View Full Version : Losing my mind

05-29-2015, 07:27 PM
I just don't know what to do anymore every morning I wake up to my heart pounding out of my chest throughout the day I feel awful everyday at some point and I spend most of my day trying to convince myself not to go to the hospital and that I'm not about to die. I'll convince myself for a little bit that I'm going to be ok and then I decide I can't take it anymore I just got done crying my eyes out all over my boyfriend telling him I can take this anymore and there has to be something wrong with me. Right now my biggest problem other than feeling sick all the time I can't go more than 3 hours without eating or I get sick I get all the same symptoms as anxiety I've been to every doctor had every test and there's nothing wrong with me I'm not diabetic or hypoglycemic and my family tells me I've put it in my head that I can't go without eating and I've convinced myself I can't go without eating so I have anxiety attacks over it. I'm only 25 years old I should be having a good time and I'm not at all instead I'm scared to be alone scared to leave the house. No matter what I do this isn't getting any better and I can't see myself spending the rest of my life like this. I have a good life things shouldn't be like this.

05-29-2015, 11:18 PM
Hey, well I do know how this feels, trust me. I spent a lot of my 20s like this and much worse in my 30s.

You aren't losing your mind, you're just a nervous wreck. You need to go easy on yourself and not keep thinking about how you should be - that just adds to it. There ARE things you can do to get better and you won't end up in some mental institution (I would be there by now!)

All the best,
Gypsy x

Bridget Goddard
05-30-2015, 12:14 AM
What have you done to address your anxiety?
If we start there, maybe we can give you some suggestions?
It can and will get better.

05-30-2015, 02:20 AM
I have gone to a psychiatrist which didn't really do anything they spent five minutes with me and wrote me a bunch of prescriptions. I keep Xanax in my purse for if I need it I was taking it everyday and stopped because it did t seem to be do anything for me but someone told me I need to be on it for a couple of weeks and let it build up in my system before I'll notice a difference. I also wanted to Try meditating but I find it impossible to clear my mind.

05-30-2015, 07:02 AM
I just don't know what to do anymore every morning I wake up to my heart pounding out of my chest throughout the day I feel awful everyday at some point and I spend most of my day trying to convince myself not to go to the hospital and that I'm not about to die. I'll convince myself for a little bit that I'm going to be ok and then I decide I can't take it anymore I just got done crying my eyes out all over my boyfriend telling him I can take this anymore and there has to be something wrong with me. Right now my biggest problem other than feeling sick all the time I can't go more than 3 hours without eating or I get sick I get all the same symptoms as anxiety I've been to every doctor had every test and there's nothing wrong with me I'm not diabetic or hypoglycemic and my family tells me I've put it in my head that I can't go without eating and I've convinced myself I can't go without eating so I have anxiety attacks over it. I'm only 25 years old I should be having a good time and I'm not at all instead I'm scared to be alone scared to leave the house. No matter what I do this isn't getting any better and I can't see myself spending the rest of my life like this. I have a good life things shouldn't be like this.

I love when I read posts like this. The OP is so fortunate!

Da fuck you say? I do. I fuckin say!

The reason is this, you wake up feeling the same way, you react the same, think you need to go to the hospital then you do it all over again tomorrow

This is the cool part, when you do that same cadence every day, you are so close to it stopping. I post the same often here asking how many times will you panic over the same thing before you realize it just isn't scary anymore?

How many times have you seen a scary movie and it was freaking you out? By the time you see it 4 times, it doesn't scare you a bit since you've seen that shit before

Same thing. What you view as disturbing, I see the end game for you just over the horizon

Today just may be that day when you realize you've seen that movie before

05-30-2015, 10:53 AM
That's a cool way to look at it I never thought of it like that

05-30-2015, 11:24 AM
I have gone to a psychiatrist which didn't really do anything they spent five minutes with me and wrote me a bunch of prescriptions. I keep Xanax in my purse for if I need it I was taking it everyday and stopped because it did t seem to be do anything for me but someone told me I need to be on it for a couple of weeks and let it build up in my system before I'll notice a difference. I also wanted to Try meditating but I find it impossible to clear my mind.

Psychiatrists strictly prescribe meds. Psychologists, therapists or counsellors will be where you'll get some help :) & with the Xanax, what mg did you try? Xanax is a fast acting benzo so it does not need to build up in your system. It works after immediate use. Works for me within 10-15 minutes & I usually take the smallest dose of .25mg.

Aside from that, I know the type of anxiety you speak of in your post. I've wanted to go to the hospital countless times but never actually do.

We all go through our rough patches where we see that we will always be like this & things won't get better. But they will. Though, we will still have our bad days, it won't be bad forever. Hang in there! Call up a therapist & find someone you can talk to you.

05-30-2015, 05:25 PM
I will try a therapist I have never tried that I also want to try meditating the doctor told me to take 25mg of Zanex in the morning and again in the night everyday even though I feel terrible I'm scared to take it I don't want to turn into a zombie on narcotics all the time to get by but I always here it's the best thing to take for it

05-30-2015, 05:36 PM
I will try a therapist I have never tried that I also want to try meditating the doctor told me to take 25mg of Zanex in the morning and again in the night everyday even though I feel terrible I'm scared to take it I don't want to turn into a zombie on narcotics all the time to get by but I always here it's the best thing to take for it

.25mg is the smallest dose. My pills were yellow (.50mg) & I cut them in half. I didn't take them according to what my dr said because I felt it was too much. So I took one when I needed. It did not make me feel zombie like. The dose is too small. But it's just enough to take your panic away. If I felt overly anxious, I would take a .50

05-30-2015, 07:18 PM
Ok I am going to try that then and see how I feel I figured I would take more or less than what the doctor told me depending on how I'm feeling