View Full Version : The Reason You Think Your Anxiety Disorder is So Complicated Is Because....

05-23-2015, 08:14 AM
..you have anxiety.

How many times have you been so sure you were going crazy, going to die, couldn't breathe, had every disease you Googled, and over complicated everything to the point of absolute exhaustion? Your thoughts were so sure, right? You just knew it was real but look how they were total illusions!

One of the hardest things I have to do to help someone with anxiety is trying to get them to accept it isn't so damn complicated and it is just a phase you are going through that you can get out of. They don't believe me it's a total bluff. They don;t believe me it is so simple and not so complicated. The fight or flight mechanism is so well studied we know what it is. Of course you think it's so complicated and you need 25 tests and 7 specialists to study you, 5 books to study, 8 hours a day of contemplation, 5 different meds, because you have anxiety! You think in anxiety! That is why it seems so complicated.

This is the same mind that thinks you will only be safe or survive with certain people near you and only at a certain location. Being away from that location or person will cause immediate doom. Yes, that is the same mind telling you how complicated your anxiety is. That is the same mind telling you that you have a terrible disease that can't be cured. It is the same mind that tells you you must live a life of lack and limitation because you just simply can't handle things normal people can. It is the same mind that doesn't believe me when I tell you your anxious mind is wrong.

Why would you trust those thoughts? Think of how many times your mind has been wrong and how your thoughts were total bullshit!

Healing anxiety is a process that takes some time, little by little, and it involves moving forward towards mental and physical health, and away from this bullshit anxiety paradigm you got yourself stuck in. There is a ladder hanging right there in front of you to climb out of the anxiety hole to a normal life, but you are busy spending your time finding help in the hole rather than looking up.

There are specific techniques to do, specific therapy, specific supplements, etc., but the concept is not so complicated.

Get your mind right and set on getting better and then blast off toward your healing!

05-23-2015, 08:44 AM
You know what a big part of the problem is? The medical profession makes it complicated.

I've been listening to Claire Weekes stuff since I had a bit of a breakdown last weekend and she's awesome but nobody tells you this stuff! In twenty odd years of seeing doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists, nobody has told me about how the nervous system works. I sort of figured this out for myself a few years ago and Claire Weekes expands on it. Doctors will prescribe anti-depressants before telling you this though!

Mr Jingles
05-24-2015, 01:12 AM
I've gotten a lot from the Claire Weeks approach, too. And like Gypsy, I sort of came upon it myself after doing everything I could think of and getting nowhere but exhausted.

Claire's approach is more of non doing, letting anxiety be observed or floated with. Very effective.

05-24-2015, 01:40 AM
I finished listening to one of the audiobooks this afternoon (Freedom From Nervous Suffering). I like how she talks about how the body is always trying to heal itself if we would just let it. God knows I've done everything I possibly can to fight this anxiety and been very self-destructive in the process. I wish I'd known about Claire Weekes twenty years ago.