View Full Version : OMG Please Help I am Losing my mind

05-18-2015, 06:50 AM
I really need to hear from you out there. I feel like I am losing my mind. I have excessive worry, some depersonalization and take even the smallest things and blow them so far out of proportion. Everything is a big deal, no little things. I am really concerned I am losing it. I have even had some suicidal thoughts, I would never do anything like that, but the thoughts have still come. I cannot focus at work, it is effecting my relationships with my SO, I have no interest is the things I used to. My self esteem and self confidence is in the crapper. This all started a few months ago on Wellbutrin, and I had cut it down because it was causing some troubling thoughts and anxiety. It seemed to help for awhile and then just went south really fast. I have been on SSRIs and SNRIs in the past, and thy made me fat and had sexual side effects. I have been in counseling for about a year. Dear God, can anyone give me some insight in to how to fix this or can you at least relate to how I feel ? I am dying here.

05-18-2015, 07:53 PM
I really need to hear from you out there. I feel like I am losing my mind. I have excessive worry, some depersonalization and take even the smallest things and blow them so far out of proportion. Everything is a big deal, no little things. I am really concerned I am losing it. I have even had some suicidal thoughts, I would never do anything like that, but the thoughts have still come. I cannot focus at work, it is effecting my relationships with my spouse, I have no interest is the things I used to. My self esteem and self confidence is in the crapper. This all started a few months ago on Wellbutrin, and I had cut it down because it was causing some troubling thoughts and anxiety. It seemed to help for awhile and then just went south really fast. I have been on SSRIs and SNRIs in the past, and thy made me fat and ruined my sex life. I have been in counseling for about a year. Dear God, can anyone give me some insight in to how to fix this or can you at least relate to how I feel ? I am dying here.

Hey there :)

I've just been looking at some of Claire Weekes' stuff on YouTube because I've been through some awful stuff recently and my anxiety was getting bad again. One of her main ideas is not to add the "second fear" on top of what's going on with your nervous system. She says to let the anxiety and panic do its thing and just understand it's a bunch of chemicals in your brain and will settle down - unless you add that second fear and start freaking out, adding more adrenaline to the mix. That's what keeps the anxiety going for longer than it has to.

Anyway google Claire Weekes.. I'm very impressed with what she has to say and wish I'd known about her ages ago.

Gypsy x

Mr Jingles
05-19-2015, 12:20 AM
... take even the smallest things and blow them so far out of proportion. Everything is a big deal, no little things. I am really concerned I am losing it. I have even had some suicidal thoughts

My biggest challenge is the "out of proportion" challenge you describe. It is getting better, but it's taken a while and progress is slow. Patience is necessary. I'm hopeful it will eventually leave me with a mind that is more balanced in dealing with life's challenges than I've ever had. I see evidence of that.

I don't have the suicidal thoughts lately, but they came and went for a while. Very scary. They never felt like my thoughts, but I feared the thoughts would eventually win out, especially if I was tired from insomnia or just feeling really depressed. Again, these eventually passed.

How urgent does it feel to fix all this for you? Must solve now, or just want faith that if you're patient and work at it over time it will get better?

05-19-2015, 10:35 PM
I really need to hear from you out there. I feel like I am losing my mind. I have excessive worry, some depersonalization and take even the smallest things and blow them so far out of proportion. Everything is a big deal, no little things. I am really concerned I am losing it. I have even had some suicidal thoughts, I would never do anything like that, but the thoughts have still come. I cannot focus at work, it is effecting my relationships with my spouse, I have no interest is the things I used to. My self esteem and self confidence is in the crapper. This all started a few months ago on Wellbutrin, and I had cut it down because it was causing some troubling thoughts and anxiety. It seemed to help for awhile and then just went south really fast. I have been on SSRIs and SNRIs in the past, and thy made me fat and ruined my sex life. I have been in counseling for about a year. Dear God, can anyone give me some insight in to how to fix this or can you at least relate to how I feel ? I am dying here.

You are not alone in this. I was there as well, SSRI's help me. I hate the weight gain too, but I have to work on that. Anyway, consider a low dose to help you function better,