time to allow this.

Please try. PM if you don't understand, but I know you do. Your boat is sound, the storm will be rough, but when you come out, you will come out to a life. Where before, and to an extent now, you don't/didnt want one. You understand.

Just saying the words 'I don't want to live' will raise the reasons behind such a thought into conscious awareness where you can deal with them.