View Full Version : Facebook

05-21-2015, 05:56 PM
There is a new cool website called Facebook that lets people communicate online on what I like to call a "computer."

This is new in Rwanda along with what they call a "telephone", a device used for speaking without seeing

Nixon Watergate is the name

My hobbies are curling, bedazzling and binge drinking

Friend me if you have nothing better going on

05-21-2015, 08:35 PM
LOL@curling, bedazzling and binge drinking. Maybe we can get together one day and do all three at the same time!

05-21-2015, 08:57 PM
The first time I had ever seen curling played on television I was super stupid drunk. I remember thinking to myself "Why are these witches trying to play hockey? Do they know how bad at it they are?"

On a side note I booger bedazzle public places. They are intricate graffiti mosaics made of mucus in various stages of drying, a truly beautiful sight to behold.

05-21-2015, 09:07 PM
Well you'll certainly have to come to the drunk bedazzling night :)

05-21-2015, 09:52 PM
Sounds delightful. I just might be able to finally do my dream project, a retelling of the Kama Sutra on the back of an acid washed blue jean vest. Artfully distasteful, this phallic display will spin the tale of wild, tantric poses in a collection of tiny plastic rhinestones that I can wear to any social occasion. Yay!

05-21-2015, 10:20 PM
Sounds delightful. I just might be able to finally do my dream project, a retelling of the Kama Sutra on the back of an acid washed blue jean vest. Artfully distasteful, this phallic display will spin the tale of wild, tantric poses in a collection of tiny plastic rhinestones that I can wear to any social occasion. Yay!

LOL! I want one!

05-21-2015, 11:01 PM
Booger bedazzling public places? I'm cracking up right now. Thank you for the laugh, I needed it :)

05-25-2015, 08:46 PM
Just added another AF member!

Keep em coming