View Full Version : Need help (how ironic)

05-19-2015, 03:47 PM
Dear sufferers and non sufferers,

I would like to share my story with you guys, in hope for help, and also in hope it will help someone... 3 days ago I celebrated my one year of suffering with Anxiety, so I would like to start from beginning.

Everything started day before my birthday where I smoked marijuana, and experienced a full blown panic attack, by that I mean it lasted for 2 - 3 hours... I have had all typical symptoms of anxiety and panic attack, I ended up in ER, where they gave me something to calm myself, and to detox my body, told me that I have abused cannabis and let me to go home, in addition to make appointment with psychiatrist. Because I felt fine after their care, I felt no need to go and see psychiatrist so I ignored it... So from here everything begins, I started to experience panic attacks and severe anxiety ever since, from which I chose to go check everything again if it is healthy the results of course came back fine, and only diagnose they could give me was Anxiety, and they told me to go to Psychiatrist to solve the issue. This time I decided to go, since there is a month wait for a psychiatrist, throughout that time I decided to help myself and I did, I helped myself I read, and educated myself about it, and I have been doing well for that time, until my first visit to psychiatrist came, I went to it, and it wasn't very pleasant. I was honest with the psychiatrist, and I decided to say everything that happend, on which she told me: "do you know you could have died because of it?" On which I laughed, because I read everywhere that that cannot happen just out of the anxiety, and panic attack, since that was natural response. I got therapy vitamin B and pills to calm me down, in case needed, and Magnesium. Okay, after that visit, I was at the beginning again, I decided to go with friends on a summer vacation, where I felt fine, and I did everything go on toughest slides in AquaPark, having fun and enjoying the break. I reduced the alcohol, and have never smoked weed after the panic attack... Throughout the whole time I managed to calm myself psychologically and I am doing great as the matter of the psychological part of the illness, but I still have physical symptoms of the anxiety... So I wanted to ask all of you do you experience same symptoms as I do.

I have to say that I am from the psychological side very stable, but I am stuck with some physical symptoms. For example, I can get arrhythmia (skipped beat/fluttering feeling in chest) out of blue, when I am not experiencing any anxiety or anything similar, which sometimes bring panic attack, and sometimes I manage to ignore it completely. Then there is Tinnitus (ringing in ears, which is annoying) I used have fasciculations (muscle twitching) in my legs, which I don't have anymore... I think it can go better than this, and I am giving my best to recover. But I have to ask:

Do you experience any anxiety symptoms out of blue?

05-21-2015, 10:46 AM
Also got my first panic attack on weed. Horrible experience i must say...
Used to have facial tweks, blushing, fight or flight (heart punding, adrenalin and so on)

05-21-2015, 11:13 AM
Hi and welcome :) sounds like you're doing well.

Anxiety symptoms can certainly appear out of nowhere. Anxiety is a disorder of the nervous system so you can get all sorts of strange symptoms but they do have logical reasons behind them.

05-22-2015, 06:01 AM
Hi and welcome :) sounds like you're doing well.

Anxiety symptoms can certainly appear out of nowhere. Anxiety is a disorder of the nervous system so you can get all sorts of strange symptoms but they do have logical reasons behind them.

Thank you for your reply, I never thought about it in the way you just mentioned it: " Anxiety is a disorder of the nervous system " When I read it out loud that way, it makes sense.

05-22-2015, 10:24 AM
Thank you for your reply, I never thought about it in the way you just mentioned it: " Anxiety is a disorder of the nervous system " When I read it out loud that way, it makes sense.

If you think of it that way it's a lot easier to deal with and there are lots of things you can do physically to help yourself - breathing, exercise, diet, sleep etc. Anxious people tend to forget the basics.


05-28-2015, 09:44 PM
yes I had GAD for about 8-9 months. it seems to have gone away but now I get random panic attacks when im under pressure or in places in which I cant escape at free will or when I feel trapped or stuck.. its bad because you don't know when it will happen. I go into something so optimistic and happy and then randomly I start panicking!! try some supplements they may help. ive used 5htp, multivitamins, fish oil etc and found them to be quite helpful.