View Full Version : ( Feeling Better!! Somewhat)

05-10-2015, 07:36 PM
So My unreal feeling has levels... most of my life id say it was at a 4-5.... And i would smoke weed and drink alcohol... then i had a massive attack from a aura migraine thinking something was wrong with me. ( this was after ignoring my pills on and off *citalopram* ) so.. when i started to panic during the migraine.. it made me feel REALLY messed.. like the unreal went from a 5 to an 7-8... everythings brighter...and more intense... i would get fear randomly... but since switching to Zoloft 3 days ago.. each day is getting a bit better.... Today on my ride home from Picking up Groceries.... i had like a FLASH for about 8 seconds... where i felt Normal Again... I read how people get flashes and it sometimes+ make them feel more disassociated.... but this flash was like almost brining me back to my... 4-5 view i had that i was able to live with... Anyway i am feeling very positive towards this medication... i know i gotta do other things than reply on pills.... And talking to you guys has been a huge help.... People in my life close to me.. see me one day ill look fine... but what bothers me is... i ain't fine... i don't like others thinking im 100% cured ect... that alone causes me stress and i start to panic.. idk... but i just wanted to share this incase anyone else is having the helpless feelings... few days ago i thought there was nothing i could do... but i guess time helps. I just want to thank you guys for the support and i want you to know i am here for any of you in return! Message me any time! it;s around 9pm so i feel alright about my day today.

05-10-2015, 07:53 PM
So My unreal feeling has levels... most of my life id say it was at a 4-5.... And i would smoke weed and drink alcohol... then i had a massive attack from a aura migraine thinking something was wrong with me. ( this was after ignoring my pills on and off *citalopram* ) so.. when i started to panic during the migraine.. it made me feel REALLY messed.. like the unreal went from a 5 to an 7-8... everythings brighter...and more intense... i would get fear randomly... but since switching to Zoloft 3 days ago.. each day is getting a bit better.... Today on my ride home from Picking up Groceries.... i had like a FLASH for about 8 seconds... where i felt Normal Again... I read how people get flashes and it sometimes+ make them feel more disassociated.... but this flash was like almost brining me back to my... 4-5 view i had that i was able to live with... Anyway i am feeling very positive towards this medication... i know i gotta do other things than reply on pills.... And talking to you guys has been a huge help.... People in my life close to me.. see me one day ill look fine... but what bothers me is... i ain't fine... i don't like others thinking im 100% cured ect... that alone causes me stress and i start to panic.. idk... but i just wanted to share this incase anyone else is having the helpless feelings... few days ago i thought there was nothing i could do... but i guess time helps. I just want to thank you guys for the support and i want you to know i am here for any of you in return! Message me any time! it;s around 9pm so i feel alright about my day today.

Well done!

So important to celebrate the victories because Lord knows we dwell on the setbacks

"Cured" is in the mind of each one of us and each one of us have a different definition of it

You seem to be moving towards your interpretation. That is huge

Stay the course and remain positive!

You're almost there

05-13-2015, 01:02 AM
Good stuff, ive had ups and downs often I do good then relapse a bit but I always manage to get back on track and manage sounds like ur doing good.

05-13-2015, 03:58 AM
That's great, good work :)

05-14-2015, 07:37 PM
Congratulations! I'm happy for you! :)