View Full Version : some help needed please :)

05-31-2015, 03:56 PM
Hi everyone, i've literally just joined here in an attempt to help me understand what my partner is going through/ how to help?

i'm 25 and my girlfriend is 24, we've been together coming up 10 months now and and recently things haven't been going so well.
everything has been great up until about 6-8 weeks ago when she started appearing gradually less and less happy when i tried to ask her she would just say honestly i'm fine. i believe she has an anxiety disorder and we've kind of talked about it a little but she does'nt like talking about it because she doesn't want to believe it but i think its alot worse than she thinks. She says she loves me and i believe her shes an extremely caring and kind person and i don't want to break up but i cant seem to help her and things are getting worse. if i go out for a night she worries herself sick of the thought of me with another girl (she has absolutely no reason to believe this i never have nor would even consider it) she thinks shes fat and ugly which is absolutely not true but cant be persuaded otherwise, she doesn't eat properly anymore i think because she thinks she needs to loose weight which is completely not true. she also doesn't sleep well at all and can lie awake for hours.
I think shes always been a worrier but covered it up well untill now, to start off i was getting agitated by it but i think i sort of understand it a little but we cant do much together because shes always down at the moment.

any advice is much welcomed i will do anything to help her. tia :)

05-31-2015, 04:44 PM
Hiya, Tia - great that you came in and asked about your best girl.

Until she decides to look for some help or advice, there isn't too much you can do without causing even more stress

Just a thought. You could look at this site with her and let her read through some of the posts that relate to what you are saying. You could look in advance to find the appropriate posts you want her to read

Just be there until she is ready and be there even more when she decides to face this head on

06-01-2015, 07:27 AM
hi, sorry my names not tia i meant thanks in advance :)
thanyou for your reply i suggested maybe we try and get some help not only for help but to find out how bad the problem is or if maybe it really is me an there is'nt a problem. i was quickly told it wouldnt help and nothing will work i dont know what to do :( what would be the options if i could get her to agree to looking into it?

06-01-2015, 08:59 AM
Hiya, Tia - great that you came in and asked about your best girl.

Until she decides to look for some help or advice, there isn't too much you can do without causing even more stress

Just a thought. You could look at this site with her and let her read through some of the posts that relate to what you are saying. You could look in advance to find the appropriate posts you want her to read

Just be there until she is ready and be there even more when she decides to face this head on

You just made yourself look really old by not getting that acronym!!

06-01-2015, 09:07 AM
You just made yourself look really old by not getting that acronym!!

Damn. I am not one of the hip, cool kids.

BTW, I am not a young man anymore.

(BTW = By the way)

06-01-2015, 09:09 AM
hi, sorry my names not tia i meant thanks in advance :)
thanyou for your reply i suggested maybe we try and get some help not only for help but to find out how bad the problem is or if maybe it really is me an there is'nt a problem. i was quickly told it wouldnt help and nothing will work i dont know what to do :( what would be the options if i could get her to agree to looking into it?

Tia, I am not exactly sure what options you are referring to

Are you asking for options where to find out anxiety information or where and how to treat anxiety?

06-01-2015, 09:42 AM
where and how to treat it really so i can maybe ask this of her next time were in the right postion, i guess there we will also find out how bad the problem is? would her doctor be the first port of call or is that a nono? thankyou for your time :)