View Full Version : Pressure
08-20-2008, 03:44 PM
Sometimes throughout the day it feels like i have pressure pushing down on the top of my head or neck. It kind of feels like a slight weight is pushing me towards the ground and then i get fearful that I might faint, which never happens. In matter of fact i just ran four miles a few minutes ago and if that doesn't make me faint nothing will. Just wondering if anybody else gets the same pressure feeling too.
08-20-2008, 03:49 PM
Sometimes throughout the day it feels like i have pressure pushing down on the top of my head or neck. It kind of feels like a slight weight is pushing me towards the ground and then i get fearful that I might faint, which never happens. In matter of fact i just ran four miles a few minutes ago and if that doesn't make me faint nothing will. Just wondering if anybody else gets the same pressure feeling too.
Yes i get this and i also get weird feelings around my head. its weird.
yeah, its probably anxiety.
08-20-2008, 04:54 PM
Sometimes throughout the day it feels like i have pressure pushing down on the top of my head or neck. It kind of feels like a slight weight is pushing me towards the ground and then i get fearful that I might faint, which never happens. In matter of fact i just ran four miles a few minutes ago and if that doesn't make me faint nothing will. Just wondering if anybody else gets the same pressure feeling too.
Have your blood pressure checked. It could be either hypertension or hypotension (low or high blood pressure). I get this too now and then, along with a strange swooshing sound in my ears (my heart beat, muffled). I doubt it's anything serious. But high or low BP can cause an array of other feelings of ill, so best just do a self-test, at Walmart, perhaps.
08-20-2008, 05:24 PM
I don't think i have any blood pressure problems, and if I do it would be my anxiety that is causing them. I'm only 16 so I would think my bp would be normal. I'm at a healthy weight and i run, swim, and play tennis everyday.
08-20-2008, 05:38 PM
Ok, you're only 16... who exactly diagnosed you as having anxiety problems? Have you actually seen a doctor or a counseller/psychiatrist to determine what's wrong?
Do you mind me asking WHY you're suffering with anxiety at such a young age?
08-20-2008, 07:31 PM
When i was about 10/11 years old I had my first anxiety attack where i thought I was dying, my whole entire body went numb and i could not feel anything at all. I went to the doctors office right away and she said that it was anxiety and she gave me half a xanax or something like that (that's the only time i've ever taken any meds for anxiety) She recommended me to a therapist and he helped me overcome my anxiety. And i stopped seeing him after a few months. At that time my parents were going through a divorce and my grandma died and I was having a strained relationship with my mother, all of which contributed to my anxiety.
For the past 4/5 years i've been pretty much anxiety free, until recently. I have a "Type A" personality and I think it contributes to the anxiety. I always have to be the best, i have straight A's in school and put myself under a lot of pressure. Lately a lot of my anxiety is anxiety about having anxiety. I am afraid of having an attack and my fear seems to cause even more anxiety. I recently went back to my therapist for one visit and he seems to think that when my mind isn't occupied ( reading a book, shooting a basketball, swinging a tennis racket) I get worrisome thoughts and start catastrophizing which causes anxiety. So, yeah. That's about it... lol.
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