View Full Version : Anxiety, Alcohol & Mindfulness

05-31-2015, 10:17 AM
This will be brief, however before I begin, I want to take a moment to thank you for reading this post. I am coming here to ask a question and I thought that an anxiety forum would give me the most insightful, resourceful and relatable people.

Background to give you context: 21 years old, single, college, work, struggled with general anxiety, ocd, depression at age 16. hereditary. took meds until age 20. feel much better now. no major issues, just general anxiety at times.

As a general disclaimer, I know alcohol consumption isn't the answer to our problems. I am sober most of the time and I do not have an addiction to alcohol. I go to school, go to the gym, go to work, hang out with family/friends, read, meditate, etc. The reason for telling you this is so you have a basis for understanding my question. I simply want to reach out because I'm curious.

As hilarious as this may sound to you, a lot of times, I have total, complete and enhanced cognitive control when I drink. I literally, without exaggeration, do things better. My general anxiety tends to fade away and some of my cognitive abilities sharpen. Specifically, the element that I'm ultimately speaking about is focus. My focus is tremendously strong. While alcohol usually makes someone (including me at times) care-free and looser, I have many nights of being "more in control".

Do you relate to this, whether it's from first-hand experience or have met a person describing something similar? What (healthy) ways have you found that reduces anxiety for you? When I'm being healthy, my mindful exercises are meditation, going for walks, reading a book, etc. I really love Brene Brown's talk about mindfulness and "digging deep". "DIG" stands for being deliberate with your intentions, getting inspired about doing it and ultimately taking action and going. This has helped me be more resourceful and mindful. If you have never heard of this, I hope it helps you in some capacity.

Thank you for your time today, I appreciate you very much.

05-31-2015, 10:39 AM
I think this will give you some insight.


Essentially, it can filter out the nonsense thought processes of anxiety, which would allow more focus on whatever task is at hand.

But, anything beyond moderate drinking, that clarity gets more and more simplistic, taking away any efficient focus.

05-31-2015, 10:01 PM
Thank you very much for that - that provided some clarity.