View Full Version : Worried I have colon cancer

05-10-2015, 08:23 AM
In November I began having constipation problems, as well as thin stools. During the preceding two or such weeks before this I had nausea and got sick whenever I tried to eat much, as well as insomnia, which seems odd to be associated with this problem. But for the last five months I have irregular bowel movements, and it's getting a little worrying. I also have an occasional loss of appetite. The only positives are no blood, no pain, fatigue or weight loss so far. I have been to the doctor about this and they try to attribute it all to fiber. They also found a lot of stool lodged in my colon during an x-ray. I want them to give me a scope, but they feel it's unneeded. I am 23, slim, eat too much meat and too little vegetables then I should, have bowel problems on my mom's side and an unknown history on my biological father's side of the family. Due to my age colon cancer would be very unlikely, but not impossible. I'd like some insight on what you all think of my situation. I also have two small lumps under my right armpit. They're lightly red tinted. One appeared on Monday and another two days ago. The one from Monday has gotten smaller. It also used to leak a pus like fluid.

05-10-2015, 09:38 AM
"I want them to give me a scope, but they feel it's unneeded."

Trust them. They'd give you a scope if they thought you might have cancer. My dad had colon cancer but he was like 65yo. You really don't want a colonoscopy if it's not warranted :)

05-10-2015, 10:48 AM
"I want them to give me a scope, but they feel it's unneeded."

Trust them. They'd give you a scope if they thought you might have cancer. My dad had colon cancer but he was like 65yo. You really don't want a colonoscopy if it's not warranted :)

I feel I need something, though, I have had all these bowel changes and it's worrying.

05-10-2015, 10:55 AM
Go buy some meta mucil - it will bulk up your stool. If you ever have a bigger stool - then cancer is not the cause of your thin stools.

Your doctors are right in saying fiber is the biggest factor in stool appearance. It affects everything from bulk to texture. Your muscles also create stool shape as you are going, so straining, tension, sitting position can all cause thin stools.

I went through the same thing around the same age. My stuff was thinner than a pinky. Also irregular bm's with all kinda craziness going on in that bowl, every day. I did notice some blood and also lost 20-25 pounds (This occurred during a period of high anxiety for me).

At this point I have regained the weight and everything stool wise is a lot better, if not perfect.

Don't research it online - the good information of few and far between. Start with Metamucil. You're fine.

05-10-2015, 11:23 AM
Go buy some meta mucil - it will bulk up your stool. If you ever have a bigger stool - then cancer is not the cause of your thin stools.

Your doctors are right in saying fiber is the biggest factor in stool appearance. It affects everything from bulk to texture. Your muscles also create stool shape as you are going, so straining, tension, sitting position can all cause thin stools.

I went through the same thing around the same age. My stuff was thinner than a pinky. Also irregular bm's with all kinda craziness going on in that bowl, every day. I did notice some blood and also lost 20-25 pounds (This occurred during a period of high anxiety for me).

At this point I have regained the weight and everything stool wise is a lot better, if not perfect.

Don't research it online - the good information of few and far between. Start with Metamucil. You're fine.

Any other symptoms you have with that?

05-10-2015, 11:34 AM
Pretty much every one in the book.

05-10-2015, 02:51 PM
Pretty much every one in the book.

Did you ever experienced a decreased urge to urinate? I do, it still comes out perfectly fine, but my body rarely tells me I have to go.

05-10-2015, 03:14 PM
Ya, but that is largely dependent on fluid intake. And, everybody is different. Again, don't read online and get worried because the recommended amount to go everyday is 7 times, or whatever. Everybody is different. I think I average like 3-4 times, but I go a lot when I do (usually). Drink more water, you will go more.

Also, your pelvic floor muscles influence all that (Urination and the other end). If they are tense you can get some odd experiences.

05-10-2015, 03:40 PM
Ya, but that is largely dependent on fluid intake. And, everybody is different. Again, don't read online and get worried because the recommended amount to go everyday is 7 times, or whatever. Everybody is different. I think I average like 3-4 times, but I go a lot when I do (usually). Drink more water, you will go more.

Also, your pelvic floor muscles influence all that (Urination and the other end). If they are tense you can get some odd experiences.

So Metamucil and increased fiber will likely clear it all up? Also, did you have constipation or sleep disturbances during your time with messed up bowels?

05-10-2015, 04:09 PM
Metamucil is fiber that is designed to bulk up your stool.

I saw instant results, though it can take a bit to work.

My awareness of constipation is what started that bout of anxiety. I had never paid attention to it before - so I wasn't 100 percent sure of what was normal for me. I had been taking antibiotics, and they messed up my system. For months I was only going once a week or so.

Probiotics and a better diet began to recreate regularity, but that began my awareness of how off my stools seemed/were to textbook standards.

Had a lot of issues with sleep, but that was from stress/anxiety, not the digestion stuff.

05-10-2015, 04:31 PM
Metamucil is fiber that is designed to bulk up your stool.

I saw instant results, though it can take a bit to work.

My awareness of constipation is what started that bout of anxiety. I had never paid attention to it before - so I wasn't 100 percent sure of what was normal for me. I had been taking antibiotics, and they messed up my system. For months I was only going once a week or so.

Probiotics and a better diet began to recreate regularity, but that began my awareness of how off my stools seemed/were to textbook standards.

Had a lot of issues with sleep, but that was from stress/anxiety, not the digestion stuff.

My sleep issues seemed to precede this. Before this started I got a bout of nausea that lasted a few days. One other question, did your problems have any effect on your hunger?

05-10-2015, 04:37 PM
I was eating once a day if I was lucky. But, again, I can now see how my anxiety and stress was the main culprit in that even though at the time I thought otherwise.

Not eating also makes stools thin and funky.

05-10-2015, 04:51 PM
I was eating once a day if I was lucky. But, again, I can now see how my anxiety and stress was the main culprit in that even though at the time I thought otherwise.

Not eating also makes stools thin and funky.

I still eat quite a bit, but out of habit rather than because I get hunger pains. I hope to get some Metamucil soon and see how that goes.

05-10-2015, 05:03 PM
Also, every time I become constipated, I notice my stools are very thin.

Metamucil will be available at your local grocery store.

It will bulk the stool, and should help constipation.

If you can't beat the constipation I would recommend the probiotic plus fruits and veggies route over a laxative.

Very soon this will be behind you.
Good luck.

05-12-2015, 07:01 PM
I had a dab of bright red blood on the toilet paper after wiping.

05-12-2015, 07:22 PM
Just eat an ass load of fiber

Lots of fiber = plenty of toilet time

That's the key

05-12-2015, 07:29 PM
Just eat an ass load of fiber

Lots of fiber = plenty of toilet time

That's the key

What do you make of the dab of red blood on my toilet paper?

05-12-2015, 07:34 PM
Big log going through a slightly smaller pipe

That is my best guess

09-25-2015, 03:21 PM
I am glad finding this forum.
I am having the same situation with you. I went to general surgeon, digestive surgeon several times to rule out the condition. They sure reassure me that I am too young to have a colon c it my age (I am 24), but it only last maybe 1 or 2 weeks until my anxiety level is high again and need more reassurement. Last week I went panic due some stool change. I asked whether I have to had a colonoscopy but they tell me not to have one because it is not needed for now due my age, and they sure it is nothing. I am in benzo withdrawal too, so I nitice many priblem related to GI which made me nervous