View Full Version : Panic attack!!

05-25-2015, 10:07 PM
Someone said the guy who predicted the Nepal earthquake, is predicting one on the west coast. A 9.8 Thursday night. I'm in California. I can't breath. I'm freaking out!!!

05-25-2015, 10:12 PM
The only person I know who can predict the future is Im-Suffering, and he hasn't predicted an earthquake as far as I know.

05-25-2015, 10:12 PM
If anyone scientific could predict something like that, I think they'd evacuate the whole West Coast :)

05-25-2015, 10:13 PM
The only person I know who can predict the future is Im-Suffering, and he hasn't predicted an earthquake as far as I know.

And there's that.

05-25-2015, 10:14 PM
I'm going crazy. Of course I have to have this freak out since I was just saying how good I've been..

Earthquakes are the scariest thing to me. & to think one that big is said to come.. I'm terrified.

05-25-2015, 10:17 PM
Seriously, whoever predicted that is probably some conspiracy theorist. If they predicted the Nepal earthquake, why did noone know about it?

05-25-2015, 10:18 PM
I'm going crazy. Of course I have to have this freak out since I was just saying how good I've been..

Earthquakes are the scariest thing to me. & to think one that big is said to come.. I'm terrified.

This is part of overcoming anxiety, Brooke. Learning to deal with these moments. Why not write down some of the worst thoughts you're having, then in the morning, when you're calmer, we'll take a look at them and begin to figure out your thought pattern so we can prevent future attacks.

05-25-2015, 10:19 PM
This is part of overcoming anxiety, Brooke. Learning to deal with these moments. Why not write down some of the worst thoughts you're having, then in the morning, when you're calmer, we'll take a look at them and begin to figure out your thought pattern so we can prevent future attacks.

Okay that's fine..

But WHAT IF this earthquake does happen?!?! Lol I'm screwed.

05-25-2015, 10:19 PM
Because Gypsy is right. This prophecy is 99.99999% rubbish. Trust Im-Suffering on this one. He's had no read, and he's as psychic as they come. He also knows anxiety, too.

In fact, one girl came to the forum today and she didn't even have anxiety. So he gave it to her, then cured her, just to show off to the group.

You're gonna be fine, my love.

05-25-2015, 10:21 PM
Because Gypsy is right. This prophecy is 99.99999% rubbish. Trust Im-Suffering on this one. He's had no read, and he's as psychic as they come. He also knows anxiety, too.

In fact, one girl came to the forum today and she didn't even have anxiety. So he gave it to her, then cured her, just to show off to the group.

You're gonna be fine, my love.

Ugh okay.. Lol hopefully he pops in on this convo!

05-25-2015, 10:27 PM
Ugh okay.. Lol hopefully he pops in on this convo!

He doesn't need to, hun. He's aware of what we're saying at all times. :)

If you're scared of earthquakes, come hang out in London, lol. Worst we get here is rain. Lots and lots of rain.

05-25-2015, 10:28 PM
Because Gypsy is right. This prophecy is 99.99999% rubbish. Trust Im-Suffering on this one. He's had no read, and he's as psychic as they come. He also knows anxiety, too.

We're pretty much the safest people on this planet ;)

05-25-2015, 10:31 PM
Well London sounds lovely but I don't fly either.. Haha I keep telling my parents let's drive over to the next state til Friday. They aren't with it lol!

05-25-2015, 10:44 PM
Seriously, whoever predicted that is probably some conspiracy theorist. If they predicted the Nepal earthquake, why did noone know about it?

Yea I agree.. I hope it's not true :(

05-25-2015, 10:45 PM
I live in CA and went through some major earthquakes. Learned how to nail bookshelves to the walls, never hang anything heavy over your bed, and put on a pair of shoes before leaving bed after an earthquake hits. I haven't heard of any big ones Lately...most houses and buildings are retrofitted to withstand big earthquakes. You will be fine :) just keep a flashlight and shoes by your bed if you are worried.

05-25-2015, 10:48 PM
Personally i would take an earthquake over an tornado anyday. Tornadoes scare me! And i have lived through 1989 loma prieta earthquake and 2 smaller bay area earthquakes.

05-25-2015, 10:55 PM
I live in CA and went through some major earthquakes. Learned how to nail bookshelves to the walls, never hang anything heavy over your bed, and put on a pair of shoes before leaving bed after an earthquake hits. I haven't heard of any big ones Lately...most houses and buildings are retrofitted to withstand big earthquakes. You will be fine :) just keep a flashlight and shoes by your bed if you are worried.

Okay I'll remember that! :)

But isn't a 9.8 like huge.. I've only been in one quake that felt like someone was running through the house. I didn't know what it was til after. Lol

05-25-2015, 11:07 PM
Okay I'll remember that! :)

But isn't a 9.8 like huge.. I've only been in one quake that felt like someone was running through the house. I didn't know what it was til after. Lol

Yeah, it would be earth shattering. The Richter scale only goes up to 10. The worst earthquake ever recorder was 50 years ago. That was only a 9.5.

05-25-2015, 11:09 PM
Yeah, it would be earth shattering. The Richter scale only goes up to 10. The worst earthquake ever recorder was 50 years ago. That was only a 9.5.


05-25-2015, 11:14 PM

Just means it's exceptionally rare, and extremely unlikely to happen. :)

In hundreds of years of recorded history, I think only 3 earthquakes have been above 9.1.

You've dyed your hair about 20 more times than there have been earthquakes of that magnitude!

05-25-2015, 11:17 PM
Just means it's exceptionally rare, and extremely unlikely to happen. :)

In hundreds of years of recorded history, I think only 3 earthquakes have been above 9.1.

You've dyed your hair about 20 more times than there have been earthquakes of that magnitude!

Okay lol.. I hope this is false!!

05-25-2015, 11:20 PM
This guy is predicting this based on the planets alignment & some dude name nostrodomis. But I read an article saying that it's impossible for the alignment of the planets to predict an earthquake.

05-25-2015, 11:34 PM
I don't think anything really can predict earthquakes...just time (years) between them. It just becomes part of your life...imagine people who live in Tornado Alley in US feel the same way. They know it may happen but not when or where exactly.

05-26-2015, 12:07 AM
Someone said the guy who predicted the Nepal earthquake, is predicting one on the west coast. A 9.8 Thursday night. I'm in California. I can't breath. I'm freaking out!!!

You know what is funny, in the 80s we were told the big one in California is going to happen soon and be ready for it. It was all over the news and in school we were told to prepare for it. In the late 80s people were buying earthquake survival kits, and I actually worked a job when I was young of going door to door selling Earthquake survival kits in the 80s. Around that time we were told Nostradmus predicted a massive apocalypse and even that was on the news.

So there you have it! As you get older you will realize 2 things: Nobody can predict the future and people love to obsess on the apocalypse.

05-26-2015, 12:12 AM
You know what is funny, in the 80s we were told the big one in California is going to happen soon and be ready for it. It was all over the news and in school we were told to prepare for it. In the late 80s people were buying earthquake survival kits, and I actually worked a job when I was young of going door to door selling Earthquake survival kits in the 80s. Around that time we were told Nostradmus predicted a massive apocalypse and even that was on the news.

So there you have it! As you get older you will realize 2 things: Nobody can predict the future and people love to obsess on the apocalypse.

Wow I didn't know about that.. & no big earthquake happened I'm assuming?

That makes me feel better.

05-26-2015, 05:28 PM
I just wanna wake up & it be Friday & everything be fine. This is all I can think about. I was up all night. Ate only once today because I forced myself.

05-26-2015, 06:05 PM
What do you wanna do Thursday night to take your mind off things? Netflix and chill?

05-26-2015, 06:06 PM
What do you wanna do Thursday night to take your mind off things? Netflix and chill?

You comin here? Haha

05-26-2015, 06:09 PM
You comin here? Haha

Whaaa? With that earthquake hitting? No way lol

05-26-2015, 06:14 PM
Whaaa? With that earthquake hitting? No way lol

You're so mean!!!!!!! Lol I'm gonna cry now...... Haha

05-26-2015, 06:28 PM
You know I'm playing. :)

I would come if I was closer. I've never had sushi before.

05-26-2015, 06:29 PM
You know I'm playing. :)

I would come if I was closer. I've never had sushi before.

I would rather go to you. London sounds much more appealing than boring ol California lol. Do you have sushi there??

05-26-2015, 11:06 PM
I would rather go to you. London sounds much more appealing than boring ol California lol. Do you have sushi there??

We do, but it's all the way in the city, and I can't ever be bothered to get the train. I had supermarket sushi once, but it was awful, so I'm not counting it as real sushi, lol.

05-26-2015, 11:17 PM
We do, but it's all the way in the city, and I can't ever be bothered to get the train. I had supermarket sushi once, but it was awful, so I'm not counting it as real sushi, lol.

Ummmm yea that does not count! Lol you must have real sushi. Your life will never be the same!

05-26-2015, 11:38 PM
Which sushi shall I try?

I wanna go in and order like an absolute boss.

05-26-2015, 11:42 PM
Which sushi shall I try?

I wanna go in and order like an absolute boss.

Is it all the same everywhere? Cause if so, order a California roll & a Lion King roll!

My favorites. My unborn baby loves them! Haha

05-28-2015, 09:40 PM
you should stop reading and looking at the news, I know for some people it tends to make anxiety worse for them because it fuels the ideas in the mind of a negative world! only look at positive good news!! I try to do that as much as I can and I find it helps

05-28-2015, 09:49 PM
you should stop reading and looking at the news, I know for some people it tends to make anxiety worse for them because it fuels the ideas in the mind of a negative world! only look at positive good news!! I try to do that as much as I can and I find it helps

I actually don't watch the news on tv anymore because of this reason. & now I decided to delete my Facebook because people like to post stuff to scare people.. Lol social media is a bad idea for people with a mind like mine

05-28-2015, 09:56 PM
that's really good!! tbh i find facebook and those social media make me feel more depressed. its best if people like us keep away from it. i would love if you could read my story!! i cant post yet because i haven't reached 25 posts... im struggling myself really bad. i had severe anxiety for the past 9 months which has just started to get better... and just wen it does the love of my life of 6 years who i had my dreams with tells me shes marrying someone else at the end of the year :( for some reason i panic when im in places i feel i cant escape or leave at free will.

i cant stop thinking of my love!! im shattered devastated, empty alone..... what makes it worse is that she chose someone else... i feel so worthless

05-28-2015, 10:03 PM
that's really good!! tbh i find facebook and those social media make me feel more depressed. its best if people like us keep away from it. i would love if you could read my story!! i cant post yet because i haven't reached 25 posts... im struggling myself really bad. i had severe anxiety for the past 9 months which has just started to get better... and just wen it does the love of my life of 6 years who i had my dreams with tells me shes marrying someone else at the end of the year :( for some reason i panic when im in places i feel i cant escape or leave at free will.

i cant stop thinking of my love!! im shattered devastated, empty alone..... what makes it worse is that she chose someone else... i feel so worthless

I'll be waiting to read your story once you can post!

I'm so sorry about this girl.. If there's one thing I believe though, it's that everything happens for a reason. As shitty as things can get, I promise one day it'll all make sense! Hang in there.

& your anxiety sounds like mine. I freak out if I'm somewhere far from an exit. Like a bus, the top floor of the mall, 4th floor of my Drs office. & much more lol

05-28-2015, 10:12 PM
I'll be waiting to read your story once you can post!

I'm so sorry about this girl.. If there's one thing I believe though, it's that everything happens for a reason. As shitty as things can get, I promise one day it'll all make sense! Hang in there.

& your anxiety sounds like mine. I freak out if I'm somewhere far from an exit. Like a bus, the top floor of the mall, 4th floor of my Drs office. & much more lol

wow cool!! i think ive found my first friend on this forum :) thanks brookelynn!!

its so difficult for me about the ex... it hurts so bad i just don't know what to do... i keep thinking about her every second for the last few months and no matter what i try or do it gives me so much pain... especially when i think about her in another guys arms.. it kills me inside..... and it fuels my anxiety!! and the facts theres another 6 months till she gets married its like torture because my mind keeps thinking of ways to win her back... im sure she still has feelings for me to...

yeah yesterday i went for a contact lens trial, i was so happy and energetic going in and then bam when i entered the small room, got my contacts put in i started to panic for some reason... then i made a fool of myself and asked them to open the door... and i lied down onto the floor for a minute.... it was embarrassing lol. but im glad i got through it.. because that's the only way you can overcome the fear

05-28-2015, 10:26 PM
wow cool!! i think ive found my first friend on this forum :) thanks brookelynn!!

its so difficult for me about the ex... it hurts so bad i just don't know what to do... i keep thinking about her every second for the last few months and no matter what i try or do it gives me so much pain... especially when i think about her in another guys arms.. it kills me inside..... and it fuels my anxiety!! and the facts theres another 6 months till she gets married its like torture because my mind keeps thinking of ways to win her back... im sure she still has feelings for me to...

yeah yesterday i went for a contact lens trial, i was so happy and energetic going in and then bam when i entered the small room, got my contacts put in i started to panic for some reason... then i made a fool of myself and asked them to open the door... and i lied down onto the floor for a minute.... it was embarrassing lol. but im glad i got through it.. because that's the only way you can overcome the fear

Awe you're welcome!! You'll find lots of friends here :)

& yea I can't imagine that happening. I'm sorry you're going through this. My longest relationship was 3 years. It tore me apart when we split but it didn't last forever. My heart healed & moved on. It's now been almost a year since we split & he's actually sitting next to me watching a movie lol. It took us months to get on this friendship level but it happened.

& you know that story reminds me of another guys on here. I read it all the time when I'm feeling anxious about public places.. He was in the mall alone & he started to have an attack. He cried on the floor & strangers stood by his side until help arrived. It goes to show that people aren't gonna judge us if we panic in public like we think. There's people who will actually help us & be there.

05-28-2015, 10:38 PM
Awe you're welcome!! You'll find lots of friends here :)

& yea I can't imagine that happening. I'm sorry you're going through this. My longest relationship was 3 years. It tore me apart when we split but it didn't last forever. My heart healed & moved on. It's now been almost a year since we split & he's actually sitting next to me watching a movie lol. It took us months to get on this friendship level but it happened.

& you know that story reminds me of another guys on here. I read it all the time when I'm feeling anxious about public places.. He was in the mall alone & he started to have an attack. He cried on the floor & strangers stood by his side until help arrived. It goes to show that people aren't gonna judge us if we panic in public like we think. There's people who will actually help us & be there.

that's nice to know :)

yeah its horrid hell for me, i love her so much!! wow i couldn't imagine being friends with her it would tear me into a million pieces being next to her but not being able to be in love with her :( but maybe things happen for the best.... doesn't change the way i feel does it...

yeah people are very nice... they didn't insult me because i panicked, they actually starting looking after me, they ran to get me water and things it was quite nice to see people doing that for me.

hey ive uploaded my post!! have a read but i better warn you though its a pretty huge post lol :p