View Full Version : The key to survival

05-21-2015, 09:31 AM
Learning to own your anxiety, working with it not against it.

Iv been struggling for 4-5 years now with severe social anxiety...I don't go into town much, rarely leave the house to be honest. But over the years I have increasingly hated my self for being too "wimpish" to go out and do the things I want to do, such as University/Jobs/Travelling etc etc.

But what I am slowly learning is that although my anxiety may inhibit a lot of day to day activities and long term goals, it allows me time and has granted me the paitence to excel at other things.

You may recall a previous thread I started where I was struggling to find a passion I could stick to and begin to 'master'. In my anxiety, I have learnt to value knowledge over socialising..The opposite of what I used to be. I value reading books, learning languages/instruments and studying various topics, such as psychology and medicine/anatomy and more recently I have started looking at computer programming, all in my spare time (Of which I have lots)

So while I may not be currently able to go about town doing 'normal' (Remeber, normal is just a perception) things such as having a 9-5 job, going to social events etc ..I have an abundance of time to do other things, find new & interesting things to delve into - Having found this new freedom, I no longer have to look at the outside world from the lonely comfort of home, I can study all there is to know about the outside world and have fun doing it!

What I'm trying to say is, just because you struggle with something, and that your options may even be severely limited by the struggle (like me) you can always find a sliver lining..For me, embracing the introvert lifestyle was a big milestone in finding 'inner peace' and cutting my self some slack and forgiving my self for perceived short comings out in 'the big bad world'.

Accept the things you can not yet achieve, but don't threat about it, keep your eye open for the other doors it WILL open up :)

05-21-2015, 10:33 AM
"Learning to own your anxiety" yeah I know what you mean. Acceptance is a big part because once you ditch all the guilt and stuff, you've beaten some of the anxiety. Just be careful not to own it too much :)

05-28-2015, 09:47 PM
that really helped me!! thanks it means a lot for people who can read motivational stuff when we are all struggling!