View Full Version : does anyone else have this?

08-20-2008, 03:33 PM
Does anyone else smell a metallic smell. Is it from anxiety? because im paranoid at the moment of having a brain tumor.

08-20-2008, 04:51 PM
Does anyone else smell a metallic smell. Is it from anxiety? because im paranoid at the moment of having a brain

I think the fact that you chose to use the word, "paranoid", suggests that this fear is in itself part of your anxiety. And yes, it would appear to be perfectly normal to experience strange smells and tastes. I found this after doing a quick search on Google..

"Anxiety symptoms - Taste and smell symptoms - A “tinny,” “metallic,” “ammonia,” “blood-like,” bitter, or odd or unusual smell or taste in the mouth and/or nose
Taste and smell symptoms: You have a sporadic or persistent odd taste or smell. Some describe it as “tinny,” “metallic,” “ammonia,” “blood-like,” “blood in the mouth,” bitter, or some other odd smell or taste. This smell or taste is not related to something you’ve eaten or from your environment. Most often it has no rational explanation."

I am no doctor, but I think if you had a brain tumour, you would be in extreme pain with vomiting.
Hope this makes you feel better.