View Full Version : Finding a passion?

05-17-2015, 06:41 AM
How do you do it?

I get interested in so many different things (Guitar, Learning a language, Fitness, Programming, Sports, Psyghology, medicine etc etc etc) and I commit to learning/doing them and they seem so interesting to begin with.

I have fun and enjoy doing them, but I just lose interest before I can make any real progress....I spent weeks/months trying to learn the guitar for example, and just woke up one day and haven't touched it in months. Same with most things.

Anybody else like this? ..I want to learn so many things, but I just can't keep interested in them enough to make any real progress lol

I need to choose a career path, but I can't make my mind up :(

05-17-2015, 10:05 AM
I think when you go through the whole mental illness thing, this problems worsens.

Concentration isn't as good as it could be; inspiration is a little on the low side.

You need to make sure you're always progressing at what you're doing, even if that's happening slowly. You need a concrete plan in place detailing what you want to achieve, and when. Right now, your mind isn't really your friend. It needs extra help.

If you want to play guitar, getting to a point where you're jamming with friends or even playing gigs should probably be your ambition. If you keep going through the stages, an activity remains relevant in your life. When you're just doing something for the sake of doing it, it's cool for a while but the novelty wears off. Novelty certainly doesn't make champions. Habit does.

Years ago I tried learning programming. I learnt a few lines of code, then ended up quitting, as all I was going to ever do with it was maybe create some little things in my spare time, while in my bedroom. Now, I've picked it back up again, with the hope of really monetizing it. I have a few ideas for apps, and I'd like to take on a few freelance programming jobs in future. I've been able to dedicate 3 hours each day for the last couple of months to learning. I can notice the difference now I've got something concrete to work with, rather than just an abstract vision that I only half believe in.

05-17-2015, 10:19 AM
Some of the things that have held me back have been my insufferably high expectations. I will commit to something but if I don't pick it up quickly, or perform the task with less than perfection I will drop it like a hot dinner plate.
In order for me to decide what I wanted to do with myself, I had to first be okay with the notion I am not going to be the best at it, at least at first anyway. I had to accept there are just some.things I am not going to excel at. Being the egotistical perfectionist I am, I have difficulty accepting that I can't do anything and everything.
I tried to learn guitar. I picked up piano when I was 5, taught myself how to mimic songs I had heard, how to make pretty noise, so surely something with just 6 strings wouldn't be a challenge, right? Turns out guitar is difficult. I succeeded in learning a few chord progressions and that's as far as I went. I couldn't play like Yngwie Malmsteen so I became discoraged and stopped.
These days I suddenly realize that when I stick to only things I am sure I can master easily, I have relegated myself to a career I am no longer healthy enough to work, doing the same things I have done since childhood. I am knee deep in middle aged and still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up.
I finally settled on a a career goal. I know what I want to do finally; I worry I won't be good at it, but I am committed to the idea.

I don't think passions are born of nothing, coming on like a mystical force, but are cultivated by a gestalt of continued interest and dedication to learning about it, even when it becomes less exciting or more difficult.
Don't be in a hurry to just pick something because you feel you must. You have much more time than you think... and best of all you can always change your mind. You have the power to set goals and even change your mind and pursue something else. Own it :)

05-17-2015, 01:17 PM
"You decide which it is. Maybe like you said, nothing appeals to you. In the long run. Or maybe you are just waiting for someone else to tell you what to do. If you always follow what others expect you keep criticism at a bearable level. Right?" - Im-Suffering

I know you're trying to help, Im-S, but this just sounds rude. You make a lot of assumptions about people.

05-17-2015, 06:10 PM
How do you do it?

I get interested in so many different things (Guitar, Learning a language, Fitness, Programming, Sports, Psyghology, medicine etc etc etc) and I commit to learning/doing them and they seem so interesting to begin with.

I have fun and enjoy doing them, but I just lose interest before I can make any real progress....I spent weeks/months trying to learn the guitar for example, and just woke up one day and haven't touched it in months. Same with
most things.

Anybody else like this? ..I want to learn so many things, but I just can't keep interested in them enough to make any real progress lol

I need to choose a career path, but I can't make my mind up :(

Are you I? I have thousand of hobbies and switch between them all the time, in meantime I acquired a lot of skills. I do not regret even one thing I learned. I am not master in anything but the fun I have. I had to have three books, a the time, so I can switch ;))
Few years ago I started to make my soap ; today I make everything possible, maybe I am not the famous chemist and the best one, but satisfaction; priceless......
I would not worry about your quitting , one day you will pick it up, and go on. Anxious people have difficulties to focus on one thing. We need the inspiration to go on......... Good luck with whatever you pick up next. Never stop, make your life full of excitement and laugh:))
I think the hobbies I have helped me to a lot in my life:)

05-18-2015, 04:06 AM
Thank you all for the responses!

It's just irritating, I want to learn so many things but I struggle to stretch my attention and interest, I guess I'm looking for 'Something' I can throw my self into and master, have something that in good at!

The only thing I consisently do effortlessly is sit on my backside and play video games -.- lol

If I applied the same amount of time to learning a language for example, I would easily be fluent by now!


Iv also been on Citlopram (20mg) for almost 3 weeks now (Havent noticed anything yet I don't think) and I feel slightly lazier with it...I'm saying 'sod it' to more things!

I'm hoping the meds will just 'kick in' one day and make a difference.

05-18-2015, 01:32 PM
And so he has learned nothing here, but how to beat himself up even more.

That, he is practiced and well versed in, you see the irony here. There is something he is good at. And persistant.

This is a learned behaviour, through conditioning, literally programmed to feel badly about himself. The reason for every feeling he faces. And the need for the drugs to kick in and video games as an escape into a more pleasant alter. Or a sidetrack away from a confused conflicted psyche.

As always this thread can be used as an archetype to help others who are ready to understand and 'get it'. So nothing is ever lost in that sense.

So rude.


05-18-2015, 02:50 PM
I am suffering what going on? I find it offensive too, it is not like you????????????Something bad happened?

05-18-2015, 03:03 PM
I am suffering what going on? I find it offensive too, it is not like you????????????Something bad happened?

My apologies.

05-18-2015, 06:31 PM
I think it's great he can laugh about himself. Maybe you can learn something from him Im-Suffering?