View Full Version : Explaining my anxiety to my boyfriend's family

05-16-2015, 01:00 AM
Hi -

So, I'm still fairly new to coping with my anxiety (I've been having panic attacks for well over a decade, but didn't know what they were or why they happened until recently). So, I was supposed to spend Christmas with my boyfriend's family this past December due to extreme anxiety and overwhelming anxiety attacks. I just couldn't make the drive. I have been with my boyfriend for over 4 years, he is aware of my anxiety and panic issues and is very helpful and sympathetic. But I haven't seen my boyfriend's family since I skipped out on Christmas, and tomorrow I will be seeing them again. I just don't know how to explain my absence to them without either making something up or sounding crazy....

Does anybody have any advice?

05-16-2015, 02:37 AM
It's awful when you have to make things up to cover for anxiety. I don't know how close you are with them but maybe you should tell them the truth - that you have an anxiety disorder. If they don't know what that is just say it's like when you get really nervous before a job interview or whatever, but with an anxiety disorder you can't control it and feel like that all the time. I also find showing people webpages about anxiety helps them understand it.

Good luck :)
Gypsy x

05-16-2015, 06:56 PM
Tell them the truth. Make sure they know that this was not just a tummy ache-- it's a condition you've had to deal with for years [and have to deal with every day]. They don't have to understand what it feels like-- all they have to know is your intentions. When your intention is presented, which is that you did want to see them, they will appreciate your honesty, I would think.