View Full Version : going abroad..having panic attacks

08-20-2008, 04:37 AM
althouh i have felt better the last few days.
I got up this morning thinking about being away from home and getting nervous now, i am 4 weeks away from going to Ibiza and i am starting to worry i will have bad attacks while away, at home a few times i have hypervenlated so much to the point of passing out and having an ambulance come... i seem to just want to keep taking a deep breth, feel like lungs are not satisfied and just keep deep breathing to the point of panic mode.
what if this happens when i am away, i am going to the most remote part of ibiza its 30mins from the main town.. I hate being away from home.
i dont want to upset my family by not going

08-20-2008, 04:45 AM
hello jen,

i am moving to the US in a few weeks. and i feel the same way as you do! how long will you be away?

i am scared of having an attack while away from home too. have you talked to a doctor?


08-20-2008, 07:48 AM
Its only a week,but i know if i have 1 i will have may. Am going to make doc appointment today.
He will probably put me in straight jacket and cart me off to Abraham Cowley mental hospital.

08-20-2008, 05:10 PM
althouh i have felt better the last few days.
I got up this morning thinking about being away from home and getting nervous now, i am 4 weeks away from going to Ibiza and i am starting to worry i will have bad attacks while away, at home a few times i have hypervenlated so much to the point of passing out and having an ambulance come... i seem to just want to keep taking a deep breth, feel like lungs are not satisfied and just keep deep breathing to the point of panic mode.
what if this happens when i am away, i am going to the most remote part of ibiza its 30mins from the main town.. I hate being away from home.
i dont want to upset my family by not going

Straight away, it is so easy to see the problem here, not with just the original poster, but the response too.
I know it seems easier said than done, but why even ASSUME you're going to be ill? Do you realise that if you tell yourself there's a chance you're going to have a panic attack, then chances are you'll have one?
There are so many ways to avoid it, and believe me, i'm not talking in ignorance, I've had my fair share of attacks to know what I'm talking about, the last one being in a crowded airport where I vomited infront of holiday-makers! EMBARASSING!

But ya know what.. ask yourself this. Am I actually going to die if I have one? NO! You're not! Is something terrible going to happen if I go to Ibiza/USA? NO! It's not!

I strongly recommend meditation to help you overcome this hateful little obsticle. Because that's all it is. A small obstacle in the way of life's path. Treat it as a little nuisance, but certainly NOT something that stops you living your life.
Meditation tapes, books on overcoming anxiety (particularly the books in the series called, "An Idiots Guide To......" They're invaluable!
It's hard, I know, but rational thinking often helps ease anxiety. For instance, when you're on the plane to Ibiza, look around you at the other passengers. Study their faces and note what they're doing to occupy themselves. You're not the only one that fears being away from home or flying or not being near a hospital. But again, why convince yourself you need to be near one? Hospital is for sick people. Not someone who's suffering from anxiety. And trust me, there's a big difference between the two.

Do you really want to be a hypercondriac? Someone who can't ever go anywhere without checking that you're within driving or walking distance of the local emergency room? Of course you don't! So don't allow yourself to become one! Nip this in the bud, because if you don't, you'll end up one lonely, miserable person, and NO one wants that to happen to themselves.

Ge the book I recommended.. The Idiots Guide to Anxiety. And read it page to page. It helps.

08-21-2008, 07:54 AM
hey jen, im in exactly the same position ur in right now
im goin to malia(near creece) in under 2 weeks and im honestly scared that ill have a panic attack on the plane...my breathing has been really bad the past month or 2 and have been to the hospital twice ....but im gonna try and not let that stop me having a gd time with my m8s i know its hard but i think ur gonna have to try and tell urself its just anxiety and that it cant harm u thats the best we can do tbh gd luck and have a try to have a gd holiday ...

08-21-2008, 01:32 PM

Take some Vit B Complex from tomorrow, they should help your nerves, and even take a multi vit with it.

I had a panic attack today at work...infact right now i am sitting here deep breathing, crazy isnt it.

What did the hospital say about your breathing?

I hope u have a great time away


08-21-2008, 02:44 PM
hi jen
go for it and enjoy
i was in greece a month ago spent the whole month before i went panicking when we got to the airport i felt awful my teeshirt looked terrible with a slight sweating haha ,but i had a great holiday once there hope u do too.