View Full Version : Does anyone else do this?

05-31-2015, 07:00 PM
Hi, New here. I've always been a shy introverted person so at some level I am probably a socially anxious person. One thing I can't help but do is when I'm out in public, like at a bar or the mall, etc, is constantly look around to see who is there and what they are doing. People notice this about me. Why do I do this?

05-31-2015, 07:07 PM
Probably cause you are looking to score wit da bitches! :cool:

Seriously,I do not see anything that you speak of to be abnormal.....unless I was abnormal because I did the same thing

It is people watching. Nothing is more fun sometimes

05-31-2015, 07:17 PM
Probably cause you are looking to score wit da bitches! :cool:

Seriously,I do not see anything that you speak of to be abnormal.....unless I was abnormal because I did the same thing

It is people watching. Nothing is more fun sometimes

This is in no way helpful but I'm cracking up right now. Thanks Nixon!

05-31-2015, 07:25 PM
Unless you're actually going up to people and asking them what they're doing or taking pics of them or something, I also don't see how this is unusual.

05-31-2015, 07:28 PM
Probably cause you are looking to score wit da bitches! :cool:


Good one.

Hi, New here. I've always been a shy introverted person so at some level I am probably a socially anxious person. One thing I can't help but do is when I'm out in public, like at a bar or the mall, etc, is constantly look around to see who is there and what they are doing. People notice this about me. Why do I do this?

Anxiety is a very primitive state. It belongs in the age of the cave man, biologically speaking.

If you feel some social anxiety, you're going to feel slightly threatened, perhaps by people, perhaps by life. Scanning your environment would seem a normal thing to do given your mental state.

Only you can tell us if you feel it is a symptom of your social anxiety. I'd suggest trying one of those online quizzes from a reliable site, then going from there.

Maybe it really is just a quirky habit. We all have those. But explore it a little. :)

06-01-2015, 12:45 AM
I don't think that is all that abnormal at all. I think you focus on something to survey your surroundings naturally. I find myself staring at ceilings when I am somewhere crowded, counting ceiling tiles or identifying patterns. When I am looking up I don't accidentally make eye contact. Maybe your people watching is a sub concious effort to identify with those around you?

06-02-2015, 01:31 AM
hahahaha that gif!!!!!

as for your post timefish, you sound totally normal to me!! i'm always looking around me to see who is there and what they are doing. you aren't alone :)