View Full Version : I probably know why I have a phobia - But there is no exit

06-01-2015, 08:58 AM

I'm 17 now and I'll attend the 11th and 12th grade. In my country (so I am not a native speaker) this are the two last classes before going to university.

Where I live, the matura (honestly, I don't know how I have to compare it to your type) is set up by 900 points. The first 300 are the points you've gained in your whole 11th class, the next 300 the points you've gained in your whole 12th class and the last 300 the points you've got in your final exams. And by "whole 11/12th class", I mean it so: All your grades (which are points actually not grades) from all subjects you have (even sports!) count to your matura. It's tough, I know.

And because I know, that it's gonna be hard, I'm gonna prepare myself for this "war": I've made up strategies, how to impress my teachers to get the maximum grade/points when she/he will grade my behavior, I've already made up a list of training books I'm gonna buy, I thought about how to improve in sports (because I have a C- now and I want to have minimum an A-), etc.

My goal is to have a GPA level of 4.0, but you don't have to have all 900 points for it. (Now, I have a GPA of 3.2, and I now, that I could make it better)

And as I have begun to prepare myself for this, I've realized a kind of anxiety coming up: The anxiety to swallow liquids and food.

One time, it was kinda 5 years ago, I chocked on a coke because I had laughed at the same time as I had drunk. Nothing happened since then, but now, suddenly, I am afraid of drinking and eating!

Now, I have two weeks vacations (because of Pentecost) and right before the vacations started, I'd struggled with swallowing. I couldn't even swallow my own spit! But then, I stopped preparing myself for the last two classes (and even thinking about school) and everything went alright! I even could eat a pizza in record time! But now, I have just a few days till school starts. So, I thought about preparing myself again (or generally to think on school) and I've started developing the same problems again! Not so strongly, but a little bit.

So, I'm here because I want an advice:

What about school? I have the opportunity to give up school and to go on another school (it's like a light-version of the school type I attend now with a connection to an occupation) or to make an apprenticeship. So, I don't know if I should go there just because I cannot handle it mentally. And are there any comparable cases or is it a special case?

I mean, school takes my energy greatly. And I'm interested in developing my skills (for example programming) and to expand my knowledge (the thing is: that's exactly the things we are not thought in school which interest me the most, like economics, politics, philosophy, linguistics, ...). But the thing is, that I know what I want to do in my life and what I want to master and once you know it, you feel restricted in school, when the school doesn't offer the subjects you like. It's kinda like when you put your kid into a basketball-club despite your kid doesn't like basketball, because he/she wants to be a tennis player.

I hope you can help!

Edit: I forgot to write that my hands are sweating when I think on school and/or the last two years.

06-02-2015, 11:09 AM
Bless your heart! I'm sorry to hear you are having anxiety over this situation. It can be so hard to figure out what option is best when there are options! I'll pray that you make the right decision. If it helps, I usually pray and have quiet time before making decisions like this until I have peace about it- then I know it's the right direction and I don't look back. Blessings to you on your journey!


06-02-2015, 11:55 AM
Thanks for your prayers!

06-02-2015, 12:12 PM
The best analogy to the matura is probably A-levels.

But more to the point of your situation -- think about this: What would make you happy? What do you enjoy? What would you like to be doing now and next year and the following year? What are your goals for the future? Not your parents' goals, or your teachers' goals or even your society's goals for you. But what are YOUR goals?

You will do better if you are doing something that YOU enjoy and if you are working toward achieving YOUR goals.

Don't treat your life as a "war". The goal of life is not to prevail. Instead, it is to achieve happiness for yourself, and to assist others in achieving happiness.

This may require a change in how you think. But it may also improve the quality of your life.

06-02-2015, 12:21 PM
What would make you happy? What do you enjoy? What would you like to be doing now and next year and the following year? What are your goals for the future? Not your parents' goals, or your teachers' goals or even your society's goals for you. But what are YOUR goals?

I want to learn programming more. I can make programs in C++, but I want to know more. I like programming and making new programs, I could see myself doing this in future, as a job.

You will do better if you are doing something that YOU enjoy and if you are working toward achieving YOUR goals.


Don't treat your life as a "war". The goal of life is not to prevail. Instead, it is to achieve happiness for yourself, and to assist others in achieving happiness.


I can make an apprenticeship as a software programer, I like programming, so... That could be possible!

The thing is: I don't know if my parents would appreciate it. They could think like this: "Oh c'mon, make your A-levels, it doesn't depend how good it is (GPA), just to have it. Only two years!"

06-02-2015, 01:48 PM

I'm in complete agreement with Kuma. Do what you want to do, what will make you happy.

Being a parent of a 15 year old I can understand that parents have hopes and dreams for their children, only thing is sometimes parents get lost in their dreams for you and forget about what the child's dreams are. It is only good parents who want the best for their kids. You obviously have good parents.

There is a balance that you need to find. Also, another thought, what if you stretched the next 2 levels over say 3 years instead of 2? It may relieve some of the pressure you are obviously feeling. One year is not a long time in the grand scheme of things.

Good luck, I hope you do what is best for you.

06-02-2015, 02:04 PM
Also, another thought, what if you stretched the next 2 levels over say 3 years instead of 2?

Some years ago, it was usual to make your matura in three years, but my country changed it to 2 years due to PISA

06-02-2015, 03:38 PM
Some years ago, it was usual to make your matura in three years, but my country changed it to 2 years due to PISA

Are you in Poland? What is the course of study in your country to become a computer programmer? Does it require matura? Is there some post-secondary course of study for computer programing?

If you decide to become a programmer and you take it seriously, I bet your parents would be proud of that. Computer programming is a good solid career, with good job opportunities in many places.

06-02-2015, 04:00 PM
Are you in Poland?

No, from Germany.

What is the course of study in your country to become a computer programmer? Does it require matura? Is there some post-secondary course of study for computer programing?

When you want to learn programming at a university, you just study informatics. But you do not have to go to university to become a programmer necessarily, an apprenticeship is enough.

If you decide to become a programmer and you take it seriously, I bet your parents would be proud of that. Computer programming is a good solid career, with good job opportunities in many places.

...and makes fun!