View Full Version : PANIC ATTACKS, ANXIETY, My 1 Year Story PLEASE HELP im struggling to cope

05-28-2015, 10:22 PM
Hi everyone!!

PLEASE READ MY STORY, (sorry for the typos and spelling mistakes) im pouring my heart into this....

new to this forum.

My story begins in January 2014:

It’s just the last year of 2014 at which everything’s gone wrong. At this time my life was hectic, I was working hard on my online business from home. Spending loads of hours on the computer, didn't really give myself time off and now that I think of it I probably did end up spending way to much time in front of the screen and on the computer everyday. Thinking of it now its been about 3 years since I left high school and since then have been attending university. im doing a Bachelors degree and it only involved me going into lectures a few times a week for the first 2 years. Then it changed to part time and I only went into uni a few times every couple of months. The rest of the time I was at home, playing PlayStation or working on my online business. Ive never had a job. since I left university my social activity has decreased tremendously and to be honest now looking at things i spent most of my time at home. I don't have my drivers license, i relied on my family members for everything etc. and know looking back i needed to take more responsibility. Ive always been a shy sort of guy and always felt a little scared in new social situations, but that was just me you know, it was just the way i am. Otherwise if im with people i know im loud, im talkative and i laugh lots and be so much fun. I used to live life as it came as it hit me!! not being vain but im very good looking, girls were always after me etc. but due to our strict family style i didn't ever go out with girls.

There is this one girl, a family friend who i met way back in 2009. And we started talking. Occasionally we met, we talked and slowly we both started falling in love with each other. we had dreams of marrying, travelling the world together, we'd even chose our kids names etc.. so it was quite serious. over the next 5 or so years until now the relationship however declined because i was scared to commit to her because i knew i was still studying and i wanted to wait a little longer until i got my shit sorted out. as my family was strict the dates with her gradually declined, and eventually she began to emotionally abuse me for the past 2 years. The loving person i knew faded away and she became this girl i loved so much a person that would give me rejection after rejection after rejection no matter what i tried!!! (something like this website https://shrink4men.wordpress.com/2009/01/30/10-signs-your-girlfriend-or-wife-is-an-emotional-bully/comment-page-35/)
anyway i always told her i loved her but i know in ways i never showed it to her because for me i always thought that that would happen after we got married because both our families are old fashioned and upper class. ill elaborate on this further down in my story.

so in 2014 i had University, assignments, my diet was extremely poor now that I think of it. I skipped breakfast or simply had nothing nutritional in my breakfast most days just a cup of tea if I did decide to have anything. always ate junk, on the computer, Im bombarded by pressure from my parents and brothers high standards.. to get a job etc etc. which has been going on for the past year before that as well. Along with this i was always at home, my life was in a rut, the girl i loved so much was just giving me rejection after rejection, i was stressing and working a lot on my online business.. so you can see how much stuff was going on. i lost weight and at one stage was about 54kgs. (im 65kgs now)

so in January 2014 I had a flight to catch and that morning again no breakfast or simply rubbish foods, the pressure of getting to the airport, pressure of the flight etc. gave me what I now realise looking back was my first taste of a small teeny tiny anxiety/panic attack which lasted about 10 minutes. I got over it quickly and I was running back to normal with the constant lifestyle. because at that time i didn't realise what it was.. i just put it down to morning sickness or something...

then next in June 2014 I had exams and the poor lifestyle continued. Prior to my Exam in the morning, as usual, no breakfast late night sleeping all the stress... this ended up with another panic attack and me almost having to run out of the exam. I don’t know how but I managed to sit through the exam and ended up getting an A+ grade surprising? (anxiety was building - another clue)
The bad lifestyle continued after this and I had no issues and once again was back to normal. Looking back I should have taken these as crucial signs as to my body simply getting warn out but I didn’t notice or care at the time. At no point in time did I think or care what caused these issues and simply put it down to nerves.

At this point I had been on holiday for a month and a half. Fast-forwarding until July of 2014; 2 weeks prior to restarting University. The same lifestyle continued without any issues or symptoms, looking back now I can see that my health started to decline as I got closer to what I call the crisis point which took place in the middle of July 2014.
one night I had to go to hospital for no apparent reason. I had headache, low mood, dry skin, fatigue, shaking, hot and cold flashes, abdominal discomfort, my heart beat and BP was all over the place. I was told nothing was wrong and that it was dehydration. I was put on saline and was sent home. So this experience seemed to have increased my anxiety. But looking back it seemed that my body was constantly being drained of vital nutrients over time leading up to the event due to constant poor lifestyle.

After returning from the hospital it took much longer for me to get my health back, and I relaxed for about 3 weeks into uni and I was fatigued, tired and stressed, quite amazing how you don't think of doing anything when your really tired and sick. you just relax and rest. I happened to start feeling better this way having a good break which at that time I again didn’t realise. After I managed to feel better and my body starting to feel better I was Back to the lifestyle. After the next few days my body gave in, extreme headaches, couldn’t move from my bedroom to my brothers room. Fatigue, eye floaters, brain fog, weak muscles, dry skin, nausea, abdominal discomfort you name it.
I ended up going to my doctor who checked for things like parasites, celiac disease. But didn’t find anything, he told me to come back if things didn't improve but I didn’t end up going back, this was in September last year, but more on that later. When he told me they couldn’t find anything wrong with me over the phone a few days later the severe anxiety set in because I didn’t know what was happening to me and why I was so tired and fatigued with all these symptoms that wouldn't go away and the worry that I would be this burnt-out for the rest of my life because nothing was getting better. I think at this stage maybe I did develop an anxiety problem caused from my poor health, my libido was gone, and now i had another constant worry that I wouldn’t be able to please a women.

That night was very bad and the following morning then a A few hours later that day and developed severe anxiety, insomnia, crying at night, anorexia (unable to eat), and decreased appetite, sex drive and libido had fully gone. The majority of those symptoms lasted about 2 or 3 weeks.. i rested during that time and i felt better and the most of the symptoms went away. this was general anxiety and i had a few panic attacks in some places as well now looking back about 2 of them.

I decided to reboot myself (meaning reduce stressors and improve my life), I decided to lower all stressors and since I was now back on holiday there was no university. I started having good breakfast, eggs, seeds, dates etc. left all sugary processed foods and caffeine, just improved my lifestyle on a whole and started sleeping earlier. Over the first reboot it made a huge difference. i ended up doing this for about 90 days.

Continued Below:

05-28-2015, 10:23 PM
The symptoms gradually decreased and improved up until day 43 which I noticed a major change and I slowly started seeing morning erections and the libido returned Depression had gone after about the 3rd week into it but the Severe Anxiety remained. Everything seemed to be getting better and I was feeling better and better as the days went by.
At about days 50 or so the anxiety lifted off and I was back to my normal self with only very minor symptoms such as lethargy, small headaches, tiredness etc.
Day 75 arrived when I had my first wet dream after so many years and I felt amazing after it. I hadn't had a wet dream in I don't know how long lol. Post wet dream I had No anxiety and no other symptoms, the wet dream didn't slow down the recovery at all and the reboot continued. it gave me so much courage knowing that my libido was back. Confidence was returning, morning woods were back, all positive.

I continued the good lifestyle and I promised myself to continue the reboot and to not return to the hectic lifestyle which i was living and the related activities ever again.
A few days later I was happy, everything seemed cured I was back to normal, little did I know come 7pm when I started to have dinner, I was happily talking to a family member and then something in my brain flicked a switched and bam my anxiety returned right there and then out of nowhere. social anxiety was back as well. Anxiety and the other symptoms had been gone for over a 1 month and a bit and I was feeling so good but there it was again returned. I had to get out of the room because and that was another small panic attack because i was scared all my symptoms returned. the headaches returned the lethargy, and low moods and the fluctuating energy levels. But this time no loss of appetite or insomnia. This time it wasn’t however as severe as the first time, But still very bad.

for the next 120 or so days i struggled with anxiety, if there’s no anxiety then depressed mood, or fatigue, lethargy. But it took much less time to start feeling a little bit better than the first reboot which I’m taking as a positive sign. What I have noticed over the 100 days or so is that a lot of my anxiety always however tended to go away after 6pm and my energy levels drastically increase after that time. During the days it’s very tough and I feel fatigued and the energy levels are low, but after 6pm it’s like I get a second wind of energy and I feel fine. In the early stages of the reboot I also noticed dryer skin. And I have dry skin patches behind my ear.
Also like to say that my hair has gradually started to fall out from the very first incident and is very very brittle. Its receding much faster.

The bad symptoms were there from july 2014 through until March 2015. So 8-9 months of hell of torture!!!

now going back to the girl i love. 3 months back ago February 2015.... i found out from someone else that the girl Ive been in love with for about 6 years is getting married to someone else at the end of this year and that’s put more pressure and stress on my delicate brain. I feel so down and bad about this, i cant stop thinking about her with someone else. I cant stop imagining them making love, i cant stop thinking of her living out all OUR dreams with another guy... i feel so worthless and depressed about it.. its adding to the depressive thoughts and anxiety imagining her with another guy. i begged and pleaded with her (which i know i shouldn't have).. she says she doesn't love me anymore...again more REJECTION... I try tell myself that maybe she wasn't good for me but its just so hard to get over someone who you love so much, someone you saw your future with and its ruining and playing with my mood ever since i found out from someone else :( This has just made things worse. I'm trying to convince myself that everything's going to be okay. I fear I can’t get a girl now because I won’t be good enough...i feel so worthless because of it.... i keep trying to hang onto hope that i can get back with her or try win her back before she gets engaged at the end of the year!!! my life shattered and i was devastated when i heard the news about her..... no girl in the world seems as beautiful as her... i try take my mind off her by talking with other girls but new girls seem so plain so vanilla to me.... i keep comparing everything to my love and i cant seem to get over her....its always on my mind since February. i dreamt of the day wed make love... and now someone else will be making love to her every night will im stuck in a circle of anxiety.

anyway since April 2015 all my major symptoms began to disappear. (other then the depression from my girl marrying someone else). What turned it around is the good lifestyle changes i mate, the way of thinking i adopted of being more positive and that i began taking supplements:
-Multi Vitamin,
-Fish Oil.
-Organic Greens Superfood drink
-Mass Gainer / Protein Shakes
-5htp (only took for 5 days)
-Amino Acid Complex (only took for 2 weeks)

and so i have been on the above supplements. ive gained 8kgs in the last month and a half.. have stopped taking 5htp and the amino acid complex. All my major symptoms are entirely gone. I feel back to my old self. So i would highly recommend any of use to try this (private message me and ill tell you all the details about it). But im still sad and depressed about my ex....

as i said I feel really good now but in the last month ive had 2 small panic situations. one just occurred yesterday. both occurrences was when i was in a relatively small room with new people in a social situation and i was put under pressure and felt like if i wanted to leave but i couldn't escape, i googled it and have come across:

Cleithrophobia - the fear of having no escape and unable to leave a situation at free will.
Claustrophobia - the fear of having no escape and being in closed or small spaces or rooms.
Panic Disorder - randomly occurring panic attacks
Social Anxiety Disorder - the fear of having a chance of being embarrassed or being around new people in new situations.

personally most of my panics ive had once ive gotten better from my other symptoms have been due to being under pressure, due to me feeling like ill be embarrassed, and that im unable to leave a situation at free will.. so i was quite intrigued by Social Anxiety Disorder & Cleithrophobia.

All these problems have simply added up in my life all slowly at once over the last year and a half and im struggling to cope with it all. I haven't talked to anyone about this. its all been bottled up inside and I think I just need to talk to you guys about it. My family wont understand if they found out all my problems, they'll blame me etc.. they already tell me that i should be working and getting on with my life etc. I don't have anyone to talk to about it. You guys are the first people I am telling

I’m struggling, im shattered im broken, my heart is empty, my brain and mind are wondering... all this has hit my confidence hard along with the girl i love so much, who i cant seem to live without...i just don't know what to do anymore....i want her back more then the world! but how can it happen if shes getting married at the end of this year... how can i show her me!! how can i prove im a better choice? how can i get her to spend sometime with me again??

please help me, i just want to cry...

Sorry for such a long story.

what are your guys thoughts of my condition and what i should do??

Please help
From an extremely exhausted, tired, grey and worried person - hence the name struggling1234


05-28-2015, 11:50 PM
I'm not sure what other advice I can give you, seeing that I'm struggling still myself! But, I did read your post :)

Mr Jingles
05-29-2015, 01:14 AM
Thanks for sharing your experience.

the severe anxiety set in because I didn’t know what was happening to me and why I was so tired and fatigued with all these symptoms that wouldn't go away and the worry that I would be this burnt-out for the rest of my life because nothing was getting better.
and then something in my brain flicked a switched and bam my anxiety returned right there and then out of nowhere. social anxiety was back as well. Anxiety and the other symptoms had been gone for over a 1 month and a bit and I was feeling so good but there it was again returned.
I feel so down and bad about this, i cant stop thinking about her with someone else. I cant stop imagining them making love, i cant stop thinking of her living out all OUR dreams with another guy...

I empathize with these parts of your experience. Anxiety makes me feel so lost, so confused, so wanting to escape the feelings and endless thinking. It comes back in the weirdest ways when I least expect it or think I've gotten better. And losing someone I love is very difficult heartbreak.

..i just don't know what to do anymore....i want her back more then the world! but how can it happen if shes getting married at the end of this year... how can i show her me!! how can i prove im a better choice? how to get her to spend sometime with me again??

There may not be much you can do to affect the outcome with your ex. But you can impact your experience of it greatly. Consider patience, accepting these feelings, letting time pass, and if an answer is going to come, be ready for it. But other people are mostly out of our control.

05-29-2015, 02:39 AM
I'm not sure what other advice I can give you, seeing that I'm struggling still myself! But, I did read your post :)

Thanks for reading it! I thought It was too big and no one would bother!

05-29-2015, 02:47 AM
Thanks for sharing your experience.

I empathize with these parts of your experience. Anxiety makes me feel so lost, so confused, so wanting to escape the feelings and endless thinking. It comes back in the weirdest ways when I least expect it or think I've gotten better. And losing someone I love is very difficult heartbreak.

There may not be much you can do to affect the outcome with your ex. But you can impact your experience of it greatly. Consider patience, accepting these feelings, letting time pass, and if an answer is going to come, be ready for it. But other people are mostly out of our control.

Hey Mr Jingles,

thanks for reading and posting. appreciate it.

yeah it really does kick you in the gut whenever anxiety comes on. But my generalised anxiety is gone. I had that for almost 9 months 24/7 worrying and severe anxiety. suffering everyday but I managed to cure that for good with hard work hopefully that daily anxiety will never come back. only suffering from panic attacks randomly now.
its a huge killer to my confidence that I had to find out about my ex choosing someone else now. right at the point where Id just cured my general daily anxiety. just as I cured my anxiety this girlfriend/love depression has hit me!!

I have been feeling quite good in the last 30 days or so other then that. The only issues I have now is with rare panic attacks that happen when im put under pressure or put on the spot. Or when im in a new place with new people and I seem to have a fear of being unable to escape at free will. But I know in those situations I have to take it on the chin and ride through it. I think that's the only way I can cure myself.

I watched a little tv before, I got soo damn emotional watching something and It reminded me of my ex and all the troubles im having right now in life... this black hole im in and I just started crying.... that's the only thing which made me feel a little better. its funny how men can cry... I thought I could never cry...

05-30-2015, 09:11 PM
bump bump bump

05-30-2015, 09:12 PM
How have you been feeling?

05-30-2015, 09:18 PM
How have you been feeling?

Hey brooklynn!! been feeling down about my ex, its just always on my mind..... I feel so lonely now, so empty... I had her for 6 years. I feel like ill never find love again or someone as beautiful as she was. and even if I do find someone when she finds out about my social anxiety/panic attack issues she'll probly leave me.... I feel im worthless and I wont be able to talk with girls anymore :(

I get anxious about imagining her with the other guy, how im going to attend their wedding, how im going to see her husband around, them making love or them having babies arrrgghh (cos we are sort of close family friends and there is no way she would simply leave my life)

my life right now is all over the place!! ive got my drivers test in a few days so I hope I get through that all okay.

woke up and watched the FA Cup final this morning an my team won so that really cheered me up and gave me motivation!!

its really funny how normal I come across talking to people or even the way I dress or look, I love fashionable clothes and things but its like im going through torture inside my mind especially about my ex!

how have you been?

05-30-2015, 09:35 PM

Lonely is a terrible feeling! I'm 8 months pregnant & I've been on my own the whole time. I know how hard it is being alone & wanting someone there. I don't know exactly how you feel though because I've never had to watch someone I love, love someone else. I believe time will heal this for you though. But for now, it's okay to feel hurt.

I hope you do pass your test! I'm sure you'll do great! & that's good your team won today! That's always nice.

& I know what you mean.. People are always thrown off when I tell them I suffer with anxiety. But I think that's with all of us.. We look so normal on the outside but inside is a different world.

& I'm okay. Dealing with my own anxiety & just waiting for it to pass!

05-30-2015, 09:55 PM

Lonely is a terrible feeling! I'm 8 months pregnant & I've been on my own the whole time. I know how hard it is being alone & wanting someone there. I don't know exactly how you feel though because I've never had to watch someone I love, love someone else. I believe time will heal this for you though. But for now, it's okay to feel hurt.

I hope you do pass your test! I'm sure you'll do great! & that's good your team won today! That's always nice.

& I know what you mean.. People are always thrown off when I tell them I suffer with anxiety. But I think that's with all of us.. We look so normal on the outside but inside is a different world.

& I'm okay. Dealing with my own anxiety & just waiting for it to pass!

wow you must be one strong lady to go through all that by yourself! its so true how women are stronger then men emotionally and how guys need girls more in life!! yeah being lonely is such a bad feeling i hate it!

you never want to feel someone you love, love someone else. its the greatest torture... especially when you thought she loved you too when you thought you were on the same level but then she just gets with someone else without a word.... how she made me feel like she was mine, how she would talk about our future... pretty much lie the entire time to me!! and the more she lied the more in love i got...

i hope time heals it....

yeah i need to work on myself more then anything now. build up the confidence and self esteem again. overcome my fears so my social anxiety and panic gets cured. i need to rebuild the empire that shes smashed to pieces. keeping faith ill find another beautiful lady one day that i can love the same...

that's good to hear your okay.. keep striving one day you'll wake up and your anxiety will be gone :)

05-30-2015, 10:07 PM
"You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have."

Through these past 8 months, I hit rock bottom. My absolute lowest I had ever been emotionally. But I'm still standing. What keeps me going is that one day, this will all be behind me.

It's hard getting your self esteem back after someone has broke you. But you'll find it again.

Are you on any meds or therapy or anything? Therapy helped me through my break up.

06-03-2015, 09:24 PM
"You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have."

Through these past 8 months, I hit rock bottom. My absolute lowest I had ever been emotionally. But I'm still standing. What keeps me going is that one day, this will all be behind me.

It's hard getting your self esteem back after someone has broke you. But you'll find it again.

Are you on any meds or therapy or anything? Therapy helped me through my break up.

Hey brooklynn,

haven't been on for a few days was busy with some things. how are you? I read your post about your mum and your anxiety. how did that go?

I PASSED MY driving test today!!! I feel so damn good about it!!! And I had no panic, no anxiety no issues even though I was under huge pressure to get there on time when I was running late and there was traffic etc.

so happy I passed it. although I feel really really tired now, for some reason I cant seem to handle work as much as I could before.

yup your right I can relate so well... in the last 10 months ive been at the lowest point in my life.. and its weird how we as humans can be so strong when we go through torture. I hope that one day its behind all of us. and yup my self esteem is pretty low and one of the main reasons I get anxiety or panic attacks are when im put into situations when there is a chance I can get embarrassed... so I need to work on that!!

nope I haven't taken meds or anything. ive been to the doctor & hospital and they cant seem to figure out whats wrong with me. to be honest im not a fan of popping pills.... nope haven't been to therapy or CBT or anything... no body knows what im going through. its bottled up other then letting it all out with you guys :)

but I have improved, I used to have dreadful anxiety that would be there every second of the day but I improved my lifestyle over months and ive got to a stage now where I only suffer from panic issues randomly which is weird!! but im gonna strive to fix that as well so that I can go back to being me!! like I was before but a new improved version.

yup the thoughts of my ex are still there... I feel lonely without her, then the fact that she chose someone else over me, that fact that she shattered all my dreams... now I feel I wont find anyone else out there!! I feel empty, but Im holding onto hope that ill find someone even better, keeping faith in god! It gives me anxiety thinking of them making love :( and thinking about their future I know I shouldn't think about it but I cant help it :( somedays im okay and sometimes I feel so sad :(

how did you get through your breakup. what happened? what your story?

06-03-2015, 09:48 PM
Hey! My mom goes tomorrow for her surgery, again lol she went 3 weeks ago & it didn't work so back at it again!

& that's awesome you passed your test! & awesome you didn't have any anxiety! Good for you, that's an accomplishment.

& for the therapy, it took me forever to go. Lol I'm not saying you need to but if it's something you'd be interested in, give it a try! It's good you found the forum. Because at least now you're getting everything out & not keeping it bottled up.

& my breakup? Such a long story.. Let me try to make it short lol.. We got together when I was 18. He ended up getting hooked on drugs about 4 months after we got together. I accused him but never got the truth until a year later when I caught him. He got clean & I moved in with him. Well, I guess we just grew apart after that. The love on his end was gone. It had been gone for months but I kept holding on. Then I hit a really rough patch in my anxiety & had to come back to my parents & get on meds February of 2014. We ended up ending things in May. I was a wreck. I couldn't imagine someone I had loved so much, be so willing to walk away from me. My medication made things easier anxiety wise but nothing quite helps a broken heart that soon. I started drinking heavily. This partying went on until I found out I was pregnant in December. Now, here I am. Lol my heart is healed & I have my life back. He's been clean 3 years this coming November so it helps me knowing that our relationship saved him, even though that meant is not ending up together.

I know my fairytale will happen one day & that's what gets me by. We all have someone who is meant for us :)

Vincent Miller
06-04-2015, 02:46 PM
I know my fairytale will happen one day & that's what gets me by. We all have someone who is meant for us :)

Surely, the key is in our belifs and the way we manage the thoughts!

06-07-2015, 04:24 PM
Surely, the key is in our belifs and the way we manage the thoughts!

yup sure is, but sometimes its so hard to let go of the thoughts if you know what I mean.. whenever I think of my ex and how its ended and her with some other guy it makes me feel down, but I always counter think with a negative thought about her....

for me its worse because shes the only girl I ever was with, the only girl I loved, so im not sure if all girls are like her..... I do know other girls who are absolutely lovely and they talk so nicely and are so friendly but with my ex its just bitchiness.... after this break up its smashed my self-esteem and confidence....

do you think maybe she emotionally abused me over many years and that's lead to me having anxiety and panic issues?

06-19-2015, 06:46 PM
Quick update. am getting better slowly!!! thoughts of my ex are there but they seem to be getting weaker and weaker which im happy about. still get the odd thought of her which makes me feel down but its rare!

just need to work on other things in my life. I had to go to a friends 21st party and I felt so much anxiety the entire day before going. was deciding should I go or should I not go.. was imagining all these negative situations in my mind... But I DECIDED TO GO!!! I forced myself and when I got there it was absolutely fine... I felt a little anxiety at the start but I was in control of my symptoms and bam they didn't affect me and I had an amazing time. its given me so much confidence!! they even asked me to talk about my friend in front of everyone, and I was calm relaxed and did something which I normally dread!!

good advice for anyone out there, get yourself outside of your "safezones" and put yourself in those anxiety provoking situations!! no matter how hard it is that's the way through it!!

Will keep you guys posted on how things go :)

06-19-2015, 06:51 PM
Keep on rockin!

That is some good news

Anxiety can be removed from all of us

10-26-2015, 03:36 AM
Hey everyone, its been about 5 or 6 months since i last signed on here. So i wanted to update you guys.

Things have been loads better and ive been enjoying myself and continued to put my self in more anxiety provoking situations.

All my symptoms are gone. Constant day to night anxiety is gone. My panic attacks are gone. Fatigue is gone. Ive improved socially but still working on that.

More then ever i think im over my ex. Brooklyn if ur still on here ud be happy to hear that. I have no feelings for her anymore.

Im working hard on myself and striving to become a good person.

Im so thankful.

The only problem i have left is anxiety for some specific situations. Ive been so looking forward to getting a job but i have a interview scheduled next week and for some reason im feeling anxious now i dont know why. Ill probly be okay on the day i know but just cant help feeling a bit anxious.

I gave a presentation last week in front of like 60-70 people and i felt absolutely fine. I was confident and i felt no anxiety up to that day at all.

I was in a group but in this case ill be alone for an interview with new people a new place so pretty much everything new. So im feeling quite anxious and its in the back of my mind. Hmm i assume its normal to be nervous but not this anxious.

Anyway i hope u all are doing great and ill look forward to hearing all your peoples updates :)

10-26-2015, 04:29 PM
feeling really anxious now as the interview gets closer, need to keep calm and stay positive! any helpful suggestions! I don't want to have a panic attack in the interview room!

10-26-2015, 08:41 PM
Hello, I read your story and I can say that I suffer something similar, also commenting that I am receiving as medical general doctor and also interests me Psychiatry. There are some things that strike me your story, I see that at no time mention going to a psychiatrist or CBT or you mention the need, why ?, do not take any medication such as antidepressant or anxiolytic? As a person with anxiety and doctor I am very interested in the prognosis of GAD. Greetings from Mexico

10-26-2015, 09:10 PM
I think the thing to keep in mind is anxiety night never really be cured..but when we have these 'setbacks' its hard because you just feel like you're never going to be better. I've suffered with anxiety for years and I think the best I can hope is to manage it and not let it run my life- anxiety is a part of ne yes, but just a part and it's important to have a partner in your life that can understand that

10-26-2015, 09:35 PM
That's one of the things that interests me most, the dispute if no cure or GAD is only controllable, to our knowledge only can control, I wonder how long you can be asymptomatic and inquire about the prognosis medium and long term

11-01-2015, 07:44 PM
Hello, I read your story and I can say that I suffer something similar, also commenting that I am receiving as medical general doctor and also interests me Psychiatry. There are some things that strike me your story, I see that at no time mention going to a psychiatrist or CBT or you mention the need, why ?, do not take any medication such as antidepressant or anxiolytic? As a person with anxiety and doctor I am very interested in the prognosis of GAD. Greetings from Mexico

Hey, to be honest i didn't see a psychiatrist because im changing my own thought patterns, im trying to think positively about everything now rather than negative. If something gives me anxiety i always tell myself its going to be okay and remind myself with positive thoughts. Im not a fan of popping pills so i have not tried any anti depressants. Ive just made lifestyle changes and used supplements and nearly all my daily anxiety which i initially had is gone.

i only get anticipatory anxiety now and littles bits of social anxiety but im improving on that as well and i keep putting my self into anxiety provoking situations. i try go into my fears head on no matter how bad they make me feel!!

11-01-2015, 07:45 PM
I think the thing to keep in mind is anxiety night never really be cured..but when we have these 'setbacks' its hard because you just feel like you're never going to be better. I've suffered with anxiety for years and I think the best I can hope is to manage it and not let it run my life- anxiety is a part of ne yes, but just a part and it's important to have a partner in your life that can understand that

i think it can be cured, as long as you make positive changes into your life and challenge your own thoughts patters which you developed whilst growing up! but yes we need to manage it once wev been hit by it to make sure it never comes again. And your absolutely correct you need a loving partner who understands, we all have someone.

11-01-2015, 07:49 PM
That's one of the things that interests me most, the dispute if no cure or GAD is only controllable, to our knowledge only can control, I wonder how long you can be asymptomatic and inquire about the prognosis medium and long term

It can be cured, i had severe anxiety for about 10 months every second of every day, i cured it. most days i dont have any anxiety anymore, i do tend to get tired more easily now. but you have to realise once your cured that you have to be more aware when your body and mind is feeling tired, then get rest before anxiety can manifest up again. i have no symptoms for the past 5 months or so and honestly i only get symptoms now before an interview basically anticipatory anxiety for situations in which i might be embarrassed. thats i believe due to my low self esteem and confidence. im working on it and challenging my thought patterns

the key is to go head on into your fears and keep facing them even if they make you feel really bad, the more you go in them the less thay can affect you.

11-01-2015, 07:52 PM
Went to the job interview, had loads of anticipatory anxiety leading up to the event for days,

on the day:
was perfectly fine, no anxiety no panic nothing. i was confident (little nervuos but thats okay). got through 45 minutes being interviewed by two new people.

feel awesome now. and guess what i got offered the job!!!!!!!

theyve invited me again for another meeting, and guess what im feeling a little bit of anticipatory anxiety again, but its less then before the interview. so im challenging my thought patterns everyday because i know itll be okay when i get there.

we have to change the way we think!!

will let you know how things progress

11-02-2015, 02:23 PM
What has been your biggest asymptomatic time?

11-02-2015, 06:30 PM
What has been your biggest asymptomatic time?

Hi, for me when i first got anxiety or GAD i had it for about 8 months everyday constantly feelimg anxiety. I also had forms of agoraphobia in that time. As i worked on my self made changes etc i removed the GAD and aforaphobia. But i still had panic attacks and panic disorder when having new experiances when i could be embarassed or judged. I got through the panic attacks and ive eliminated that and i havent had a panic attack in about 3 or 4 months. What i have now is more social anxiety which im working on and its imoroving immensely as i put myself in more amxiety provoking situations. The key i think for my gradual improvements is thinking positively, challenging ur own thoughts and most important going and experiancing as many fears as you can and have as much as you can and putting urself in the anxiety situations.

Also on top of that eating healthy, socialising, exercising, getting out of the house. We have to make an effort to make our own lives better, take some good supplements. Remove any negative relationships in ur life.

But yeah ive been anxiety free for quite sometime and im glad its improving. It was really really really bad initially and looking back im happy to say ive made some excellent progress forward in the last 1 year. I only experiance anticapatory anxiety now before “occassions” eg. Job interview or flying on a plane etc but im challenging myslef my thiughts to overcome that just how ive overcome other things over the past year

This is curable but we have to be strong work hard and rage war against your own anxiety because we create it ourselves through our own way of thinking amd how we develop growong up. Its all learnt and we can chamge it all. But it requires dedication effort and will power to keep on going even throguh setbacks.

06-30-2016, 08:16 PM
Also on top of that eating healthy, socialising, exercising, getting out of the house. We have to make an effort to make our own lives better, take some good supplements. Remove any negative relationships in ur life.

Super inspired by your story and the outcome! Not sure if you still step into the forum or not, I'm new here and just browsing the forum and stumbled upon this thread! I can totally relate to a lot of your story minus the heart break. For me it is separation anxiety because my boyfriend and I will be living apart in diff states for at least a year! Yikes! We've been together for almost 4 years, so I'm a nervous wreck about it. My lifestyle wasn't the healthiest before my anxiety attacks hit me more frequently. I too was ignoring the warning signs & it hit me all at once. Moving anxiety, separation anxiety, general anxiety, social anxiety, even depression set in, along with a very unhealthy lifestyle. I'm glad I found this forum as soon as I did. It started with me googling the chest pains I was having, and somehow related it to anxiety and then this forum popped up! So glad it did. Seeing that I was not alone, I was also able to gain tips & read other's struggles as well. I've changed my lifestyle, but it's only been about a week. 2 weeks since the worst of my attacks hit me. I have not been the same since, but feeling a lot better than I was then. My appetite is slowly returning. I'm eating smarter, exercising & keeping up with supplements and lots of water has helped me so much! Still feel waves of panic and I just have to belly breathe and talk myself out of them. I too refuse to pop pills! Best wishes!