View Full Version : Beta blockers and anxiety

05-31-2015, 11:42 AM
Hello so I've been posting on here I know that I am suffering from anxiety for sure but I am also on beta blockers for a heart problem I had surgery for back in February. It seems like my anxiety has gotten worse and I've been feeling a lot worse since being on the beta blockers. I feel dizzy weak shaky I get times where I feel like I'm going to pass out I can't do anything outside if it's hot I get tired I sweat when it's not even hot and I can't go more than 3 hours without eating. I also just got done reading online that a study shows beta blockers kill 800,000 ppl in 5 years and ppl have problems with the one I'm on so of course with my anxiety I am now in a panic that I'm going to die. Is anyone else on beta blockers and what have your experiences been. I recently tried to cut back to one pill a day instead of two and got sick and my heart was pounding out of my chest so i went back to two a day.

05-31-2015, 12:19 PM
I don't have experience with beta blockers...


I do know my way around Dr. Google.

Don't use the internet, or at least, search engines for medical information. Most of what you find is info DESIGNED to scare people, so it keeps people coming back to the website and affiliate websites.

Most web pages generate revenue through how many hits they receive. Thus, the more intimidating the info, the more likely you are to keep searching for a way to feel better. In doing that you find more bad information, and the cycle continues.

Talk to your doctor, and use peer reviewed articles for insight over google.

05-31-2015, 01:06 PM
I take a stupid high dose of metoprolol. Lol. Hehe. I feel weak and shaky sometimes when I first wake up, and a touch draggy for the first couple of hours, but it usually goes away once I get up and move around a bit.
I doubt that you will have any problems with beta blockers if you have been taking them since February. They are actually good for the racing heart that accompanies anxiety too. Do you take a cholesterol medication as well? I have found quite by accident that it makes me feel like total garbage if I take the 80mg a day I was prescribed, but if I take half the muscle aches and weakness are not near so severe. I wouldn't go changing your own dose without the Dr's consent though.

I hope this helps :)

05-31-2015, 01:26 PM
I don't have experience with beta blockers...


I do know my way around Dr. Google.

Don't use the internet, or at least, search engines for medical information. Most of what you find is info DESIGNED to scare people, so it keeps people coming back to the website and affiliate websites.

Most web pages generate revenue through how many hits they receive. Thus, the more intimidating the info, the more likely you are to keep searching for a way to feel better. In doing that you find more bad information, and the cycle continues.

Talk to your doctor, and use peer reviewed articles for insight over google.

As somebody who has written for a lot of sites on the web, I can confirm that this post is pretty much spot on!

05-31-2015, 01:30 PM
Yes that is when I feel the worst in the morning when I first wake up I feel dizzy and weak and then usually after I eat something I start to feel better

05-31-2015, 01:31 PM
That is true I know I shouldn't be driving myself crazy with the things I read on the internet by the time I'm done I'm always convinced I'm dying lol

05-31-2015, 05:18 PM
I take Beta blockers to help with high blood pressure , I do not think doctors prescribe it for anxiety. It is a serious medication with a lot of side effects.
Labella I am dying too as soon as i finish reading the medical websites ;))

05-31-2015, 05:27 PM
My atenolol does nothing for my anxiety.. I thought a slower heart would be my end all be all for my anxiety but turns out it's still there ��

05-31-2015, 06:01 PM
Anxiety is all in the mind. A shame a lower hear rate wouldn't fix it, but nope

05-31-2015, 08:28 PM
Anxiety is all in the mind. A shame a lower hear rate wouldn't fix it, but nope

Is it possible that when the physical symptoms of anxiety that
Comes out that I can get rid of them with my mind? I know that prob doesn't make much sense but I think you know what I mean. Today I felt like I kinda was able to help it that way ( unless it's the Prozac that's finally working)