View Full Version : Full on panic!!

06-01-2015, 07:49 PM
So I'm at work where I get to sleep and I am having a full on panic attack, I have a cold so I'm not feeling great, however I am not one to take any meds so I haven't for this cold! I just sat down and thought I would check my bp which was up...I was feeling a little anxious, but I didn't think it was going to be high, but it was which then sent me into this panic attack. I am sitting here trying to calm down and it's just not working! I am watching tv and it's just not working...any suggestions to calm me down would be great :) thank you in advance...I just can't live like this anymore! Not knowing when it's coming and when it's going to friggin' go away...feels like I have it all day everyday :'(

06-01-2015, 08:08 PM
Hi Estelle, sorry you're going through that.

Try breathing from your diaphragm and just focusing on that. It sounds too simple to work but changing your breathing has a big effect on your heart rate, which in turn affects your thoughts.

Also, just try and accept the feelings as they come. It's just chemicals and won't kill you or send you crazy. It will pass if you don't add more fear to it.

You'll be ok :)
Gypsy x

06-01-2015, 08:44 PM
Hi Estelle, sorry you're going through that.

Try breathing from your diaphragm and just focusing on that. It sounds too simple to work but changing your breathing has a big effect on your heart rate, which in turn affects your thoughts.

Also, just try and accept the feelings as they come. It's just chemicals and won't kill you or send you crazy. It will pass if you don't add more fear to it.

You'll be ok :)
Gypsy x

Thank you...I am starting to feel a bit better with doing that :) thank you

06-01-2015, 08:52 PM
Good work :)

06-01-2015, 09:34 PM
Gypsy, is there a trick to the breathing methods to calm the heart rate?

I have read your methods, and PC's methods...

For me, every time I take a breath, my heart rate increases. Its like a burst of speed.

I don't have panic attacks or anything, so its not really an issue. But, sometimes, if my heart is racing, and even when I was having anxiety issues years ago when I joined here, I found that focusing on my breathing would make things worse.

Don't know, just feel like I'm missing something with this breathing thing.

06-01-2015, 11:10 PM

Yes there is a trick to this, and Gypsy is quite right. You have to breathe from low in your chest, it is sometimes referred to as diaphragmatic breathing.

Try this, every time you take a slow deep breath, push your stomach out. Hold for a couple of seconds and then exhale through your mouth. Your stomach will naturally go in. This does take some practice, and feels quite awkward in the beginning, but with practice you can pretty much get control of an anxiety attack before it gets too far.

I hate telling anyone with anxiety issues to google anything, but you can google yoga breathing and learn a bit more about it.

Hope this helps a bit.


06-01-2015, 11:43 PM

Yes there is a trick to this, and Gypsy is quite right. You have to breathe from low in your chest, it is sometimes referred to as diaphragmatic breathing.

Try this, every time you take a slow deep breath, push your stomach out. Hold for a couple of seconds and then exhale through your mouth. Your stomach will naturally go in. This does take some practice, and feels quite awkward in the beginning, but with practice you can pretty much get control of an anxiety attack before it gets too far.

I hate telling anyone with anxiety issues to google anything, but you can google yoga breathing and learn a bit more about it.

Hope this helps a bit.


I think I would always pull my stomach in, and let it out as I exhale. I will have to try that the next time my heart beat starts going.

I don't really struggle with anxiety anymore, I beat that thing in the booty.

So, any additional things to look up would be invited.

Thanks for your insight!

06-02-2015, 01:21 AM
Yep needtogetwell is right. The main thing is using your diaphragm because that way you breathe "properly" as opposed to chest breathing - which is what anxious people do and it's basically hyperventilating. Also focus on the exhale because that's the one that tells the sympathetic nervous system to kick in.

As far as I'm concerned PC makes the whole breathing thing too complicated.

06-02-2015, 04:09 AM
Yep needtogetwell is right. The main thing is using your diaphragm because that way you breathe "properly" as opposed to chest breathing - which is what anxious people do and it's basically hyperventilating. Also focus on the exhale because that's the one that tells the sympathetic nervous system to kick in.

As far as I'm concerned PC makes the whole breathing thing too complicated.

Thank you, I have done the deep breathing and I tell myself out loud "I will not let you take over my body" a few times and I find that does help, it's just when I start to feel anxious sometimes it just snowballs before I can get a hold of it if that makes any sense :( some days it feels like it's just lingering around the corner waiting to strike at any moment and that is what scares me most maybe. I have 2 boys 2 1/2 and 7 1/2 and I feel so bad for them because I know thy can sense that momma is "f*cked up" :'(

06-02-2015, 04:31 AM
I do know what you mean. It takes time to learn how to deal with panic attacks but it can be done and then you fear them less. And yeah it can be really hard with little kids.

06-02-2015, 06:43 AM
I do know what you mean. It takes time to learn how to deal with panic attacks but it can be done and then you fear them less. And yeah it can be really hard with little kids.

Thank you for your kind words Gypsylee :) I really appreciate it when you reply :)

06-02-2015, 08:15 AM
Thank you for your kind words Gypsylee :) I really appreciate it when you reply :)

There are a few issues here (not with gypsy, I use the quote for convenience and a link to Estelle). So seperate the issues.

The panic (or whatever the psychological state depression, anxiety) and the reason for it.

So address both. One, the so called fear of fear. Which of course is a fear of the anxiety itself or 'the state you are in'. Fear of the physiology. Ones determination that the body is acting abnormally, when it is re-acting, you understand, to the commands you give it. There is always some control even over the involuntary systems. What you have never given attention to is suddenly flooded with focus. For example a child does not acutely ruminate over its vehicle, and takes for granted if it is injured it will heal quickly. Not until the adult conditions him with false beliefs does the child assume the worst case scenerio.

And (2) the psyche state of affairs. The life problems unresolved, maybe the long term brooding, an issue left lingering, not faced, or possibly false assumptions or value judgments about you, and or life itself, blanket generalizations of 'how it is' which are false based off conditioning and self suggestions.

Any illness, and I have said this in earlier posts, is caused by the inability to solve ones mental problems correctly (underlined). And I do realize I said 'any'. An illness or disease of the mind and or body is a psychological experience first, then, before any 'symptoms' are ever discovered. One has been brooding for some time, possibly years - or rather than brooding, has given much thought to it, whether conscious or not. The thoughts may be fleeting and dismissed, you see.

One may have witnessed a traumatic event and rather than face and resolve this, she will imagine herself with or under those same conditions, intermittently for a period of time, before coming down with it herself. Such is the power of 'hereditary' probable illnesses. In the realm of probabilities every and anything is possible. Only manifesting by intent whether wanted or not because of the attraction. People very often give more thought to what is unwanted, rather than what they do want. In all cases the universe is not discriminatory but a xerox machine, if you will. For it to question 'why' you want something is not in its character. You are meant to understand that you create your reality, so you are to do it responsibly and in what is your best interests or highest regard.

There are psychological reasons then, for why someone would choose a 'deadly disease'. Or choose sickness over health. The disease in those terms would be a means to an end, or to healing the false beliefs, ideas, and incorrect use of the imagination that led to those dire circumstances. Eventually learning more constructive ways toward solutions. In all cases the disease or dis-ease is meant to magnify the beliefs that are to be put under the microscope of examination.

That is enough for this morning.

06-02-2015, 08:51 AM
Thank you for your kind words Gypsylee :) I really appreciate it when you reply :)

You're welcome :)

healed patient
06-11-2015, 02:17 PM
So I'm at work where I get to sleep and I am having a full on panic attack, I have a cold so I'm not feeling great, however I am not one to take any meds so I haven't for this cold! I just sat down and thought I would check my bp which was up...I was feeling a little anxious, but I didn't think it was going to be high, but it was which then sent me into this panic attack. I am sitting here trying to calm down and it's just not working! I am watching tv and it's just not working...any suggestions to calm me down would be great :) thank you in advance...I just can't live like this anymore! Not knowing when it's coming and when it's going to friggin' go away...feels like I have it all day everyday :'(

hi dear i showed your massage and i can't reply to you with privat massege because i dont have a lote of postes :)
don't worry ... if you fllow my steeps and tray to stop thinking of the attacks you will be better ... but i do many things and in the first the healing is so slow but after one year of trying and patient i have 10 years i didnt see any attaks without anu drug
be patient and patient
and tell your self i can do any thing if i trust in my self and my god i will be better
i will send each thing i remmember it in my way of healing and i hope to tell me one day
maryam i am in best life now
i hope so dear
try to heal for your children .. your husbend ... and firstly for your self

06-11-2015, 02:52 PM
What's been working for me (at least right now) is whenever I start going down a thought path I just think the thought "you're ok. you're ok." it helps get my mind off of what I'm feeling. even if my body is feeling something... I'm still ok.

I actually have low BP and panic attacks for me makes my BP normal :P pulse over 100 is not fun though, lol

06-11-2015, 05:11 PM
What's been working for me (at least right now) is whenever I start going down a thought path I just think the thought "you're ok. you're ok." it helps get my mind off of what I'm feeling. even if my body is feeling something... I'm still ok.

I actually have low BP and panic attacks for me makes my BP normal :P pulse over 100 is not fun though, lol

Thank you, I went to see my doctor again this week after having blood work done and everything came back perfect...it kinda put my mind at ease that at least tere isn't anything wrong with me that way. :) But tere is still that blood pressure! I feel like it is up, but I guess at different times of the day your blood pressure will go up, depending on what you are doing. But my doctor feels that since I have a severe case of white coat hypertension, all I have to do is look at my bp monitor and it goes up! So he said to stop checking it for now.