View Full Version : Feel Like I am Losing my MInd

05-24-2015, 05:56 PM
I just started taking Viibryd for anxiety/depression, Buspar and Ativan for anxiety and horrible overreaction to things.

I feel like I am losing my mind, I cannot seem to focus on anything but the negative. I just get so anxious over every little thing. I am in a long distance relationship with someone who loves me dearly and whom I love. The distance coupled with my anxiety makes me crazy feeling. She can't do anything with friends or anything that I do not imagine the worst. When I am stable and not in this weird frame of mind I totally trust her and things do not bother me. I feel so out of control, and she is very understanding, thank God, but my anxiety makes me feel like a raving maniac sometimes. The anxiety makes me feel so bad about everything, every little thing gets me going. I feel panicky and just feel like I am going to lose it. My insecurities are magnified. I cannot concentrate on work on fixing myself, or anything except the fear inside of me. I feel like I am losing my mind. I have periods of time that I am in control and feel great, and nothing bothers me, but then I go off the deep end. I wake up feeling anxious, I torment myself with thoughts, it is out of hand. I have only been taking the Viibryd for a few days and I know it takes a long time to make a difference. When I get anxious my body feels strange, I feel disconnected and it is like this horrible fear for no reason.

I was wondering if any of you deal with these crazy symptoms and what you have done to combat them.

Thank you in advance for your help.

05-24-2015, 06:09 PM
Hi there :)

Yep all this is normal for anxiety. You aren't losing your mind. Your nervous system is just set on overdrive and you can't process anything without freaking out. Think of it as a physical illness - nervous illness - rather than purely mental. Do stuff that helps balance your nervous system like learning to breathe correctly, exercising, getting enough rest, eating well etc. These things sound like they are too basic to help but that's the trick of anxiety.. It makes you feel crazy but your nerves are just very on edge. Doctors also make it more complicated than it is and just give you meds, rather than explaining the nervous system to you.

You'll be ok!
Gypsy x

05-24-2015, 06:13 PM
Thank you Gypsy.. I so needed to hear that.

05-24-2015, 06:22 PM
No worries.

It really isn't this crazy illness you feel like it is. I've thought I was going mad so many times. It's just nerves.. The "flight or fight" response gone haywire. Take the meds but also look after yourself with basic things like I said. Especially things like deep breathing - that's one of the best ways to tell your nervous system it doesn't have to be on such high alert. Same as exercise. Even things like having a nice bath or shower. The nervous system loves these things!

05-24-2015, 06:29 PM
I do exercise, and take good care of myself, eat healthy and such. Sleep is a little elusive, and that doesn't help. This all fired up over the last few months again and I would do about anything to get rid of it.

05-24-2015, 06:36 PM
Try the breathing. Google diaphragmatic breathing and practice that. It takes time but really does help.
