View Full Version : Very anxious about my current situation....

05-09-2015, 02:13 PM
Hello my name’s Emma , I know this is not technically SA related and sorry if this sounds stupid and paranoid at all but I have very severe anxiety (My doctor thinks it’s escalated to avoidant personality disorder from social anxiety) and I wasn’t sure who I could turn to. I am 22 and I lost my virginity on the 5th of April to my then-boyfriend. Both on that instance and the next day I made sure that he wore condoms as I wasn't on BC. I got my period on tenth April and as far as I can recall it was a regular flow and of normal length, so I know that I am probably NOT pregnant but this month my period has not arrived on time ( only by a day so far but it doesn't ease my anxiety and currently there are none of the usual PMS signs I have).
I've not been feeling well physically for the past few days, such as having hot and cold flashes and as I am in the last two weeks of 2nd year of university, assignment stress is making me really on edge and messing up my sleep cycle and such and my mum has commented that I don’t look well, so I'm thinking that my period may be late due to the stress of this.

However my mind keeps over thinking things and it definitely doesn't help reading up on symptoms that I've been having because, I'm sure you can relate, anxiety makes us think we have everything, and I've also read it was possible for the mind to trick your body into thinking you're pregnant when you're not.

I was just wondering if it was possible whether anyone had ever been in a similar situation? I'm not sure whether to take a pregnancy test if my period does not come in a few days, and this is making me even more anxious as I am not in a good situation mentally/financially etc.. I had a quick look at the tests in Boots just in case to make sure I knew where they were but even then I was paranoid that would someone see and question me if I do end up having to buy one (Doesn’t help that my friend works there)

Really sorry for the long ramble I appreciate any help/advice that anyone can give to help me ease my mind.... Thank you!!!

05-09-2015, 04:28 PM
Ah, I remember the days of biting my fingernails and pacing the floor whilst waiting for my girlfriend to get her period

Then it was elation until the day she was supposed to get it in the next month

I'm a guy but I can relate with your same situation from a guy's perspective

Since you got your period after your first time doing it, I would easily say you are not pregnant

The stress and worry about this month is probably why it hasn't come yet

I think you are safe

And way to go by not letting your boyfriend talk you into not using a condom

Even if he didn't, he will at some point

When he explains why it is safe, he is lying ; )

Mr Jingles
05-09-2015, 09:10 PM

I've also read it was possible for the mind to trick your body into thinking you're pregnant when you're not.

My own anxiety experience has been fraught with worrying I've got things I don't.

From what you've said, you are very likely not pregnant. It's good that you're preparing for action, but not pushing yourself too hard (for example, going to Boots but not forcing yourself to decide to buy just yet).

If you are pregnant, you will likely surprise yourself with your ability to cope. It will not likely be as bad as you think. Of course, the mind doesn't want to let go of its fears.

And again, from what you've said, you are probably not pregnant, just stressed.

Good luck and please update us. We are here to listen.

05-09-2015, 09:19 PM
Hello my name’s Emma , I know this is not technically SA related and sorry if this sounds stupid and paranoid at all but I have very severe anxiety (My doctor thinks it’s escalated to avoidant personality disorder from social anxiety) and I wasn’t sure who I could turn to. I am 22 and I lost my virginity on the 5th of April to my then-boyfriend. Both on that instance and the next day I made sure that he wore condoms as I wasn't on BC. I got my period on tenth April and as far as I can recall it was a regular flow and of normal length, so I know that I am probably NOT pregnant but this month my period has not arrived on time ( only by a day so far but it doesn't ease my anxiety and currently there are none of the usual PMS signs I have).
I've not been feeling well physically for the past few days, such as having hot and cold flashes and as I am in the last two weeks of 2nd year of university, assignment stress is making me really on edge and messing up my sleep cycle and such and my mum has commented that I don’t look well, so I'm thinking that my period may be late due to the stress of this.

However my mind keeps over thinking things and it definitely doesn't help reading up on symptoms that I've been having because, I'm sure you can relate, anxiety makes us think we have everything, and I've also read it was possible for the mind to trick your body into thinking you're pregnant when you're not.

I was just wondering if it was possible whether anyone had ever been in a similar situation? I'm not sure whether to take a pregnancy test if my period does not come in a few days, and this is making me even more anxious as I am not in a good situation mentally/financially etc.. I had a quick look at the tests in Boots just in case to make sure I knew where they were but even then I was paranoid that would someone see and question me if I do end up having to buy one (Doesn’t help that my friend works there)

Really sorry for the long ramble I appreciate any help/advice that anyone can give to help me ease my mind.... Thank you!!!

I don't think there's any way you could be pregnant if you had a normal period. It might've happened in some freak situation but everything comes out when that comes out. My main symptom when I was first pregnant was sore boobs. Periods are rarely like clockwork.

05-09-2015, 09:47 PM
Mine shows up anywhere from 2 weeks early to three months late. Most if it depends on my stress level.
Hah when I was pregnant I honestly thought I had a gnarly, persistent stomach flu for the first 2 months. Cheeseburger Wednesday at McDonald's showed me the light. No non-pregnant teenage girl would have the desire to eat 14 cheeseburgers in a single sitting, then polish off an entire avocado

05-09-2015, 10:11 PM
Mine shows up anywhere from 2 weeks early to three months late. Most if it depends on my stress level.
Hah when I was pregnant I honestly thought I had a gnarly, persistent stomach flu for the first 2 months. Cheeseburger Wednesday at McDonald's showed me the light. No non-pregnant teenage girl would have the desire to eat 14 cheeseburgers in a single sitting, then polish off an entire avocado

LOL. So the avocado was like the salad?

05-11-2015, 01:53 AM
Hi everyone
Thank you so much for your quick and kind responses. It’s now day 3 of no show period   I used to have irregular periods and I’m not that good at keeping track but since getting an app I’ve gotten better at it. I’m struggling to remember if it was a normal period now, I’m pretty sure it was and I’m really thinking and hoping it’s due to stress and messed up sleep cycles but I’m still not 100% convinced as I have been feeling sick at random times and yesterday I felt really unwell (I’m my own worst enemy, keep reading stories on the web about rare occasions, stupid Emma ) so I have a Dr appointment this morning as I’m 99.8% it’s physical symptoms of anxiety/stress or a virus or something, so maybe they can suggest something.

Mine shows up anywhere from 2 weeks early to three months late. Most if it depends on my stress level.
Hah when I was pregnant I honestly thought I had a gnarly, persistent stomach flu for the first 2 months. Cheeseburger Wednesday at McDonald's showed me the light. No non-pregnant teenage girl would have the desire to eat 14 cheeseburgers in a single sitting, then polish off an entire avocado

Hehehe this made me smile and feel slightly queasy at the same time

05-11-2015, 04:36 AM
Hello my name’s Emma , I know this is not technically SA related and sorry if this sounds stupid and paranoid at all but I have very severe anxiety (My doctor thinks it’s escalated to avoidant personality disorder from social anxiety) and I wasn’t sure who I could turn to. I am 22 and I lost my virginity on the 5th of April to my then-boyfriend. Both on that instance and the next day I made sure that he wore condoms as I wasn't on BC. I got my period on tenth April and as far as I can recall it was a regular flow and of normal length, so I know that I am probably NOT pregnant but this month my period has not arrived on time ( only by a day so far but it doesn't ease my anxiety and currently there are none of the usual PMS signs I have).
I've not been feeling well physically for the past few days, such as having hot and cold flashes and as I am in the last two weeks of 2nd year of university, assignment stress is making me really on edge and messing up my sleep cycle and such and my mum has commented that I don’t look well, so I'm thinking that my period may be late due to the stress of this.

However my mind keeps over thinking things and it definitely doesn't help reading up on symptoms that I've been having because, I'm sure you can relate, anxiety makes us think we have everything, and I've also read it was possible for the mind to trick your body into thinking you're pregnant when you're not.

I was just wondering if it was possible whether anyone had ever been in a similar situation? I'm not sure whether to take a pregnancy test if my period does not come in a few days, and this is making me even more anxious as I am not in a good situation mentally/financially etc.. I had a quick look at the tests in Boots just in case to make sure I knew where they were but even then I was paranoid that would someone see and question me if I do end up having to buy one (Doesn’t help that my friend works there)

Really sorry for the long ramble I appreciate any help/advice that anyone can give to help me ease my mind.... Thank you!!!

First you must repent, sex without marriage is sin.

After repenting start fasting and praying and reading Bible, after fasting get Holy Communion.

05-11-2015, 04:48 AM
First you must repent, sex without marriage is sin. After repenting start fasting and praying and reading Bible, after fasting get Holy Communion.

Hocus pocus!!

05-11-2015, 04:59 AM
I dunno, I think I might try that LOL ;)

05-11-2015, 06:32 AM
Patience and kindness now, understanding that each individual is in a different place mentally speaking.