View Full Version : Lymphoma Worry

05-26-2015, 03:06 PM
Hey, so I have been having some worries over the past two weeks about lymphoma, more specifically Hodgkin's Lymphoma. I discovered a lymph node on my neck under my jaw. You can't see it but I can feel it and they are on both sides. They feel similar to my parents but I'm just convinced that they are swollen here. I have also had itching which I know is a symptom for awhile, I can't really pinpoint when and where but I think it's nearly been a year. I went to the Doctor's last year for a rash kind of thing that I had on my upper arm last year as I was convinced I had leukemia. They said it was nothing, not even ecezma and it only happened after having a hot bath or shower so I put it down to that. It went away with steroid cream but it came back the other day and I haven't seen since October, but it went away in two days. I'm terrified I have lymphoma and I have been having constant panic attacks for the past week because of it. Please help.

05-26-2015, 06:51 PM
I can feel my nodes too. Please read about the nodes and then you will understand. When you stressed out, you body starts to do a lot of s***t , the immune system gets crazy. I am sure maybe cold or some virus caused it, it will go away. You could go to doc to get it checked out. :) Welcome to the forum

05-26-2015, 07:33 PM
I'm the same as Dahila.

Like she said, there are many reasons for being able to feel them. Virtually all of them minor. H.L is a really big step up from what is likely to be an innocent cause.

05-26-2015, 07:54 PM
When my anxiety was at its worst, my lymph nodes looked like two goiters hanging off of my face

They were so big, many mistakenly believed they were testicles

Lymph nodes swell and contract pretty often based on a bunch of reasons

Get a GP opinion if it helps your mind but it will likely be money not well spent

05-26-2015, 07:55 PM
Don't you just feel this buzz of excitement when Nixon's on the forum?

It's like.... anything is possible when he's around.

05-26-2015, 07:59 PM
Same here. The ones behind my ears flare up all the time. Especially when I'm sick or have any infection or even when I get body piercings lol

05-27-2015, 02:47 AM
Thanks for your help guys, I know that the nodes in your neck are palpable and normal to feel. To be honest, I don't even know if they are swollen or not. I can just feel them.

My main concern is the itchiness at the moment. I've heard horror stories how people went to the Doctor's and they thought it was nothing and they discovered they had stage IV lymphoma. This is what I'm scared about.