View Full Version : Hello!

06-01-2015, 11:27 AM
Hi, I'm new to this whole forum community thing so i hope I'm doing this right!? Ok, so I go by Mariyy (pronounced Mary) I've recently been 'diagnosed' with anxiety (and depression) but it explained how I felt when I didn't even know what anxiety was! Most of my trouble is going out I get very homesick (is what I call it) and sometimes I'm afraid to even go to the store. Yet, I do hang out with friends but only to a point because after a while I get very nervous and have to go home. There's more to it but that's a lot of typing I'd have to do :) I hope I will be able to talk to people who feel the same and get help on how to cope with this. All I ever want is to be normal and think and feel normal.

06-01-2015, 11:30 AM
Welcome to the forum! There are many people here that deal with similar anxiety issues, you are not alone. There's a lot of support here :)

06-01-2015, 12:57 PM
Hi, I'm new to this whole forum community thing so i hope I'm doing this right!? Ok, so I go by Mariyy (pronounced Mary) I've recently been 'diagnosed' with anxiety (and depression) but it explained how I felt when I didn't even know what anxiety was! Most of my trouble is going out I get very homesick (is what I call it) and sometimes I'm afraid to even go to the store. Yet, I do hang out with friends but only to a point because after a while I get very nervous and have to go home. There's more to it but that's a lot of typing I'd have to do :) I hope I will be able to talk to people who feel the same and get help on how to cope with this. All I ever want is to be normal and think and feel normal.

Welcome! I get the homesick feeling a lot. Its like separation anxiety from my comfort zone. Your definitely not alone. There's no place like home:)

06-01-2015, 06:01 PM
Hi, Mary. This "Mary" is easier to spell

Do you get homesick or is your home your "safe place?"

There is definitely a difference

When you are ready to type away, Id love to hear the whole story

06-01-2015, 09:04 PM
Hi, Mary. This "Mary" is easier to spell

Do you get homesick or is your home your "safe place?"

There is definitely a difference

When you are ready to type away, Id love to hear the whole story

No problem :)
Well, it is my safe place yet kinda not? When I was in school I would get really nervous when school would let out because I was afraid my mom wouldn't be there to pick me up. When I had to stay after school I would dread it because I would get very panicky so I never wanted to stay after school. When I did have to I just kept thinking about leaving and my heart rate would pick up and I'd get very nervous ( I missed out on great school oppurtunities because of this) If she would pick me up a little late I would be in tears when she'd get there if I didn't see here waiting for me I'd feel nervous, hopeless and would feel like 'it's me against the world'. That lasted up till 10th grade. Yet, I would get homesick at work as well. And I could never go to sleep overs because I did not want to be away from home at night. My parents are great especially my mom it could be that I've spent everyday of my life with her (well maybe except for 5 days) and it feels like she's my 'safety blanket'. When she'd be late to pick me up I would feel like she had forgotten me even though I knew that would never happen?
OK sorry lots of words and bad grammar :)
To me it feels like homesickness I want to be home because that is constant never changing. ??

06-01-2015, 09:10 PM
Thank u I really appreciate it!

06-02-2015, 07:12 AM
Hi Mariyy!

Where are you from? Your name is very unique. :)

06-02-2015, 08:57 AM
Hi Mariyy!

Where are you from? Your name is very unique. :)

My name is Mary but for the sake of the username I spelled it ''Mariyy" sorry for the confusion yall!
I'm from the U.S. Texas to be exact though :)

06-04-2015, 02:49 AM
Oh, Mariyy sounded like such a cool name. Oh well, Texas makes great BBQ, so I can forgive you! :)

06-04-2015, 08:01 AM
Hi mary, from a fellow Texan.
i too was home sick sometimes when i was younger. i guess it got better with time. But when i get stressed or have anxiety i want to be at home also. I guess my home is my safe place also. i know how you feel, hang in there. have you ever taken meds for this?