View Full Version : Switching from Celexa to Zoloft

05-17-2015, 06:01 PM

I just joined here today. I have struggled with Anxiety all my life and am now on meds to help combat it. For the last five weeks, I was Celexa, first at 10 mg and then 20 mg. That wasn't working at all and in fact nearly sent me to the hospital twice. For me, Celexa was horrible and made me a nervous wreck everyday so I knew I needed to switch. Over the weekend, I was switched from Celexa to Zoloft and I was also given Lorazepam and so far things feel better. Has anyone had any success stories with Zoloft?

05-21-2015, 10:07 AM
I think it's America's most popular anti-depressant, so I'm guessing there are a lot of success stories. :)

Sometimes certain SSRIs just don't work for people. Prozac made me feel the way Celexa made you feel. After switching, the problems went away immediately, and soon I started to feel much calmer.

Hopefully this one's the charm for you. Let us know how you get on!

06-13-2015, 04:12 PM
The first psychiatric medication I was put on (back in 2000) was Zoloft.

My general practitioner prescribed me 50 mg of Zoloft. But a short while later, a psychiatrist increased it to 100 mg, as he told me that 50 mg was a low dose.

A few weeks later, a new psychiatrist took me off Zoloft, as the drug wasn't working for me, and may have made me a little manic, as I felt pretty darned good for a few days while I was on Zoloft.

06-20-2015, 02:25 PM
The first psychiatric medication I was put on (back in 2000) was Zoloft.

My general practitioner prescribed me 50 mg of Zoloft. But a short while later, a psychiatrist increased it to 100 mg, as he told me that 50 mg was a low dose.

A few weeks later, a new psychiatrist took me off Zoloft, as the drug wasn't working for me, and may have made me a little manic, as I felt pretty darned good for a few days while I was on Zoloft.

I felt the same way on Prozac.. It felt like it heightened my anxiety and made me have more panic attacks. My dr switched me to Zoloft and today is day 8... Still have anxiety but it takes weeks to start kicking in so I'm gonna give it a try!

09-14-2015, 06:37 PM
Yes, stick with it for a while. Like you said, it takes weeks to kick in. Different meds work differently for different people. I hope the zoloft works out for you!

12-22-2016, 11:10 AM
Im good with Sertraline/zoloft for several months