View Full Version : Confused

05-29-2015, 01:04 PM
At the beginning of May I was having sleepless nights, GP prescribed zopiclone 7.5 mg, this helped however it soon got to the point where I was unable to concentrate at work and I am off work right now on a medical illness leave. Only had problems with anxiety/depression about 10 years ago and it lasted for a couple of months. Tried taking Trazapine and Mirtazapine but only tried each of these meds for one night and the side affects were terrible, nightmares, crawling skin. I am still taking zopiclone for sleep . I am having a very difficult time at home as there are plenty of projects to be done however I just do not have the motivation or clear thinking to do them. Also when I am alone in the house I feel even more anxious. As you can see there are plenty of issues here. I appreciate any advise regarding these issues.

05-29-2015, 05:00 PM
At the beginning of May I was having sleepless nights, GP prescribed zopiclone 7.5 mg, this helped however it soon got to the point where I was unable to concentrate at work and I am off work right now on a medical illness leave. Only had problems with anxiety/depression about 10 years ago and it lasted for a couple of months. Tried taking Trazapine and Mirtazapine but only tried each of these meds for one night and the side affects were terrible, nightmares, crawling skin. I am still taking zopiclone for sleep . I am having a very difficult time at home as there are plenty of projects to be done however I just do not have the motivation or clear thinking to do them. Also when I am alone in the house I feel even more anxious. As you can see there are plenty of issues here. I appreciate any advise regarding these issues.

I can't offer too many thoughts or advice about how to deal with yoir issues since it is pretty general to people here

You sound like everyone else that comes here and can't sleep and there are a bunch who are or have been on leave from work due to panic and anxiety

It just sucks

Lack of motivation is one of the many symptoms.m and that includes motivating yourself to decide today is the day I take my life back

But you have to get to that point. Hope isnt a strategy so you have to be the driving force

Learn and understand what anxiety is and how it controls you. So many people have started there and in no time at all, relatively speaking, they are as good as new!

05-30-2015, 02:12 PM
I agree with Nixon that wishing things would get better rarely (by itself) works. Medication works for many, but in my opinion it works much better along with some sort of therapy. Bryan -- are you seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist? You might find that helpful. If it helps, you should know that many people who are feeling what you are feeling have found a way to get past it and lead happy and fulfilling lives. That does not mean the anxiety disappears, but we find strategies to deal with it. Best wishes.

05-30-2015, 04:16 PM
Bryan welcome to the forum, we all are in similar situation. I am dealing with insomnia for a very long time, and Zoplicone helped a lot. The thing is nothing will help when I am extremely stressed out, no medication. Walk into woods will, so meditation, spending time alone, with a good book or planting some new shrubs will. Exercise will help, when i am biking for 45 minutes a day I sleep much better. try to calm a bit, read the boards, you will find a lot of excellent advice here :)