View Full Version : Is this an anxiety disorder?? :|

08-20-2008, 10:42 AM
Hi, I’m new to this community. I found it after doing some research into anxiety, specifically GAD and found that many of the symptoms match my experiences, yay! I don’t feel quite so weird anymore.

I have been feeling anxious on and off her about 3 years about different things. It began when I started to have niggling little doubts about my relationship. I began to obsess over them. It was like I couldn't feel totally happy because it was always at the back of my mind. I began to wonder why I’m not as romantic as he is or why I didn’t feel the butterflies I use to feel and think about it until it gets blown out of all proportion. They seem to become such massive issues and I think I can’t love him that much. Then I go and open my mouth about not being happy and they suddenly feel so heartless and I realize it’s not actually true and go back to feeling really guilty and a horrible person. I’m always monitoring how I feel and worrying if I don’t feel like I should. I think thats one of the main triggers.

One of my other favourite obsessive thoughts is going over incidents that have happened in the past where I’ve acted stupidly or behaviour I’m embarrassed of. I feel really anxious when I think of them and realize how it must have looked and then I start to wonder why I did it. I feel tainted (I know that sound daft) by some of the weird and stupid things I’ve done in the past and can’t really get over them, even though they’re not that bad.

I also feel often feel anxious when I’m with groups of people too, worrying about how i'm coming across and if I’m saying something stupid. I find it difficult to keep track of what people are saying because of this and feel headachy and dizzy. I don’t know if this is depersonalization, but it sounds similar.

I’m sorry this has been a really long post but i’ve got pretty much everything off my chest. Its not as bad as I’ve made it sound, sometimes I’ll feel fine, then other times I’ll feel like crap (usually when I’ve been on my own and thinking too much). :unsure:

08-21-2008, 01:05 AM
I think it is fairly normal to have thoughts (sometimes doubts) about relationships, and how you are being portrayed by other people. I think this goes away as you get older and more comfortable with yourself.

Are you having any physical symptoms from your anxiety??

08-21-2008, 06:53 AM
I sometimes get headaches and feel dizzy and tired when im in social situations. Its mainly when im thinking about how im coming across and what im saying too much. This actually ends up making me slower and less able to keep up with conversations.
If i'm worrying about something that i've done or said in the past too much then ill get a bad stomach. I know the key is obviously just to let it go and not think about it too much but thats easier said than done.

08-21-2008, 10:28 PM
One of my other favourite obsessive thoughts is going over incidents that have happened in the past where I’ve acted stupidly or behaviour I’m embarrassed of. I feel really anxious when I think of them and realize how it must have looked and then I start to wonder why I did it. I feel tainted (I know that sound daft) by some of the weird and stupid things I’ve done in the past and can’t really get over them, even though they’re not that bad.
i do that too.
i just die thinking about it and wish i could just disappear into a hole or go back and change it.
then i say to myself, Hey! It's been over 10 years! Do you think THEY remember you acting like a doofus? Are THEY even in your life anymore?
it helps pull me back from the horrid feelings.
because if they remember me doing/saying something that dumb after ten years ~ they have a bigger problem than me. they have no life!