View Full Version : Hi everyone, I am an oldie but newbie. Struggling again :(

05-17-2015, 12:33 PM
So I've been dealing with my anxiety again for a few weeks now. It's getting me down. I feel like I am shaking from the inside out. I feel all alone except I'm not. I have a husband and two dogs. Today is my husband's birthday and I feel like I am taking all of his joy away because of my selfish issue. I don't like to tell too many people about this because I worry of what they will think of me. I literally don't have anyone to talk to about this stuff. I have a therapist but I'm not sure that that is helping me out this time. I have been reading my journal and noticed that this time every year my anxiety get so bad. What does this all mean? I have also noticed every year it's something different. this year I have a lot of health anxiety and always think that I'm going to die. last year I was always worried about my job in my position. It's so weird. How can I not let this take over my life? I really need to get over this. I take sertraline also known as the Zoloft and I'm scared of taking anything that will not let me function on my day to day life. Anybody else feeling like me?

05-17-2015, 12:56 PM
Well it sounds as if you are ready to kick Anxiety's ass

I remember my girlfriend broke up with me years ago on January 4. I was pretty pissed off. Bitch

The next January 4, I was in a car wreck

Guess what happened the following year? I had a panic attack worrying about what was going to happen. Nothing happened at all but a panic attack. And apparently I thought that was kinda cool because I kept feeling like shit every January 4 for the next several years

I don't know what it is with you about this time of year. But it's something

Something is getting you all jacked up this time of year so you get anxious. Doesn't matter what type of anxiety you get, the stress your mind and body are under are gonna give you some type or another

05-17-2015, 10:44 PM
I'm trying. Its goes good and then the nerves kick in. I worry it may never go away this time. What helps you guys get through the anxious feelings?

05-18-2015, 06:16 AM
I'm trying. Its goes good and then the nerves kick in. I worry it may never go away this time. What helps you guys get through the anxious feelings?

If you are always worrying if it will go away, prepare to worry and be anxious forever

Not trying to be harsh but if you have no hope or faith you can overcome this, how are you supposed to overcome this?

I was in a horrible place for years and felt the same way and I couldn't worry it away, as hard as I tried

And as bad a place I was in my mind, I got to a great place in my life. And much happier than my pre-anxiety days because I appreciate all the simple things in life now that were so difficult to do years ago

Just going to the market, driving my company provided piece of crap Prius, going on vacations, speaking in front of large groups. All of these things are welcomed now yet they terrified me back in the good ol days

So let me be the first to say that this absolutely, 100% will go away with the right captain at the helm. (That is a poor attempt at me using a boat euphemism to symbolize you guiding your mind)

Getting through anxious feelings is just realising that those thoughts are created by anxiety, not reality. If you choose to treat them as reality, you suffer. You choose to treat them as a trcik anxiety is playing trying to get you to believe a false reality, your mind and body do not react.

Anxiety needs you constantly fu*king up your thought process. You decide your eactions and beliefs. Don't let anxiety choose them for you

05-18-2015, 06:42 AM
I will chime in briefy in hopes of edification.

Your self worth and esteem, value are innate, you have a right to be here (alive). You dont have to work for them. Prove them. Be someone you are not or what you are expected to be. If you do, as you are doing, life will pass you by, and you will continue to feel guilt. You are shaky and nervous because you are suppressing who you are to be who you are supposed to be. And so many things inherent to a woman and fulfillment are missing in your life.

Be truthful with yourself, look to your feelings (in the mirror) and you will find the reason for the negative self image to which the health anxiety and physical body are projections of it. You create your reality by your ideas and expectations of it. Period.

Its about time you find out who you are and begin to live that. That is the only purpose. As far as timing goes, you are counting your biological clock every year as it ticks away from you. That is what you are feeling. An overall stress to get on with it. And a nagging impetus toward achieving, mental and physical enrichment, growth if you will. To which i have already addressed above.

I can go on forever here, but i do believe this is suffice to trigger inner reflection.