View Full Version : Breathing Problems

Alexandra Mikell
05-20-2015, 01:52 PM
Hi everyone,

I was hoping for some advice on dealing with anxiety-related breathing issues. I was diagnosed with general anxiety disorder and depression 3 years ago, and while I've had most of the symptoms and issues under control for over a year now, I've recently developed some issues with breathing. I know that its related to some issues I've had at my job, but sadly I cannot financially support myself and my schooling without any employment, and have thus far had no luck with new work, so at this point in time it would do more damage to leave my job than deal with the stress. I only need the position for a couple of more months before I move back to my university, but being able to deal with this issue until then would make the rest of my summer more liveable.

The main issue has to do with my feeling that I'm not getting enough air. When I take a breath it feels like my lungs are not expanding as much as they should, as if something is stopping my diaphragm or pushing down on my chest. If I'm able to, I can force myself to yawn and I'm able to get what feels like a full breath, but the amount of times I can do that within a period of time is pretty limited. It doesn't make a difference in which way I'm breathing (through the mouth, nose, from the stomach, chest, etc.) though I do notice that I'm instinctively taking sharp breaths from my chest which is unusual for me, being a trained singer who has been breathing consistently from my stomach at even paces for years. I've also noticed that there's been an increase in upper-body gas issues that I'm pretty sure are related, which probably contributes to the feeling of pressure in my upper chest cavity.

I may go to the doctor if there is no improvement within a few weeks (this has been happening for about two weeks), and I know they will prescribe me something, but that would be a last resort. If anyone has some breathing tips, stretches, yoga poses, etc. etc. then I would really appreciated it.

Thank you!

05-21-2015, 03:46 PM
I didn't see this yesterday so it deserves a bump from Dick Nixon

Breathing problems and anxiety go together like da hood and crack

I know that anxious people are often shallow breathers and that can result in a feeling of lack of air, or better yet, those rockin heart palpitations.

Sometimes I would breathe shallow for so long that when I took a deep breath, it made my lungs hurt and felt as though they could not expand properly

I used the 2 week rule whilst in my battle with anxiety. If it persists for 2 weeks, then I see the GP. Most things stopped prior

If you are healthy, more likely than not it is anxiety since that is a pretty common symptom

What kind of music to you sing? I like to yodel like that chick on the Swiss Miss package

05-21-2015, 06:45 PM
I have developed a method that helps me. It's a form of meditation. What I do is sit down with my legs crossed and focus on breathing in a slow manner. What happens with anxiety or panic moments is that my heart rate goes up, so that can lead to breathing problems; especially the feeling that I am unable to get a deep breath (it's kind of scary how accurately your symptoms seems to match mine). If I can control my breathing, my heart rate goes down and I begin to feel more calm.

So yeah, I just slow down my breathing pattern and assure myself that I'm going to get through this. It's like opening up a window in a room full of smoke; slowly, but surely, it will be OK. You may not be able to find a place to sit and close your eyes if you have an anxiety attack while you're working, so, perhaps you could notify a co-worker about it. He/she can help you through it, perhaps.

05-22-2015, 04:57 PM
this fits my symptoms to a t. been going through this for last couple of weeks :(