View Full Version : Please help!!!!

05-24-2015, 12:32 PM
I need to know if anyone else has this problem. Sometimes when I am half asleep I hear random voices. It is usually just random words or phrases. I also have scary images pop into my head. I have ocd, gAd, and depression. Is this common with anxiety? My biggest fear is schizophrenia. My doctor told me that these are hypnogogic hallucinations. I am freaking out.

05-24-2015, 12:35 PM
Yep, I've had them.

Wierd, aren't they?

I went through a stage where the faces were of ugly people, the kind you'd find playing bad guys in a movie. Then I went through a different stage entirely where the faces and voices were of family members. I'd have other hallucinations while half-asleep, too, such as getting hit by a car, and I'd wake up jolting around as if I'd really been hit.

Your doctor's right; it certainly isn't schizophrenia. It really is nothing to worry about. I haven't had anything like this in 3 years, which is about the same time my anxiety started to lower. Coincidence? I think not. :)

05-24-2015, 12:35 PM
Normal (psychic). Nothing to do with anxiety. Why don't you listen rather than be afraid. They will teach you.

Jess this is not dreaming. But the transition just before sleep.

05-24-2015, 01:33 PM
Normal (psychic). Nothing to do with anxiety. Why don't you listen rather than be afraid. They will teach you.

Jess this is not dreaming. But the transition just before sleep.

Yeah, I know. I say "wake up" as it's still a semi-unconscious state.

I don't remember hearing anything valuable during those periods. Just random words and phrases.

05-24-2015, 05:28 PM
I need to know if anyone else has this problem. Sometimes when I am half asleep I hear random voices. It is usually just random words or phrases. I also have scary images pop into my head. I have ocd, gAd, and depression. Is this common with anxiety? My biggest fear is schizophrenia. My doctor told me that these are hypnogogic hallucinations. I am freaking out.

It's not Schizophrenia and is common with anxiety. It's just "strange thoughts in a tired mind" as Claire Weekes would say :)

05-24-2015, 08:16 PM
Weekes quote relates to something entirely different than this phenomena. Weekes herself suffered attacks throughout life until the very end. While i do understand her strong personality was comforting to others including her patients. To a great extent anxiety is merely the focus upon it. To the exclusion of equally valid stimulus (affirming health) from within and without. That would balance the scales so to speak If given the same credibility as the fear.

Let the OP know they are having a psychic experience (voices) at a time when the guard is down just before sleep in preparation for travel (astral) and the nights activities. It is very real. The channels open when the ego can relax. While this can stir anxiety it is not from it. Neither are your thoughts for that matter. Thoughts come from your beliefs.

You do not like your own thoughts and so you fear them like some invasion or a poltergeist. If you accepted them from your beliefs you can do something to change them.

I am not speaking to anyone specifically here, although the word 'you' is used in general terms.

05-24-2015, 08:26 PM
Weekes quote relates to something entirely different than this phenomena. Weekes herself suffered attacks throughout life until the very end. While i do understand her strong personality was comforting to others including her patients. To a great extent anxiety is merely the focus upon it. To the exclusion of equally valid stimulus from within and without. That would balance the scales so to speak If given the same credibility.

Let the OP know they are having a psychic experience at a time when the guard is down just before sleep. It is very real. The channels open so to speak.

I don't think it is a psychic experience. It's just random stuff caused by an overactive nervous system. The OP would be too anxious to perceive any psychic stuff even if that's what it is.

05-24-2015, 08:43 PM
"To a great extent anxiety is merely the focus upon it. A repeated psychological shock without any external catalyst or stimulus but a ghost. Truly an inner haunting that no one else can see. This is why it is so debilitating."

"One can get over it when a life without it can be equally seen or visualized."

"This i could not do. I was too enmeshed in my life."

This is from Weekes. Tonight.

05-24-2015, 08:59 PM
As the night settles in the electrical activity of the atmosphere (the air) increases. The electrons change character without the impetus or effects of light particles - and so it is at nightime the greatest psychic activity. The radio station of the mind picks up sometimes stray phenomena. Sometimes purposefully.

The OP or anyone can drift off toward sleep trying to stay in that transition state. Not awake not asleep. And just listen to the voices.

05-24-2015, 09:17 PM
Let the OP know they are having a psychic experience (voices) at a time when the guard is down just before sleep in preparation for travel (astral) and the nights activities. It is very real. The channels open when the ego can relax. While this can stir anxiety it is not from it. Neither are your thoughts for that matter. Thoughts come from your beliefs.

You're dangerous here! I don't know why they let you post here. You think you are some mystical knight or something and your posts are nuts!
OP- don't listen to him. I get this too. It has to do with the brain and it drifting off into different stages of sleep, including the dreaming phase. You may also wake up and see something in front of you sometimes. Same thing. Research sleep specialist info giving facts about this where they talk about the physical reasons of this. It is totally normal and does not signify any disorder other than stress.

05-25-2015, 12:39 AM
It has to do with the brain and it drifting off into different stages of sleep, including the dreaming phase. You may also wake up and see something in front of you sometimes. Same thing. ... It is totally normal and does not signify any disorder other than stress.

Yep agreed. Stress does many strange things to the mind.