View Full Version : why do i think like this....

06-02-2015, 10:44 AM
i have a very close group of friends there are three of them I've known them since intermediate school! We graduated together we hang out when we can! I know they are my friends but, sometimes i think they only hang out with me because they feel sorry for me. When we text i have to think about what i want to say to them 'should i add a smiley face?' 'what do i say to keep the convo going or does she want to stop talking?' 'are they just texting me because they are all gathered together laughing at what i reply?' i just have a feeling like, they are laughing at me and not with me :( yet, we could go out and i feel included but sometimes i just have that thought in the back of my head that they really dislike me and secretly laugh at me and talk about me when i am not with them. and when i think like that it makes me sad and angry i think 'i don't need them anyway.' 'i don't need any friends at all!' i'm just scared one day i will push my friends away. if anyone feels this way how do you make those thoughts go away?

(sorry for the super bad grammar)

06-03-2015, 07:35 AM
Hi there :)

This is pretty common. My daughter is 14 and she's quite popular from an outsider's perspective, yet she still goes through these phases where she thinks everyone hates her. It's just low self-esteem that's all.

Google ways of increasing your self-confidence (I can't think of any right now lol).

All the best,
Gypsy x

06-13-2015, 04:12 AM
Hi Mariyy, from my own perspective its down to a need to over analyse everything. I go through similar thought patterns sometimes, but i've noticed than when I'm in a relaxed state I can go through the same situation and not think about the outcomes at all, just do it.
I think sometimes we can learn a pattern of over analysing every situation to try and determine what the outcome will be prior to acting on it - which may well be confidence based too, as when you have lots of confidence you will just carry out each action not worrying about how its seen by others.

06-13-2015, 04:21 PM
The thing is, Mariyy, you can't read other people's minds. Even psychologists can't do so.