View Full Version : Doctors and meds

06-01-2015, 07:44 PM
I figured that I'm come to you guys because I'm getting kind of irritated with my gp. I've been on Cymbalta 60 mgs since last September and last December my doctor added 10 mg of buspirone 3x a day because the Cymbalta alone was making me feel like a zombie. Towards the beginning of this year (February I think) I started feeling like the Cymbalta isn't very effective anymore. That feeling has continued to solidify as I've been noticing a really obvious increase in depression the last three months.

I last saw my gp in April and expressed how the depression seems to be getting worse and he basically referred me to a therapist. I had already been seeing one so ended up having to switch with very little warning. He also told me that after a person has been prescribed a certain amount of antidepressants and they don't work that basically means there is little chance that any other antidepressant if prescribed will be effective.

This doctor has only prescribed me two antidepressants (Lexapro and Cymbalta). I had problems with the Lexapro so he switched me to Cymbalta which had worked for me previously several years before when I was last on antidepressants. The only other meds I've used over the years are Effexor and Paxil. The only meds I've ever used that weren't effective due to side effects were Lexapro and Paxil.

Do you guys think this is a case of laziness on the doctor's behalf or have I really exhausted any chance of having an antidepressant be effective??

06-01-2015, 08:20 PM
I think it's a case of laziness :)

06-02-2015, 03:42 AM
I think you're right. Thankfully he's a resident and I only have to see him one more time because he's graduating. The whole situation is really frustrating though because I've vocalized how things have changed and he's just keeping me on the same meds. Meanwhile I'm filling prescriptions for meds that aren't working consistently. Thanks for responding :)