View Full Version : you threw off my groove

05-14-2015, 09:24 AM
Just a small rant this morning.. Over what I consider to be a stupid anxiety attack yesterday.

So I have this routine... I work mon-fri from 8-5. The first thing I do when I get home is workout for 30 minutes. I have DVDs I use... I have been doing this for 5 years now. About 1.5 years ago my husband and I bought a house, and I have ALWAYS used the living room space to exercise. It has the big TV, a lot of space, and it was overall just easier.

Yesterday, my husband decided to tell me he wants me to work out in the garage now. I HATE the idea of working out in the garage.. the ground is hard & cold(carpet in the house), it either TOO hot or TOO cold out there, and there are tons of spiders! I instantly felt my brain snap at the anxiety start to take over when he suggested this..

He had perfectly valuable reasons. When he is home, I take up the main space in the house, and he wishes to use it. He also said that some of the floors are old under the carpet(they are kind of squeaky), and I am not heavy, but my workouts involve A LOT of jumping, which over time will wear on the flooring. The other places we lived did not have this issue..

The only solution we came to was that I can use the spare bedroom instead... At least I have the carpet. He said is goal is still to eventually get me to use the garage as to not ruin the flooring.

I didn't "freak out" on him per say, but my mind was NOT excepting this idea. I have been doing this for 1.5 years at this house, why is it now suddenly an issue? The ONE thing I ask to have to myself every day, my 30 minutes of exercise in the living room, has to be moved? 30 minutes is not a long time. Honestly I don't think I weight enough to mess up the flooring...

Why the heck can't I let go of this? I know logically it isn't a big deal. Using the spare bedroom is not the worst thing that could happen to me. Using the garage also isn't either. I'll end up doing it anyways but I'll do it while being grumpy..

The idea of change I don't like... maybe?

Ugh so frustrating...
The only win I can say I get out of this is that I controlled myself pretty well & talked it out with him instead of getting upset.. I kept most of that in my head. That's def. a win for me..
Thanks for reading.. I told you it was a pretty "stupid" attack lol.