View Full Version : Health Anxiety

06-01-2015, 09:17 AM
I was just wondering if anyone else had an anxiety about their blood pressure? I am told my my doctor that I don't have high blood pressure ad he thinks it's all my anxiety that's putting it up. My blood pressure is good, when I'm not in panic mode, but if I do my blood pressure when I'm even feeling a little anxious it makes it high, which in turn puts it up! Anyone else have this problem and how to you calm yourself. I am scared that as soon as I see the 150/96 that I'm going to give myself a stroke!! This is just another problem I have with my anxiety! I feel all over the place most times with this damn anxiety!!

06-01-2015, 09:21 AM
I was just wondering if anyone else had an anxiety about their blood pressure? I am told my my doctor that I don't have high blood pressure ad he thinks it's all my anxiety that's putting it up. My blood pressure is good, when I'm not in panic mode, but if I do my blood pressure when I'm even feeling a little anxious it makes it high, which in turn puts it up! Anyone else have this problem and how to you calm yourself. I am scared that as soon as I see the 150/96 that I'm going to give myself a stroke!! This is just another problem I have with my anxiety! I feel all over the place most times with this damn anxiety!!

Why yes, blood pressure was a big fear of mine. I have a BP gauge at home that I should use that I didn't because I was afraid of what it might say.

I thought I would freak out if it was too high and it would cause the BP to go even higher

I am not sure why that was a trigger. There are medications that easily treat it but I believe it was more about not being young and care free with no health issues

06-01-2015, 10:35 AM
I have it as well, occasionally it spikes, and I am on meds:(( it is freaks me up

06-01-2015, 10:52 AM
Why yes, blood pressure was a big fear of mine. I have a BP gauge at home that I should use that I didn't because I was afraid of what it might say.

I thought I would freak out if it was too high and it would cause the BP to go even higher

I am not sure why that was a trigger. There are medications that easily treat it but I believe it was more about not being young and care free with no health issues

Thank you for replying! I have what my doctor calls "white coat hypertension" which is why I too have a monitor at home to keep track of mine, but all I have to do is look at the damn machine and I can feel my heart starting to race...which then brings on the panic!! I have never been a worrier until I got pregnant with my first boy! About 30 weeks in I was diagnosed with pre eclampsia, I was able to get to 35 weeks and then I delivered him, since then I have had a fear, I blame that on the nurses for making me feel as though I was going to die, telling me to "calm down" as if I could just flick a switch and do that! I stayed on bp meds up until 3 months after giving birth I had my gull bladder out taken out which brought my bp to a normal range. I then started to feel "better" but always had a fear of that damn monitor!! Then 5 years later I gave birth to my second son induced at 39 weeks due to my bp going up! Which I was also diagnosed with gestational diabetes at 28weeks, great eh??!! So all that going on and now no diabetes and no high bp according to my doctor and I live my life scared to death every day that I have some sort of disease that is going to kill me!! I get a tingle in my finger and then I go to my worse enemy "google" and of course I got everything going! Which again makes me panic! It's a vicious cycle! One I need to get out of, my boys and my boyfriend need that and most of all it need that! I read te posts on here which have really helped me understand that I am not alone in this! I am not the only one to suffer from this! I should also add that when my second son was born a few months later my dad committed suicide, which hit me hard and then it all snowballs from there!! :'(

06-01-2015, 10:54 AM
Thank you for the replies :)